Scholarly Paper Assignment Paper

Scholarly Paper Assignment Paper

Scholarly Paper

Maternal care services are some of the most critical and require all aspects of care and quality to reduce and prevent possible infections during and after birth. However, a core aspect of maternal care that was affected by the emergence of the Coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is the safety of mothers and the obstetrics team comprising of nurses, midwives and obstetricians (Premkumar et al., 2020). The COVID-19 pandemic led to development of many safety protocols to limit its contagious spread and this affected the concept of planned home births (PHBs). Based on an article by Webler et al. (2021), this paper identifies two ideas learned and how this can be used in my nursing practice.


Two Ideas Learned From the Article

In their article, Webler et al. (2021) seek to understand challenges encountered by urban midwives in helping planned home births during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil. Through their collective subject discourse methodology, the researchers identify five main themes about the situation under investigation that include fear of contamination, alteration in assistance model, handling frustrations, avoiding exposure to the virus, and maintaining social distance while supposed to offer critical maternal and child delivery care services. Two critical ideas emanating from this scholarly article include the safety of expectant and delivering women and the need to protect and expand alternative birthing models like planned home births.

The safety of pregnant and expectant women and their healthcare providers was a significant issue as the pandemic set in and no one knew what will happen; either for those in hospitals or even in planned home birth situations. Many women who were due to give birth soon had considerable anxiety concerning the effects of COVID-19 on their birthing plans. As illustrated through the common themes identified by the researchers in the paper, the fear of contamination and frustration about the alterations affected the sampled women. The responses from the participants demonstrate increased anxiety, fear, and even outright breaking off of these women as they contemplated how they will birth amidst the need for providers to use personal protective equipment (PPE) and keep recommended social distance protocols and other measures to control the spread of the contagious disease.

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In the UK, as captured by Nelson and Romains (2020) pregnant and expectant women made several calls to seek reassurance, antenatal care, postnatal care, and home births from private home birth service providers. The implication is that safety of any maternal and child-birthing procedure is paramount for the mother, the child, and the healthcare workers. The study shows that changing assistance strategy was one of the greatest challenges for healthcare workers attending to these women since new information was coming out daily and establishing a common protocol for such procedures was difficult. The article shows that safety is a core aspect of all providers, especially when a pandemic like COVID-19 strikes and life has to continue with provision of services to pregnant women who are categorized as at high risk groups.

The second important idea that the article and its researchers raise is the need to expand the concept of planned home births. In the case of Brazil, the authors note that it is only prevalent among the urban high income households and areas due to the privacy and costs associated with the practice. The authors note that only one facility offers assistive planned home birth services in the entire country while the ministry of health (MH) has not fully embraced the idea. However, planned home births may present one of the best ways to prevent a pandemic in the future for expectant mothers who constitute at high risk groups due to morbidity and mortality associated with their contraction of infections, including a COVID-19 infection (Nelson & Romanis, 2020). Planned home births provide the mothers with greater satisfaction and may also be a solution to preventing hospital acquired infections during the birthing process. Besides, they offer a familiar environment for the delivering woman or mother who may want certain individuals to be present in the room when she is undergoing labor.

Using the Information in Nursing Practice

The new information from the article on nursing safety and accessibility to maternal health care services is critical for better care delivery. Webler et al. (2021) show that safety concerns are a core aspect of addressing issues like fear on the part of the delivering woman and frustration on the medical and health providers. Therefore, this information implores one to develop standard safety protocols in their care practice during public health emergency situations like the COVID-19 to protect vulnerable patient populations like the expectant mothers. For instance, working collaboratively with all agencies to develop clear safety protocols in all settings, including planned home births, is essential for nurse practitioners to prevent infections.

The idea of expanding services for expectant women is also practical in many settings. Healthcare providers and organizations should be innovative and establish laws and protocols for providers to offer such services to many patients who are willing and want them as way of reducing demand in the primary care settings (Daviss et al., 2021). The planned home birth idea is important, especially at this pandemic era, as it will relieve health facilities the strain of increased delivery demands. Nurse practitioners can also specialize in this area to improve access to maternal health services.


The article by Webler et al. (2021) shows the need for an innovative approach to the issue of planned home births as one of the practical ways to expand access to maternal health services. The article’s analysis is clear that effective ideas like having safety protocols and expansion of access are critical to high quality maternal and child care at this stage. These ideas can be implemented in all settings for quality care improvement for the expectant women, especially during pandemics.


Daviss, B. A., Anderson, D. A., & Johnson, K. C. (2021). Pivoting to Childbirth at Home or in

Freestanding Birth Centers1 in the US During COVID-19: Safety, Economics and Logistics. Frontiers in sociology, 6, 24.

Nelson, A., & Romanis, E. C. (2020). Home-Birthing and Free-Birthing in the era of COVID-19.

BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health Blog.

Premkumar, A., Cassimatis, I., Berhie, S. H., Jao, J., Cohn, S. E., Sutton, S. H., … & Yee, L. M.

(2020). Home birth in the era of COVID-19: counseling and preparation for pregnant persons living with HIV. American journal of perinatology, 37(10), 1038-1043.

Webler, N., Almeida, L. C. G. D., Carneiro, J. B., Campos, L. M., Glaeser, T. A., Santos, M. C.,

& Couto, T. M. (2021). Planned home birth assistance: challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 75(Suppl 1): e20210083.


Purpose of Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity for the learner to further practice critical analysis of nursing research and to apply this information to nursing practice. You will be required to read an article based on a course concept and provide an analysis of how you could apply this new information into nursing practice.

Format of the Assignment
The assignment will be presented in the format of a scholarly paper including a cover page, introduction and a conclusion. Proper sentence structure is required in addition to correct APA referencing and citing format. The assignment will be no longer than 3 pages (excluding title page and reference page). Anything more than 3 pages will not be read or marked.

1. Choose one article on the list provided by your professor.
2. Consider the information you have read and identify 2 key ideas you have learned from the article. This is not a summary but an analysis of the information you have read. This should show evidence that you understand the article in-depth and have thought about the important findings of the article. Make sure this information is from the findings of the research and not from the literature review.
3. Discuss how you would use this information in your own nursing practice. For each key finding identify 1 specific nursing action that could be implemented into nursing practice. This must be related to the information in the article. The examples must show evidence of critical thinking and describe specific examples of how a nurse might use this information (with which patients, how). This may be how you would use this information in your future nursing career. This is where you need to use references for the paper (to back up your nursing actions).
4. The paper must be formatted as per APA. Use the APA (7th ed.) textbook for this. Please use headings (as per APA) to identify points in paper.
5. References: A minimum of 2 current scholarly nursing references will be used throughout the assignment. References should be from peer reviewed journals and should include current (< 10 years) nursing journals. A maximum of one textbook reference can be used. You should not need more than 3-4 references and should mainly be used for your nursing actions. This paper is more about your own thinking so many references will not show your own thoughts. Many websites are not considered scholarly nursing references so ensure you are using appropriate sites.
6. See rubric for further details of how marks are distributed. Please hand in rubric with your paper.

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