Personal Worldview Paper

Personal Worldview Paper

Personal Worldview Paper

Personal model of leadership is the ability to create and utilize a person’s positive leadership characteristics to guide life’s direction other than allowing fate to determine an individual’s course. It entails healthy approaches people functionalize to influence and guide teams and organizations (Decuypere & Schaufeli, 2020). The purpose of this paper is to explore a personal model of leadership and personal world view.

Model of Leadership: Part A

Description of My Personal Model of Leadership.

My unique leadership model is an amalgamation of personal leadership attributes, attitudes, and measures that I employ to ensure the organization’s success and team members. The leadership model I subscribe to is anchored in inspiring trust and respecting people. I find that respecting and encouraging confidence in people are critical elements of quality leadership performance that transform individuals and organizations. In my leadership model, respecting people and inspiring trust has become an axis in my entire suite of leadership that aids me in influencing people in a way that creates the conditions for candid conversations and respect (Paterson & Huang, 2019).

Respecting the team involves honoring them with my time and attention and seeking first to comprehend them, thus assuming right and good intentions that help me lead with listening, reinforcing an environment that creates conditions for quality honesty and directness. In addition, inspiring trust ids me in developing and displaying character and consistency in teams to meet the organization’s performance expectations (Paterson & Huang, 2019).

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Comparisons of My Personal Leadership Model with Other Models

Making a direct comparison of my leadership model with the Transformational model of leadership, which entails alteration in individuals and social systems by creating valuable and positive change in the followers, compares with my leadership model of inspiring trust in people to develop them (Tintoré, 2019). In addition, the servant leadership style, which involves individual interaction with people to achieve authority rather than power, compares with my leadership of respecting and honoring people, which is an interactive approach to working for and with others to develop them. Furthermore, it corresponds to participative leadership, where leaders involve the team in most decision-making processes (Tintoré, 2019).


How My Model of Leadership Prepares Me

My leadership model anchored in the premise of inspiring and respecting team members has prepared me to utilize strategies for effective leadership for different teams. It has aided me in encouraging interdisciplinary partnership during the implementation of my leadership projects by respecting and honoring all stakeholders and inspiring them (Edwards & Honeycutt, 2021). In addition, the team’s involvement in the process of collective decision-making has fostered partnership. The four levels of personal models of leadership that have aided and guided me include values and beliefs, behaviors and actions, together with a vivid approach to creating a plan and purpose that informs inspires followers (Edwards & Honeycutt, 2021). The values and beliefs have inculcated in me the virtue of integrity by which I have learned to lead and develop both organizations’ team members successfully.

To achieve success in the organization, the model has taught me to treat other people with respect and concern. This entails conducting selfless servant leadership services, setting a good example, and becoming a good role model for the organization’s employees. In this way, I have influenced fellow staff and team members during my leadership projects and set a good precedence for point reference (Edwards & Honeycutt, 2021)

Personal Worldview: Part BDescription of My Personal Worldview

Worldview is how we address everyday life issues as guided by our beliefs that comprise limiting statements and assumptions pertaining to what is real or not and experiences are positive or negative in terms of objectives, behaviors, and relationships. A worldview defines define what goals can be sought and pursued in life. In leadership parlance, worldview provides the philosophical foundations of leadership (Entwistle, 2021). Every person is peculiar; hence, each individual has a unique perspective of life, reality, foundation, belief system, and life experiences.

My worldview in the context of leadership is anchored on the belief that each person is unique and is endowed with particular characteristics that are inherently influenced epistemologically, religiously, spiritually, and culturally, thus shaping attitudes that inform holistic leadership (van der Walt, 2019). In this way, for an individual to attain leadership success, they have to treat other followers with respect and show empathy. Such a leader will perform selfless services to the organization and the team members. By exhibiting a good example, they strive to become a good role model for the company’s employees. In this way, the leader will be able to influence and impact employees and set reputable precedence (Edwards & Honeycutt, 2021).

I tenaciously hold that a leader’s behavior is not only critical but also fundamental in terms of values. The behavior should be a reflection of their values. It is important to note that good leaders are not born, but instead, they are made-influenced through attaining knowledge, teaching and sharing knowledge, and self-learned. Further, leaders’ behavior and actions need to inspire followers around them. The influence may be realized by leaders’ ability to listen to and be sensitive to followers; thus, they may be able to assist and support them to achieve their best (Owens et al., 2019)

There are multiple things to be undertaken in an organization that requires leadership. The staff or team members of an organization have the duty to know what to do. I believe such knowledge is not inherent or natural but is instilled and acquired from learning and continual work (Moldoveanu & Narayandas, 2019. A good leader should be able to improve what needs to be developed by enhancing skills by studying and working. As such, leaders must continuously improve their leadership to realize the organization’s vision.

Further, a leader operates within the precincts on the set rules or policies that endow them with authority; thus, a good leader should not misuse the legal power –authority to force and intimidate followers. Similarly, it is to be noted everything in the universe operates under perfect order. This knowledge needs to aid the leaders in underscoring the critical aspect of order in the organization. A disorganized leader automatically disorganizes the followers and avails the organization to disarray (Moldoveanu & Narayandas, 2019).


How My Professional Leadership Behaviors Inspire Others

I advocate for the school of thought that posits inspirational leadership motivates action. Through teamwork, being open with my team members, and candidly exhibiting integrity, I have raised individual and team performance levels and ignited creativity and audacious innovation (Bratton, 2020). In addition, by allowing others to contribute to the decision-making, the behaviors have truly unlocked latent potential by tapping into individuals’ inner motivation and values and inspired other people to follow my passion and move towards ambitious goals (Bratton, 2020) Moreover, strengthening relationships with people by spending more one-on-one time with them to get their suggestions, ideas, problems, and issues and talking about performance issues and their work are some of the ways that I have utilized to inspire other people (Ali et al ., 2020)

Similarly, I professionally share my vision and set clear goals for team members. Open communication with my staff member and the encouragement they receive inspire their work and deliver the organization’s vision. In addition, providing a healthy office environment, providing professional feedback, and rewarding team members inspire others, especially providing development opportunities (Owens et al., 2019).

The religious norms and virtues compel me to exhibit integrity and show respect for others. In this way, people have been influenced to equally reciprocate by show respect and honesty between and among teams and undertaking obligations to realize the organization’s vision leadership (van der Walt, 2019). In leadership, it is only fitting to do what is right, so what is right is only fitting when it conforms to the principles of integrity and the set policies. In addition, the cultural aspect of life has trained me to work bright and hard; thus, in my leadership, I strive to offer my very best, utilizing the best of the time to provide quality leadership both vertically and horizontally.

Spiritually, I have been brought up to love unconditionally. In the workplace, as a leader, I am guided by the golden rule of doing to others what I would wish them to do to me (Ali et al., 2020). More often, as a leader, I give recommendations. When such proposals are not followed to the detriment of the organization’s reach, the individual must be directly responsible. Offering discipline, the golden rule has to apply. Culturally, I believe in the thought that people need to coherently live peaceably without discrimination based on color, race, political affiliation, religious background, or culture (Ali et al., 2020).


Personal leadership is the ability to develop and utilize a person’s positive leadership features to guide life’s direction. Similarly, the personal leadership model includes healthy approaches individuals use to influence and guide followers and organizations. They comprise attributes, attitudes, and measures that leaders employ to ensure the organization’s success and team members. On the other hand, worldview is how people deal with everyday life issues as guided by our beliefs and assumptions regarding what is actual or not, experiences, behaviors, and relationships. All these inform people’s behavior that reciprocally influences our followers, thus impacting their performance and productivity in the organization and individually.


Ali, A., Wang, H., & Johnson, R. E. (2020). Empirical analysis of shared leadership promotion and team creativity: An adaptive leadership perspective. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 41(5), 405-423.

Ali, M., Aziz, S., Pham, T. N., Babalola, M. T., & Usman, M. (2020). A positive human health perspective on how spiritual leadership weaves its influence on employee safety performance: The role of harmonious safety passion. Safety Science, 131, 104923.

Bratton, J. (Ed.). (2020). Organizational leadership. Sage.


Decuypere, A., & Schaufeli, W. (2020). Leadership and work engagement: Exploring explanatory mechanisms. German Journal of Human Resource Management, 34(1), 69-95.

Edwards, J. W., & Honeycutt, A. E. (2021). The Impact Of Leadership And Followership: An Organizational Phenomena. Journal of Applied Business Research (JABR), 37(4), 95-98.

Entwistle, D. N. (2021). Integrative approaches to psychology and Christianity: An introduction to worldview issues, philosophical foundations, and models of integration. Wipf and Stock Publishers.

Moldoveanu, M., & Narayandas, D. (2019). The future of leadership development. Harvard Business Review, 97(2), 40-48.

Owens, B. P., Yam, K. C., Bednar, J. S., Mao, J., & Hart, D. W. (2019). The impact of leader moral humility on follower moral self-efficacy and behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, 104(1), 146.

Paterson, T. A., & Huang, L. (2019). Am I expected to be ethical? A role-definition perspective of ethical leadership and unethical behavior. Journal of Management, 45(7), 2837-2860.

Tintoré, M. (2019). Introducing a model of transformational prosocial leadership. Journal of Leadership Studies, 13(3), 15-34.

van der Walt, B. J. (2019). The leadership crisis in Africa-approaching it from a worldview perspective. Journal for Christian Scholarship= Tydskrif vir Christ like Wetenskap, 55(1-2), 127-148.


As a nurse leader, it is important to understand a variety of leadership models and styles. This will help you adapt to different settings and apply strategies to support and inspire others. It may also be necessary to apply models in different professional settings to satisfy certification requirements. Write a 1,250-1,500 word paper about your personal model of leadership, including the following:

Model of Leadership: Part A

– Describe your personal model of leadership.

– Compare your personal leadership model to servant leadership, transformational leadership, and at least one other model of leadership.

– How does your personal model of leadership prepare you to employ strategies for effectively leading diverse teams and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration as you implement your leadership project?

Personal Worldview: Part B

– Describe your personal worldview. Include the religious, spiritual, and cultural elements that you think most influence your personal philosophy of practice and attitude towards leadership.

– Describe how your professional leadership behaviors inspire others.

Use a minimum of three peer-reviewed resources (published within the last 5 years) as evidence to support your views.

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