NSG4850 BSN Program Reflection Essay

NSG4850 BSN Program Reflection Essay

BSN Program Reflection

BSN program has played a pivotal role in demonstrating PSLOs on growth and learning in health care. The central topic that houses all the learning points in the program was “Provide holistic, culturally competent care for individuals, families, and populations through health promotion and disease prevention across the lifespan and healthcare continuum.” The completed course has effectively outlined and measured critical care needed in nursing (Jayasekara et al., 2018). Besides, the program formed an essential path that laid the foundation for achieving the PSLO. One of the important lessons learned and covered during the topic was on the integration of professional values and behaviours when delivering standard based nursing care to diverse patients and populations (Arnold & Boggs, 2019). These topics have been essential in developing a sense of empathy and diverging to becoming a culturally competent care nurse. Besides, the class activities carried out during these lessons, such as visual observation and role-play showing ways of offering care to culturally diverse patients. The vigorous nature and learning methods used in this course was also essential in achieving the PSLO.


The PSLOs that were Achieved and Not Achieved

The completion of the BSN program has been important in defining my journey in nursing because of its lessons on important concepts on patient care. The course brought an incredible experience. It has helped me grow personally and professionally. Besides, it has been important in developing my communication skills to meet the needs of my patients. Before the BNS program, I had no idea of what cultural nursing would be like except the theoretical concepts acquired in class (Jayasekara et al., 2018). While undertaking the lessons, I learned that effective communication plays an essential role in clinical reasoning and heightening the patient-nurse relationship. The relationship between nurses and other health care workers in an institution also relies on effective communication skills. The ability to limit medical errors and increase patient care levels depends on the communication platform developed among the health care professionals (Arnold & Boggs, 2019). However, I did not achieve some of my PSLOs. For instance, I would not attain an effective leadership skill that would provide and continuously improve the delivery of safe, patient-centred quality healthcare. This is because this PSLO required more time and advancement in the nursing career.

General Education Competency (GEC) Achieved and Not Achieved

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The General Education Competencies were also illustrated effectively during in the course. One of the GECs was cultural competence, which was illustrated through comprehension of philosophies representing the community’s emotional, social, behavioural attributes. This course was also important in demonstrating the progress I have been developing towards achieving cultural competence. For example, one of the important topics I learned during the course was the appreciation of a patient’s cultural beliefs and offering care based on their cultural beliefs. For instance, patients believing in spiritual cleaning and healing would need a nurse to appreciate their belief by learning and supporting a few ideas on their culture to develop an effective environment to provide quality care. Besides, empathizing and giving a word of hope to these patients was also influential in their healing process (Jayasekara et al., 2018). The deployed class activities in this course were also crucial in meeting the identified GECs. The internet search done in class groups was essential in comparing different cultural practices and beliefs that affect patient care. Moreover, in our groups, we also had the time to think critically about the myths from diverse communities and ways of addressing the myths while attending to patients. The use of simulation was an additional activity that assisted in achieving competency.

BSN Essentials Achieved

All nurses need to achieve BSN essentials. One of the selected essentials includes essential II, ” Basic Organizational and Systems Leadership for Quality Care and Patient Safety.” This essential is connected to description of quality and demonstrating skills and knowledge in leadership. For example, one of the most imperative topics learned is communication. Therefore, in achieving this essential, the nurses would be paving the way for effective communication learning as a path to achieve quality health care delivery (Jayasekara et al., 2018). In learning this essential, nurses tend to develop the skills of professional communication and collaboration that would be essential in improving health care outcomes.

How Achievement of the Standards Selected Impact my Role as a BSN Nurse

Learning the BNS course will have a great impact on my future role as a BSN nurse. For example, learning the art of language would effectively develop effective communication skills required in interprofessional collaboration among health care professionals (McDonald et al., 2018). This skill would imply that I would be fit to solve conflicts arising at my place of work and teach other health care professionals the need to integrate effective skills of communication. Besides, I will be able to improve and use my observation skills in meeting the needs of the patients. I will be aligning my needs with observation skills to eradicate the urge to assume important issues affecting health care delivery. These communication skills developed by nurses throughout this BSN program would be important in fostering team work and resolving conflicts. The activities completed during this topic were on written formative tests to assess an understanding of effective communication. Other activities were watching video clips on interprofessional communication and conflict resolution (Jayasekara et al., 2018). The leadership skills learned during this program was also effective in designing the required quality in health care delivery. The leadership adopted in a nursing unit would affect the quality of health care delivery in that unit. My journey to achieve my PLOSs would rely on my growth trend in the career by advancing my nursing practice in the field.


Arnold, E. C., & Boggs, K. U. (2019). Interpersonal relationships e-book: professional communication skills for nurses. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Jayasekara, R., Smith, C., Hall, C., Rankin, E., Smith, M., Visvanathan, V., & Friebe, T. R. (2018). The effectiveness of clinical education models for undergraduate nursing programs: a systematic review. Nurse education in practice29, 116-126. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nepr.2017.12.006.

McDonald, E. W., Boulton, J. L., & Davis, J. L. (2018). E-learning and nursing assessment skills and knowledge–An integrative review. Nurse education today66, 166-174. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2018.03.011


BSN Program Reflection
Program Reflection (NSG4850 Students ONLY) Questions 18 to 24 relate to a reflection in the Capstone course, which is to be completed by NSG4850 students only. In this final reflection, you will discuss your growth and learning in relationship to programmatic and professional standards and competencies and create an action plan for continued growth after program completion.
18. Check one BSN Program Student Learning Outcomes (PSLO) you have achieved through the completion of your RN-BSN program, and one PSLO not achieved, yet (continued growth is needed).
Synthesize knowledge from the arts and sciences to form a foundation for the practice of professional nursing.
Provide holistic, culturally competent care for individuals, families, and populations through health promotion and disease prevention across the lifespan and healthcare continuum.
Integrate professional values and behaviors when delivering standards-based nursing care to diverse patients and populations.
Develop leadership skills to provide and continuously improve the delivery of safe, patient-centered quality healthcare.
Incorporate best practices and the most current evidence when using clinical reasoning to make practice decisions.
Incorporate the use of information systems and technology in order to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision-making.
Integrate effective communication and collaboration skills to improve patient satisfaction and health outcomes.
19. Expand below. Identify the PSLOs that were achieved and not achieved. Provide supportive rationale for why you have achieved and not achieved the selected PSLOs using professional examples and/or course assignments from the program.
Answer in 5-6 sentences
Please Note: PSLOs that were achieved are:
Incorporate best practices and the most current evidence when using clinical reasoning to make practice decisions.
Provide holistic, culturally competent care for individuals, families, and populations through health promotion and disease prevention across the lifespan and healthcare continuum.
PSLOs that were not achieved> leadership skills to provide and continuously improve the delivery of safe, patient-centered quality healthcare.
Answer in 3-5 sentences
20. Check one General Education Competency (GEC) you feel you have achieved through the completion of your RN-BSN program, and one GEC not achieved, yet (continued growth is needed).
Cultural Competence: Learners will demonstrate an understanding of philosophies that represent social, emotional, and behavioral attributes of society and individuals.
Communication: Learners will demonstrate an understanding of the views of others and communicate in a professional manner.
Critical Thinking: Learners will demonstrate the ability to draw conclusions based on evidence and consider prior knowledge, context and perspectives in predicting implications or consequences.
Information Literacy: Learners will demonstrate the ability to identify, evaluate and apply information to accomplish a specific purpose.
Quantitative Literacy: Learners will demonstrate the ability to report, calculate, and analyze quantitative date.
Scientific Literacy: Learners will gain the ability to read with understanding scientific content and engage in a dialogue about scientific issues.
21. Expand below. Identify the GECs that were achieved and not achieved. Provide supportive rationale for why you have achieved and not achieved the selected GECs using professional examples and/or course assignments from the program.
Answer in 5 sentences
Note: GECs that were achieved are: Critical Thinking: Learners will demonstrate the ability to draw conclusions based on evidence and consider prior knowledge, context and perspectives in predicting implications or consequences
Cultural Competence: Learners will demonstrate an understanding of philosophies that represent social, emotional, and behavioral attributes of society and individuals
Note: GECs that were Not achieved are: Scientific Literacy: Learners will gain the ability to read with understanding scientific content and engage in a dialogue about scientific issues.
Answer in 3- 5 sentences

22. Check one standard listed under the nine BSN Essentials you feel you have achieved through the completion of your RN-BSN program, and one BSN Essential not achieved, yet (continued growth is needed).
Essential I: Liberal Education for Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice.
Physical, natural, life science, math, social sciences.
Fine art, performing art, humanities

23. Expand below. Identify which BSN Essentials were achieved and not achieved. Provide supportive rationale for why you have achieved and not achieved the selected BSN Essentials using professional examples and/or course assignments from the program.
Answer in 5-6 sentences

Note: Essential that were achieved are
Essential II: Basic Organizational and Systems Leadership for Quality Care and Patient Safety.
Demonstrate knowledge and skills in leadership.
Describe quality improvement.
Advocate for patient safety.
Demonstrate caring, effective communication with all constituents.
Describe and navigate in complex organizational systems.
Answer in 3-5 sentences
Note: essential not that achieved:
Essential IV: Information Management and Application of Patient Care Technology.
Understand information management and the impact upon patient outcomes.
Employ a variety of patient care technologies.
Demonstrate effectiveness in telecommunication technologies.
Apply decision-making tools to support safe practice.
Use CIS systems to document interventions and improve patient outcomes.
Evaluate data to inform the delivery of care.
Maintain ethical standards related to data and patient rights.
Participate in evaluation of information systems.

24. How will the achievement of the standards you selected impact your role as a BSN nurse? Create an action plan for growth by creating three goals that will demonstrate growth and development after your program. The goals must address the PSLOs, GECs, and BSN Essentials you have identified as areas where growth is needed
Answer in ½-1 page
Hint//: Provides detailed analysis to demonstrate how achievement of selected standards impacts future role as a BSN prepared nurse. Completes the Program Reflection – Action Plan for Growth. Each of 3 action plan goals aligns with a standard selected as not achieved to demonstrate future growth and standard achievement

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