Analysis for Inadequate mentorship and low retention of nurses in the hospital Essay

Analysis for Inadequate mentorship and low retention of nurses in the hospital Essay

Analysis for Inadequate mentorship and low retention of nurses in the hospital Essay

Literature Review

The quality of health care delivery in health care organizations depends on the professional skills of the nurses. Effective measures taken in training nurses to meet the needs of patients have an impact on the patient outcome. In attaining the advanced level of health care delivery, nurses in any hospital setting need mentoring to offer better and improved care and services (Marufu et al., 2021). The environment created for nurses in the hospital setting affects their output. However, effective mentoring programs have not been effective in many hospitals because the mentors face various constraints like increased workload that limit their time of training the fresh nurses. This implies that nurses have been going through inadequate mentorship and low retention techniques. The purpose of this paper is to address the cited problem of low retention and reduced mentorship among nurses by comparing the previous studies done by the authors.

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Inclusion of Three Peer-Reviewed Articles

The study done by Alma et al. (2021) affirms that on-job mentorship programs enhance routine supervision among nurses that further improve nurse experience on compassionate care. The study suggests the implementation of competence, retention, and competence as mentorship programs that enhances care among nurses. The authors organized an intervention development study completed within one year. The study’s findings revealed that on-job mentorship positively impacts improving care and equipping the nurses with the effective skills that will enhance their work output. Besides, these programs also had a positive impact on raising the retention levels of the nurses.

Marufu et al. (2021) further argue that recruiting and retaining the nursing staff is one of the leading workforce challenges that health care institutions face in the UK. The huge nursing vacancy in the UK stems from the limited programs that can aid in retaining and recruiting the retaining staff. The authors aimed at examining the factors affecting retention among the nursing staff in the UK. The study used five major online searches to sample 47 studies on retention among nurses in hospitals. The study found that the turnover factors among nurses in the UK are long-standing, and evaluating the current workforce strategies needs to be a major priority.

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According to Lai et al. (2018), retaining indigenous health professionals can be improved by developing culturally safe workplaces, clear documentation, and communication among nurses. The authors searched four major electronic databases in August 2017, where they found 15 articles that met the inclusion criterion. The study found that important factors that affect nurse retention include low salary, heavy workloads, work environment, perception of disparity in salary, and poorly documented roles and responsibilities.

Application of the Evidence

The three articles used in this study have elicited the problem of inadequate mention and low retention of nurses from different angles. While Alma et al. (2021) prove that low job mentorship programs are the major cause of low nurse retention, Lai et al. (2018) augment their thinking by commenting on factors such as low salary and other causes of low retention. The findings of these authors are interlinked in the sense that they expound on major factors that have been causing reduced retention among nurses in hospitals. Marufu et al. (2021) perceive that hiring and retaining nurses has been a major menace in the UK, contributing to high cases of nursing vacancies. The problem stems from the inadequate strategies by the health care systems in the UK to retention nurses and includes measures that would motivate nurses to work. The articles included in the study rely on the studies done in the past as all the samples collected for all the studies are past studies that had been done between 2017 and 2019.

Impact on Health Care Delivery

The studies have revealed how health care organizations have been struggling to manage their workforce. The negative impact of low retention and inadequate mentorship is evident on the cost of health as hospitals spend more resources in hiring new staff. The reduced mentorship limits hospitals from training many nurses to maintain the nurse-patient ratio (Jangland et al, 2021). This lowers the standards of health care delivery. These clinical situations need an effective solution for better patient care. The health care delivery entire relies on the wellbeing of nurses. It is important to understand that there is a direct link between the topic of quality of health care delivery and nurse low retention as shown by the review of the past literature.

Nurses need to have a sensible workload and measures that lower nurse burnout to reduce low retention. For instance, longer working hours of the nurses in the emergency section have resulted in the high death of patients, as nurses lack the ability to unleash their best performance. It is for this reason the study contends some measures that look into the rectification of nurse fatigue that aids in solving low nurse retention. Many healthcare workforces would opt to resign when their effort at the clinic does not equal the salaries and benefits, they receive (Jangland et al, 2021). Besides, creating an environment that allows the mentors and mentees to embrace self-develop can be an effective tool to address inadequate mentorship.


Drawing facts from the above literature, it is evident that low retention and inadequate mentorship have been examined by authors in the past and found to be having adverse effects on clinical outcomes. The SWOT performed on the clinical issues has identified strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The review has also revealed some of the greatest weakness of hospitals, such as high staff turnover, which affect patient care. Addressing these weaknesses would positively impact hospitals, allowing them to increase strengths and opportunities. These studies relay more information on the effect of nurse fatigue on performance, especially in the medical section requiring the nurses’ attention. Conversely, the safety of patients tends to arise from the level of care that a patient is bound to receive.


Alma Arshad Hookmani, Naureen Lalani, Noureen Sultan, Aly Zubairi, Ayesha Hussain, Babar S. Hasan, & Muneera A. Rasheed. (2021). Development of an on-job mentorship programme to improve nursing experience for enhanced patient experience of compassionate care. BMC Nursing, 20(1), 1–18.

Jangland, E., Gunningberg, L., & Nyholm, L. (2021). A mentoring programme to meet newly graduated nurses’ needs and give senior nurses a new career opportunity: A multiple-case study. Nurse Education in Practice57, 103233.

Lai, G. C., Taylor, E. V., Haigh, M. M., & Thompson, S. C. (2018). Factors Affecting the Retention of Indigenous Australians in the Health Workforce: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(5).

Marufu, T. C., Collins, A., Vargas, L., Gillespie, L., & Almghairbi, D. (2021). Factors influencing retention among hospital nurses: systematic review. British Journal of Nursing, 30(5), 302–308.

Overview: The purpose of the literature review is to utilize peer-reviewed journals to support your SWOT Analysis topic identified in Week 1. Portions of this assignment will be utilized in the final paper. Assignment Instructions: Literature Review (3-4 pages) 1. Conduct a literature review on your identified situation or issue from the SWOT Analysis. 2. Access the library to obtain your peer-reviewed articles. 3. The literature review should consist of a minimum of three (3) articles from peer-reviewed journals written within the last 5 years. 4. What evidence supports your concerns? 5. How does this situation impact the cost of healthcare delivery? 6. Paper is to be written in APA format.
Additional Assignment Instructions: Below is a list of the 6 sections to include in your assignment submission:
• Introduction of the Issue: Provide a discussion of the healthcare issue identified in the SWOT analysis.
• Inclusion of Three Peer-Reviewed Articles: Provide a summary of the three peer-reviewed articles that align with the identified healthcare issue. Ensure to include in-text citations to reference the articles.
• Application of the Evidence- Provide a synthesis (compare and contrast the articles) of the three peer-reviewed articles as it pertains to the identified healthcare issue. Ensure to include in-text citations to reference the articles.
• Impact to Healthcare Delivery- Provide a discussion on the way in which the identified issue impacts the healthcare delivery access, cost, and collaboration with other disciplines.

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