NUR665E TOPIC 10 Benchmark – Collaboration with Preceptor/Mentor Brief Essay

NUR665E TOPIC 10 Benchmark – Collaboration with Preceptor/Mentor Brief Essay

Collaboration with Preceptor/Mentor Brief

The entire practicum was a success because of the collaboration developed with my preceptor. Therefore, offering adequate training to new nursespositively affects the quality of care delivery (Fusco & Ohtake, 2019). This implies that the quality of service delivery stems from the coordination developed between the nurses and their preceptors. The purpose of this paper is to reflect and refine my lesson plan based on collaborative feedback from the preceptor/mentor.

After reading through my lesson plan for the second time, I realizedsome of its strengths and weaknesses. The content outline is extensive and meets the requirement of many students in the class (Fusco & Ohtake, 2019). For instance, the open activities include gaining learners’ attention and informing learners of the lesson’s objectives. Besides, the teaching and learning activities also meet the learning needs of many students in the nursing class. However, my plan would need improvement on the evidence-based teaching strategies because the two strategies would not apply to the diverse nature of the nursing students.

The review of my lesson plan with the preceptor allowed me to gain more insights on my lesson plan and understand areas that needed more improvement on the plan. In increasing the opportunity for scholarship in my teaching practice, there would be the need to increase the diverse environments both in the multicultural capability and in terms of meeting the needs and abilities of students.Besides, developing a powerful and effective professional practice in the teaching endeavors that teachers should be relying on strengthens the ability to meet goals on the lesson plan.


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The preceptor was pleased with the content outlinestrategies and the evaluation activities on my lesson plan.Based on his feedback, he advised on the additional evidence-based teaching strategies to meet the diverse needs of the nursing students. Besides, the improvement on the evidence-based teaching strategies would allow me as the teacher to widen my understanding of the nature of students (Stenberg et al., 2020). The comments on my preceptor would lead to changes in my lesson plan. I would include pretesting as well as show and tell strategy on my lesson plan as it aids in coveringthe learning needs of a wide range of students. These changes would further ensure that my lesson plan meets the nursing students’ diverse needs.

Collaborating with preceptors is one of the best ways to improve nurses’ learning at the practicum. Theywork towards attaining a dynamic team that would allow the clinic to thrive in all situations. Well, structured tasks and high task interdependence allow the connection of nurses’ roles that further affect their ability to meet the facility’s needs.


The review of my lesson with my preceptor was important in outlining some loopholes in my lesson plan and the areas to be improved. The professional skills of the preceptors have an impact in understanding a nurse learning setting and enable a teacher to meet the learning needs of the students.


Fusco, N. M., &Ohtake, P. J. (2019). Training the trainers: a preceptor development program targeting interprofessional collaboration competencies. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning11(11), 1138-1143.

Sørø, V. L., Aglen, B., Orvik, A., Søderstrøm, S., &Haugan, G. (2021). Preceptorship of clinical learning in nursing homes–a qualitative study of influences of an interprofessional team intervention. Nurse Education Today, 104986.

Stenberg, M., Bengtsson, M., Mangrio, E., & Carlson, E. (2020). Preceptors’ experiences of using structured learning activities as part of the peer learning model: A qualitative study. Nurse education in practice42, 102668.


Benchmark – Collaboration With Preceptor/Mentor Brief
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Due Date
December 31, 2022,
View Rubric
Assessment Description
The effective nurse educator collaborates with partners and the community during the curriculum design process. The purpose of this assignment is to reflect and refine your lesson plan based on collaborative feedback from the preceptor/mentor.

Meet with your preceptor/mentor to review your lesson plan. Discuss your lesson plan and possible barriers to successful implementation. Based on the collaboration with the preceptor, provide a brief summary (200-350 words), to address the following:

Prior to meeting with the preceptor, reflect on your lesson plan and identify areas of strength and improvement. Describe opportunities for scholarship that will advance your teaching practices.
Describe identified areas of strength and areas that need improvement based on preceptor feedback.
Explain changes made to the lesson plan based on your findings in items 1 and 2 (above).
Explain the importance of interprofessional collaboration with involved stakeholders (based on your practicum setting) on your lesson plan changes for future implementation.
APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:

MSN Nursing Education

6.4: Engage in the professional role of the nurse educator through systematic self-reflection, reflective teaching practice, and exploring opportunities for scholarship.

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