NUR-665E  Nursing Education Practicum Documentation Essay

NUR-665E  Nursing Education Practicum Documentation Essay

(NEPD) Form: Competency 5

Directions: Complete the documentation form. Type in your response in the unshaded box below each question. The form will expand for as long as you type. The purpose of this assignment is to document meeting the competency and to promote deep reflection on your practicum activities. Consider reviewing course textbooks: Certified Nurse Educator Review Book: The Official NLN Guide to the CNE Exam and NLN Core Competencies for Nurse Educators: A Decade of Influencefor suggested practicum activities.




Nurse Educator Competency 5: Pursue Systematic Self-Evaluation and Improvement in the Academic Nurse Educator Role.
  Learner Name:Date(s):
Complete this section before you begin the weeks’clinical. Learning Goals: What do you want to accomplish for Competency 5: Pursue Systematic Self-Evaluation and Improvement in the Academic Nurse Educator Role?

Be sure your goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timebound (S.M.A.R.T. goals).

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Some goals should reflect higher cognitive learning levels in Bloom’s taxonomy.

My goal/s for this competency is/are to:

Implement change with an inter-professional practice toprevent potential litigations and penalties while protecting the organization’s reputation. In addition, I intend to attain a reduction of forty percent (40%) in falls in the Unit within four months. Similarly, my next goal will be to prevent patient injury and harm associated with fall events, enhance patient safety, involve staff in implementing a safety culture, and reduce the cost related to falls.

I intend to be a change agent in health care provision at an adult care facility site at North Carolina Assisted Living of Mulberry. It suffices to note that patient falls impact patient safety and indicate the need for health organizations and their departments to put in place mechanisms to reduce such incidents in the future to guarantee quality care interventions (Johnston & Magnan, 2019).

During my practicum at the facility, my main objectives will be to meet the program-specific competency of a nurse educator change agent in the mitigation and bringing change in fall reduction to create a safety culture within the facility (Lee et al., 2019). Fall reduction will lead to improved quality of care provision at the North Carolina Assisted Living of Mulberry in collaboration with my preceptor guidance and using scholarly research of evidence-based practice.

Resources and Strategies: What type of resources or strategies will you utilize to accomplish your learning goals? Include both human and material resources.
The resources (human and material) and strategies I need to meet my weekly goal are:

The resources and strategies that I will employ to accomplish my learning goals at my clinical site at North Carolina Assisted Living of Mulberry will be collaborating with my preceptor for guidance and using scholarly research of evidence-based practice for continuous quality improvement in the nurse educator.

Measurement: How will you know that you have accomplished your learning goal(s)? What criteria will you use to measure this?
The criteria I will use to measure my goals are:

The guidance and advice of my preceptor or mentor: Through the assistance and guidance of my preceptor or mentor, I will be able to reach the goals and objectives of my project with excellent outcome attainment through the implementation of the learning goals under a nontraditional setting(Chung et al., 2020). In addition, by applying the NLN graduate competencies that align with the program outcomes and competencies grounded in the core values of caring, integrity, diversity, and excellence, I will measure my learning goals accomplishment. Similarly, I will conduct measurement of my goal accomplishment through the nurse educator core competencies and under the NLN core competencies for academic nurse educators. Moreover, I will conduct a self-evaluation to gauge individual professional acquisition of Competencies. 5 of Academic Nurse Educators, which requires me to function as a change agent and leader in my practicum unit facility.

In addition, the competencies of academic nurse educators require the pursuance of a continuous quality improvement in the nurse educator role. Therefore, during my practicum period at the North Carolina Assisted Living of Mulberry, I will jot down a to-do schedule daily for every patient under my care and ensure that I strictly follow the plan and make necessary adjustments depending on the individual needs of the patients and as well as their illness acuity. The efficient application of the competencies will be a measure of knowledge and a criterion of knowing what I have gained and accomplished my learning goals.


Complete this section after you complete the weeks’ clinical. Evaluation: Did you meet your goal? What did you accomplish that you can use as evidence that you met your learning goals?


Did you meet your goal? Why or why not?

I did meet my learning goals. I achieved and attained a reduction of seventy percent (70%) inpatient falls in the Unit within four months, thus surpassing the targeted percentage of patient fall of 40% by 30% within the practicum period. The accomplishment saw reducing and preventing patient injury and harm associated with fall events and enhanced patient safety. Similarly, I acquired teamwork experience and skills in implementing change as a nurse leader through professional collaboration, consultation with my preceptor, and staff involvement in implementing a safety culture within my Unit (Chung et al., 2020).

Reflect on Competency 5, analyzing your practicum experiences: Be sure to connect your experiences directly to the competency.

My professional practicum was an enriching program and experience. The assistance and professional guidance I received gave me fundamental practical knowledge that significantly aided me in improving my professional effectiveness and skill as a nurse educator (Chung et al., 2020). I must note that the patients’ feedback was vital in assessing whether the objective and the learning goals were achieved.

In addition, the professional interactions I had with the staff were vital in shaping my leadership skills in implementing change in the mitigation of patient falls in my facility Unit (Johnston & Magnan, 2019).The experience gained through the practicum has enabled me to match every patient with the correct diagnostic tool and to formulate a schedule of possible diagnostics before then narrowing down on the primary diagnosis. I can attest that the experience I had was in tandem with the Nurse Educator Competency 5:

Clinical hours completed this topic and Total clinical hours completed to date:

I intend to complete 160 practicum hours. Planned weekly.

4 Months

(16 )

Clinical hours completed to date:

Number of Clinical Hours per Week ( in Practicum Setting at Field Site)

Week 1 10
Week  2 10
Week 3 12
Week 4 12
Week 5 10
Week 6 10
Week 7 10
Week 8 10
Week 9 10
Week 10 10
Week 11 10
Week 12 10
Week 13 10
Week 14 10
Week 15 8
Week 16 8
Total Clinical Hours completed to date. 160 Hours


Chung, C. H., Hong, S. H., & Oh, S. H. (2020). The Effects of Teamwork and Nursing professionalism on Clinical Practicum Adaptation of Nursing Students. Journal of Convergence for Information Technology, 10(9), 53-61.


Johnston, M., & Magnan, M. A. (2019). Using a fall prevention checklist to reduce hospital falls results in a quality improvement project. AJN The American Journal of Nursing, 119(3), 43-49.

Lee, K., Kim, S., & Yang, Y. L. (2019). Preliminary study of outcome‐based clinical practicum for undergraduate nursing students. Japan Journal of Nursing Science, 16(2), 145-154.





Topic 10

Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD) Form: Competency 5

Due Date
January 31, 2022,
View Rubric
Assessment Description
The “Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD) Forms” provide weekly, competency-based documentation of clinical practicum activities and are utilized by learners to communicate practicum experiences to course faculty. Be sure to read the instructions on the forms for information on how to complete the assignment before you begin.

Using the “Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD) Form: Competency 5,” write goals for what you will accomplish in this topic and how you will evaluate your accomplishments. The NEPD form uses the nursing process and follows the format of a nursing care plan, so this should be familiar to you.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

please use the Attachments form. I will upload it.
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