Appendix F

Healthcare Improvement Project


RACI Chart

HIP Roles & Responsibilities Matrix ROLES
Nurse Manager, DS Nurse leader,  GC Unit Preceptor, BA Nurse Educator, SA Nurse, HF
Coordination of the whole project AI  R  C  C  I
Review of research  AI  R C  C  C
Presentation development  AI R  C  C  C
Approval of the intervention plan  A  RA  C  C  CI
Reviewing of the information provided  R  R  A  I  C
Project implementation RA R C C I
Presenting the health improvement project to the staff  A  R  R  R  R
Requesting of the feedback from staff  A  R  C  I  I
Verification of staff compliance  I  RA  I  C  I
Data review  R  R  R  I  I
In the empty boxes above, enter the appropriate letter for the role that will be responsible, Accountable, Consulted, or Informed for each deliverable/task using the letters below:
R = Responsible for completion of task or deliverable
A = Accountable for completion and approval of the task
C = Consulted by those responsible for advice and expertise
I = Kept updated on progress and notified when tasks are completed


<Ensure additional attachment pages beyond the first page maintain header/footer information as well as correct page numbering.>

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7073.03.1 : Workforce Development

The graduate promotes a healthy work environment by developing programs to mitigate workplace behavior problems and enhance work-life balance.

7073.03.2 : Team Building

The graduate designs team-building experiences that promote high-performance teams where members trust each other and have the synergy to work together toward common goals.

7073.03.3 : Fiscal Planning

The graduate collaborates with key stakeholders to plan for the use of available resources needed to achieve project aims and goals.

7073.03.4 : Human Resource Planning

The graduate applies human resource principles and practices when developing a project charter that includes planning for adequate human resources for a healthcare improvement project.

To fulfill the requirements for this course, you must complete the attached “CPE Record.” You will need to electronically sign and date the record. Your supervising preceptor or SME must date, initial, and sign this form before you submit it for evaluation. You and your preceptor or SME should use DocuSign to sign this form (see web link below). Please see “DocuSign Instructions” in the Supporting Documents section.

Within the “CPE Record,” you will enter your name, as well as the name of your preceptor or SME. You will not sign the form at this time. Once you click “Finish,” DocuSign will send it to your specified preceptor or SME to date, initial, and sign it to verify you have met all requirements. After your preceptor or SME completes this portion, the signed document will be emailed to you to sign as well.

Finally, you must upload the “CPE Record” and the required deliverables from that record to your e-portfolio. You should complete this task before submitting IZM1 Task 1.

Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The originality report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

Tasks may not be submitted as cloud links, such as links to Google Docs, Google Slides, OneDrive, etc., unless specified in the task requirements. All other submissions must be file types that are uploaded and submitted as attachments (e.g., .docx, .pdf, .ppt).

A.  Upload your completed and signed “CPE Record” for evaluation as a separate document. The “CPE Record” should include the following:

•  each completed requirement with hours that are initialed and dated by your supervising preceptor or SME

•  electronic signatures verifying that all task hours have been completed

B.  Upload each of the following required deliverables to your e-portfolio and provide a link to your e-portfolio:

•  CPE schedule table with tasks and timeline

•  completed “RACI Chart” of the project team members

•  three screenshots to document your Phase 1 GoReact video reflection that includes an image of your reflection video and an image for each of your peer responses

•  written summary of your Phase 1 video reflection

•  completed “Pro Forma Operating Budget” template

•  completed “Healthcare Improvement Project Charter” template

•  three screenshots to document your Phase 2 GoReact video reflection that includes an image of your reflection video and an image for each of your peer responses

•  written summary of your Phase 2 video reflection

File Restrictions
File name may contain only letters, numbers, spaces, and these symbols: ! – _ . * ‘ ( )
File size limit: 200 MB
File types allowed: doc, docx, rtf, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, odt, pdf, txt, qt, mov, mpg, avi, mp3, wav, mp4, wma, flv, asf, mpeg, wmv, m4v, svg, tif, tiff, jpeg, jpg, gif, png, zip, rar, tar, 7z

The “CPE Record” is not provided or it is not uploaded as a separate document. Or 1 or more of the required experiences’ hours were not completed or were not dated or initialed by the preceptor or SME. Or the verification of completed tasks and hours was not signed by the candidate or supervising preceptor or SME.


Not applicable.


The “CPE Record” is uploaded as a separate document and contains initials and dates from the preceptor or SME for each completed experience requiring hours. The form is signed by the candidate and supervising preceptor or SME, verifying that all tasks and all hours have been completed.


One or more of the required deliverables are incomplete or have not been uploaded or a link to the candidate’s e-portfolio is not provided.


Not applicable.


Each required deliverable is completed and uploaded to the candidate’s e-portfolio and a link to the e-portfolio is provided.

D157 LAM1 CPE Record.docx
DocuSign Instructions.docx
Healthcare Improvement Project Charter.docx
Pro Forma Operating Budget.docx
RACI Chart.docxMaster of Science, Leadership and Management
Clinical Practice Experience (CPE) RecordCourse Name: Managing Resources in an Era of Disruption
CPE Objective (20 Hours): After completing this clinical practice experience (CPE), students will have created a pro forma financial report and a project charter for their healthcare improvement project (HIP).
Student Name:
Preceptor or SME Name:
Form Instructions:
❖ Preceptor or SME: Verify the completion of each of the following activities by providing dates and initials using DocuSign. Remember to save the document. When all tasks have been completed, sign and date this entire record using DocuSign.
❖ Student: The CPE in this course consists of 20 hours of semi-structured activities. These activities relate to building your HIP project plan, based on information for your HIP from a current or former organization, by planning the allocation of resources to support your project and defining the project scope and objectives. You will prepare evidence or deliverables that will be submitted in your e-portfolio. As you complete each experience, ask your preceptor or SME to verify completion by entering the date the activity was done and the preceptor or SME’s initials.

CLINICAL PRACTICE EXPERIENCE Max Hours Earned Preceptor or SME Verification
Date Initials
❖ Phase 1: Preparing for CPE and RACI
Meet with your preceptor or SME to review the requirements for your CPE. Strategically plan the tasks and timeline needed to complete your CPE. You should create a responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed (RACI) chart of the specialized experts in your field of interest or colleagues from your current or former organization and a project charter for your HIP.
Work with your preceptor or SME to identify specialized experts in your field of interest or colleagues from your current or former organization who should be involved in planning the implementation and evaluation of your HIP project. These individuals will comprise your project team. Consult with your project team, preceptor or SME, and faculty to understand team roles and responsibilities within the project team. Complete the “RACI Chart Template” based on information from the project team members. The “RACI Chart Template” should include the following information:
• all the major deliverables on the RACI chart that your team would complete before you propose or implement your project
• the initials of your project team members as column headers and the tasks or deliverables as row headings
• the role each member would have for these tasks or deliverables using the initial of the following RACI definitions: roles and responsibilities (R), accountability (A), consult (C), and inform (I)
Record a 5- to 10-minute GoReact video that discusses your RACI chart and project charter. After recording your video and posting it for review, watch two of your peers’ videos and provide them encouraging and constructive feedback. Finally, capture a screenshot of your video and screenshots showing your responses to two of your peers’ videos.
If you have trouble with the above GoReact link, you can copy and paste the following URL directly into your browser:
Evidence (Uploaded to Your E-Portfolio):
1. A schedule outlining the tasks and timeline for completing this CPE
2. Completed “RACI Chart Template” of the project team members
3. Three screenshots to document your GoReact video reflection that includes an image of your reflection video and an image for each of your two peer responses
4. A brief, written summary of your video reflection below your screenshot
CLINICAL PRACTICE EXPERIENCE Max Hours Earned Preceptor or SME Verification
Date Initials
❖ Phase 2: Pro Forma Operating Budget and Project Charter
Consult with your project team, preceptor or SME, and faculty to create a pro forma operating budget and a project charter for your HIP project.
Create a pro forma operating budget for planning the implementation and control phase of your HIP by completing the “Pro Forma Operating Budget” template. Include:
• 5 budget items
• the amount for each item
• the description of each item
Complete the “Healthcare Improvement Project Charter” template. Include:
• why the project is being undertaken
• the need for the project
• the issue or opportunity that the project will address
• SMART goal and project outcome statement
• project milestones and budget including significant risks
Discuss the pro forma budget and project charter with your preceptor or SME. Create a 5- to 10- minute GoReact video that discusses your pro forma budget and project charter. After recording your video and posting it for review, watch two of your peers’ videos and provide them encouraging and constructive feedback. Finally, capture a screenshot of your video and screenshots showing you responded to two of your peers’ videos.
If you have trouble with the above GoReact link, you can copy and paste the following URL directly into your browser:


Evidence (Uploaded to Your E-Portfolio):
1. A completed “Pro Forma Operating Budget” template
2. A completed “Healthcare Improvement Project Charter” template
3. Three screenshots to document your GoReact video reflection that includes an image of your reflection video and an image for each of your two peer responses
4. A brief, written summary of your video reflection below your screenshot

Faculty Verification of CPE Tasks and Hours


Student Signature (attests to completion of hours):’

____________________________________          _____________
Student Signature                                                                                 Date

Preceptor or SME Signature (verification that the student completed the required tasks and hours):

____________________________________                      _____________
Preceptor or SME Signature                                                                      Date

Note: This form must include all required signatures and be submitted with your task.


How to complete the Clinical Practice Experience (CPE) Record using DocuSign

The purpose of the CPE Record is to track the hours spent on CPE in your Master of Science, Leadership and Management courses.  The CPE Record will help you keep track of your activities and the date completed.  DocuSign is the platform that your CPE Record is to be completed in and will provide a document that is retrievable, revisable, and can be saved until signed.  Please use this document to assist you in filling out your CPE Record in DocuSign.
*Please note these instructions are to be used for all of the courses with CPE in the Leadership and Management program and use the first course with CPE, Business Case Analysis for Healthcare Improvement, as an example.

Accessing CPE Record 1
Filling out and completing the CPE Record 2

1. Click the DocuSign hyperlink in the Web Links section of the performance assessment; this will take you to the CPE Record in DocuSign.

2. Fill out your information, using your WGU email address, and your preceptor or SME’s information.  Then click BEGIN SIGNING.

Note: Please ensure you use your WGU email address for Your Email.

1. Please click the box to accept the “Electronic Records and Signature Disclosure.”

2. Then click CONTINUE.

3. Next click START.
4. Begin filling out the CPE Record:
a. Ensure your name is completed in the student name field.
b. Enter your preceptor or SME name in the preceptor or SME name field.

5. Then click FINISH.

6. A copy is saved and the CPE Record will be routed to the next signer, which is your preceptor or SME.
a. YOU WILL NOT BE ASKED TO SIGN THE DOCUMENT AT THIS TIME. Your signature will be obtained as the final step after the preceptor or SME has completed the document.
b. You will be notified via email when the signer has opened the document and also when the signer has completed signing.

7. Once your preceptor or SME has completed signing the document, you will be notified via email to complete signing the document.

8. You will be required to adopt a DocuSign signature and initials and sign.
a. You can adopt the generic signature or draw your own.
b. After you do this you should ADOPT AND SIGN/INITIAL
9. Submit the final, signed emailed PDF and upload it with your task submission.

If you have issues with DocuSign, please reach out to Assessment Services (assessmentservices@wgu.edu) or call Assessment Scheduling: 1-877-435-7948 option 2.  Assessment Services will assist you within 24-48 hours.

How to complete the Clinical Practice Experience (CPE) Record using DocuSign

The purpose of the CPE Record is to track the hours spent on CPE in your Master of Science, Leadership and Management courses.  The CPE Record will help you keep track of your activities and the date completed.  DocuSign is the platform that your CPE Record is to be completed in and will provide a document that is retrievable, revisable, and can be saved until signed.  Please use this document to assist you in filling out your CPE Record in DocuSign.
*Please note these instructions are to be used for all of the courses with CPE in the Leadership and Management program and use the first course with CPE, Business Case Analysis for Healthcare Improvement, as an example.

Accessing CPE Record 1
Filling out and completing the CPE Record 2

1. Click the DocuSign hyperlink in the Web Links section of the performance assessment; this will take you to the CPE Record in DocuSign.

2. Fill out your information, using your WGU email address, and your preceptor or SME’s information.  Then click BEGIN SIGNING.

Note: Please ensure you use your WGU email address for Your Email.

1. Please click the box to accept the “Electronic Records and Signature Disclosure.”

2. Then click CONTINUE.

3. Next click START.
4. Begin filling out the CPE Record:
a. Ensure your name is completed in the student name field.
b. Enter your preceptor or SME name in the preceptor or SME name field.

5. Then click FINISH.

6. A copy is saved and the CPE Record will be routed to the next signer, which is your preceptor or SME.
a. YOU WILL NOT BE ASKED TO SIGN THE DOCUMENT AT THIS TIME. Your signature will be obtained as the final step after the preceptor or SME has completed the document.
b. You will be notified via email when the signer has opened the document and also when the signer has completed signing.

7. Once your preceptor or SME has completed signing the document, you will be notified via email to complete signing the document.

8. You will be required to adopt a DocuSign signature and initials and sign.
a. You can adopt the generic signature or draw your own.
b. After you do this you should ADOPT AND SIGN/INITIAL

9. Submit the final, signed emailed PDF and upload it with your task submission.

If you have issues with DocuSign, please reach out to Assessment Services (assessmentservices@wgu.edu) or call Assessment Scheduling: 1-877-435-7948 option 2.  Assessment Services will assist you within 24-48 hours.

Appendix G
Healthcare Improvement Project Charter


[Why is the project being undertaken? Justify the need for this project and describe the issue or opportunity that the project is to address. Include summary details of the project]
Project Goal and Outcome Statement
[Insert your SMART goal and project outcome statement]
Project Milestones
[Identify the significant project milestones: start date, end date.]
Project Budget
[Describe the main project expenses and total anticipated expenses. If there is funding for the project, identify the source.]
Significant Risks
Risks [What are the most significant risks? What things must happen before the project is delivered?]


Appendix G
Healthcare Improvement Project Charter

[Why is the project being undertaken? Justify the need for this project and describe the issue or opportunity that the project is to address. Include summary details of the project]
Project Goal and Outcome Statement
[Insert your SMART goal and project outcome statement]
Project Milestones
[Identify the significant project milestones: start date, end date.]
Project Budget
[Describe the main project expenses and total anticipated expenses. If there is funding for the project, identify the source.]
Significant Risks
Risks [What are the most significant risks? What things must happen before the project is delivered?]

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