Teaching Philosophy Statement Essay

Teaching Philosophy Statement Essay

Teaching Philosophy Statement Essay

A teaching philosophy statement is a written self-reflective statement describing one’s goals, values, and beliefs about teaching and learning. The philosophy statement communicates an individual’s principal ideas regarding being a successful teacher (Laundon et al., 2020). The principal ideas are developed in addition to specific actual examples of the activities the teacher and the learner will engage in to achieve identified goals. The purpose of this paper is to outline my teaching philosophy statement, including beliefs on education and different learning styles, how learning is facilitated, and the nurse educator’s role.

Personal Teaching Philosophy Statement

My teaching philosophy is derived from: The country’s beliefs about what nursing is supposed to be; The accepted educational philosophy of the country and the learning institution; The accepted philosophy of health. I believe that my role as a nurse educator is to change the learners’ behavior, including their way of thinking, feeling, and overall way of acting. Effective teaching entails targeting the learners’ way of thinking, doing, and attitude. My values about teaching are that any teaching program should be community-oriented and learner-centered. Thus as a teacher, I should endeavor to instill knowledge, skills, and attitude in learners that will empower them to improve their community. Besides, by tailoring my teaching to learner-centered, I believe that I support learners’ intellectual development and develop their ability to refine their attitudes.



Different Learning Styles in Various Settings

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Learners have different learning styles (Visual, Auditory, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic), which I should consider when teaching as a nurse educator. From my experience, I have observed that each learner has a preferential way in which they absorb, process, comprehend, and retain knowledge. I believe that learners have different approaches to processing information in various learning settings. Besides, a learner’s preferred learning style impacts how they understand or perform a specific educational activity. They understand when they hear, visualize, read, or when hands-on (Whitney, 2018). I believe that learners will understand more effectively when I use a teaching style that is consistent with their preferred learning style. Consequently, I must incorporate all the learning styles to suit each learner’s preferential style.

How Student Learning Is Facilitated

The teacher facilitates learning and guides the learners by providing resources and empowering them to develop their creativity, critical thinking, interpersonal, and social skills. Learning is facilitated when learners are involved in solving real-world problems (Bolkan & Goodboy, 2019). Learning also occurs when the existing knowledge is activated as a foundation for new knowledge. Besides, learning is facilitated when new knowledge is demonstrated to the learner, is applied by the learner., and integrated into the learner’s world.

                                               The Role of the Nurse Educator     

The nurse educator has a fundamental role in changing nursing students’ behavior and attitude to meet patients’ and the community’s health needs. Besides, the nurse educator has a role of mentoring, providing leadership, developing learners’ motivation to learn, and encouraging them to have patience with the results (Satoh et al., 2020). I plan to implement the philosophy statement by encouraging the learners to be inquisitive, creative, and develop a disposition to discover. When teaching nursing students, I will emphasize problem-based learning, activation, demonstration, application, and integration.


My teaching philosophy statement focuses on changing learners’ behavior to challenge their way of thinking, feeling, and acting. I believe that teaching should be community-oriented ad learner-centered. A teacher should incorporate the different learning styles in their teaching to meet each learner’s preferential learning styles.


Bolkan, S., & Goodboy, A. K. (2019). Examples and the facilitation of student learning: should instructors provide examples, or should students generate their own?. Communication Education68(3), 287-307. https://doi.org/10.1080/03634523.2019.1602275

Laundon, M., Cathcart, A., & Greer, D. A. (2020). Teaching Philosophy Statements. Journal of Management Education, 44(5), 577–587. https://doi.org/10.1177/1052562920942289

Satoh, M., Fujimura, A., & Sato, N. (2020). Competency of Academic Nurse Educators. SAGE Open Nursing. https://doi.org/10.1177/2377960820969389

Whitney, S. (2018). Teaching and learning styles. Health promotion: Health and wellness across the continuum.


The purpose of this assignment is to develop your personal teaching philosophy statement.

Begin by researching a developed teaching philosophy and use the information to shape your own philosophy.

In 250-500 words, develop a personal teaching philosophy statement that includes:

Your beliefs on the purpose of education.
Beliefs on different learning styles in various settings.
How student learning is facilitated.
The role of the nurse educator and how you plan to implement this philosophy to grow as an educator as you seek to integrate the nurse educator competencies into your professional practice.

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