Topic 4 DQ 1: Legislation Through Nurses Essay

Topic 4 DQ 1: Legislation Through Nurses Essay

Health care delivery is complex due to the inevitable evolution of health and health care needs. As a result, a multifaceted approach is needed to improve people’s health and well-being. Recently, legislators who are also nurses have been instrumental in policy and advocacy efforts through legislation and other initiatives. It is encouraging to see people experienced in health matters being instrumental in health care transformation through advocacy.

Cori Bush is a suitable example of a legislator who is also a nurse. Born in 1976, Bush represents Missouri’s Congressional District in the House of Representatives (Brack, 2021). As a registered nurse, activist, and community organizer, Bush has been pivotal in community transformation by active engagement in initiatives that transform health and societies, such as Black Lives Matter, health advocacy, and school teaching. Regarding health care delivery, Bush has sponsored and cosponsored bills seeking to improve health care within and outside Missouri. She has also earned numerous awards to credit her efforts as an instrumental health care advocacy and social change agent.

Among many bills influencing health care, Bush sponsored the Protect Sexual and Reproductive Health Act of 2022 (H.R.8524). The bill is established on the principle that people cannot be optimally healthy without adequate, accessible, and affordable sexual and reproductive health care services. The Protect and Reproductive Health Act of 2022 is in the Committee stage and is expected to be law soon. Under this bill, the Department of Health and Human Services will introduce an Office of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Well-Being to expand related services to all populations and ensure sexual and reproductive rights are not abused (, 2022). Targeted populations will benefit from education programs, sexual and reproductive health justice, and other benefits. It is also crucial to note that sexual and reproductive health helps to eliminate infectious diseases and health disparities (, 2022). Education and related services are essential for preventing infertility problems since people are supported to make wise decisions regarding sexual activities and reproduction.


Brack, N. (2021). Cori Bush. Blackpast.

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Topic 4 DQ 1: Legislation Through Nurses Essay

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Topic 4 DQ 2: Recent Legislation

Health promotion is multifaceted since it depends on multiple interventions to achieve the desired goals. Such interventions include health education, continuous research, and legislation. Recently, legislation has been instrumental in health advocacy as legislators who are also nurses introduce laws to advance health. They propose laws to protect vulnerable populations, improve access to unique services, and promote equality, among other efforts.

One of the crucial legislations that have occurred within the last five years is H.R.8405 – Protecting Access to Medication Abortion Act. In many populations, women of childbearing age make wrong decisions that harm their health since they do not readily access abortion pills. Although increased access to such drugs faces opposition from religious extremists and pro-lifers, it is necessary as far as improving sexual and reproductive health is concerned. The bill was sponsored by Cori Bush, who represents Missouri in the House of Representatives (Brack, 2021). Under this bill, patients may access mifepristone and other prescribed drugs via telehealth. Its other essential component is all pharmacies certified to dispense medication abortion drugs dispense and mail the drugs without restrictions (, 2022). Generally, implementing this bill is a huge step to improving people’s health and averting pregnancy-related dangers. Such dangers include renal and cardiac diseases and other underlying issues that pregnancy changes exacerbate (The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2019). Therefore, the bill is a huge step toward protecting life due to pregnancy-related dangers.

The American populace needs to change its mindset regarding abortion and its necessity. It is crucial to understand that abortion can be medically essential, and support to those at risk should be readily available. Additional steps need to continue advocacy for medical abortion is intensified education on the rationale of medical abortion. The Department of Health and Human Services should support such education efforts while making mifepristone more available to minority populations.


The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. (2019). Abortion can be medically necessary.

Brack, N. (2021). Cori Bush. Blackpast. (2022). H.R.8405 – Protecting Access to Medication Abortion Act.


Topic 4 DQ 1

Assessment Description
Choose a legislator on the state or federal level who is also a nurse and discuss the importance of the legislator/nurse’s role as an advocate for improving health care delivery. What specific bills has the legislator/nurse sponsored or supported that have influenced health care?

Topic 4 DQ 2

Assessment Description
Research legislation that has occurred within the last 5 years at the state or federal level as a result of nurse advocacy. Describe the legislation and what was accomplished. What additional steps need to be taken to continue advocacy for this issue?


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