Rep. Lois Capps-A legislator and a Nurse Essay
Rep. Lois Capps-A legislator and a Nurse
Rep. Lois Capps, RN, a California Democrat, has fought in Congress to pass the Nursing Reinvestment Act, which is an example of legislation that would alleviate the shortage of nurses that has been rising countrywide. The Nurse Reinvestment Act, or NRA, is a piece of law that modifies Title VIII of the Public Health Service Act, which regulates nursing education. In 2002, this bill was approved to report the rising scarcity of nursing caused by aging nursing personnel, maintenance issues caused by a demanding work atmosphere, and difficulties employing new young people into the field of nursing (Sanford, 2020). The following measures for recruiting and retention are outlined in the bill:
- A loan payback and scholarship scheme for students who have completed their education and are willing to advance in their education.
- Internship and placement programs in nursing
- Career ladders are put into practice to assist individuals in advancing their careers.
- Allowances and endowments for nurses who want to learn more about geriatric care.
- Loan forgiveness options for advanced degree students who agree to work as nursing school instructors will therefore act as a motivation for the newly graduating students who are willing to be instructors in the nursing schools.
- Public service announcements (PSAs) promote the profession of nursing and create more awareness about the nursing profession (Nelson, 2009).
Even though the situation has not been remedied, the Act has drawn much attention to the nurse shortage. It has also solved the problem of nurses being overwhelmed by work, thus delivering the work more efficiently (Black, 2019). It brought the issue to the general population’s attention, which increased the trust of nurses and caregivers. It motivates people to look for and study ways to address the nursing shortage.
Black, B. (2019). Professional Nursing E-Book: Concepts & Challenges. In Google Books. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Nelson, R. (2009). The Initiative to Create a National Nurse. AJN, American Journal of Nursing, 109(1), 25–26.
Sanford, K. D. (2020). Always a Nurse. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 44(1), 4–11.
Topic 4 DQ 1
Start Date
Feb 7, 2022, 12:00 AM
Due Date
Feb 9, 2022, 11:59 PM
Assessment Description
Choose a legislator on the state or federal level who is also a nurse and discuss the importance of the legislator/nurse’s role as advocate for improving health care delivery. What specific bills has the legislator/nurse sponsored or supported that have influenced health care.