Week 3 Annotating Your Sources Essay

Week 3 Annotating Your Sources Essay

Week 3 Annotating Your Sources Essay

An annotated bibliography is a type of research paper that requires students to collect, evaluate and summarize sources related to a given topic. In order to create an effective annotated bibliography, students must be able to identify the main points of each source and determine their credibility. When conducting research for an annotated bibliography, it is important to consider all sides of the issue and include support for both sides in your paper. While you may have your own opinion on the matter, it is important to remain objective and present both sides fairly. This will give your readers a well-rounded view of the issue and allow them to make their own informed decision. The purpose of this paper is to present an annotated bibliography that will be used in analyzing the accounting automation assignment.

Annotated Bibliography

Kokina, Julia, and Shay Blanchette. “Early evidence of digital labor in accounting: Innovation with Robotic Process Automation.” International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 35 (2019): 100431. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.accinf.2019.100431

The early evidence of digital labor in accounting is the usage of robotic process automation (RPA) or RPA. The main idea in the article is robotic process automation; the authors, Kokina, Julia, and Shay Blanchette explore how RPA can be used to automate invoice processing. They find that RPA performs better than traditional methods such as Microsoft Excel and manual data entry in terms of speed, accuracy, and consistency. They also found that RPA led to a reduction in processing time from hours to minutes (Kokina et al. 17). Furthermore, the use of RPA led to cost savings for the organization. Therefore, it is clear that the early evidence of digital labor in accounting is through the use of robotic process automation which has shown to be more efficient and leads to cost savings for organizations. The source of information supports the argument on accounting automation. According to the authors, there are those who oppose the idea of automation in accounting. They argue that automation can lead to job losses and errors. Nevertheless, the article provides support for the opposing view by showing how digital labor can be used effectively in accounting.

The article is credible because it is current, there is timeliness and relevance of the information. Also, there is presentation of accurate information with adherence to correctness and truthfulness. The authors cite a number of examples of how RPA is being used in accounting, such as to generate invoices, reconcile accounts, and prepare tax returns. RPA is also being used to automate certain aspects of auditing. While the use of RPA is still relatively new in accounting, the article argues that it has great potential to improve efficiency and accuracy.

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Harrast, Steven A. “Robotic process automation in accounting systems.” Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance 31.4 (2020): 209-213.https://doi.org/10.1002/jcaf.22457


The main point in the article involves the analysis of robotic process automation (RPA). RPA is a growing trend in the accounting industry, as it can help to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks. There are different opposing views evident in the article. For instance, the supporters of RPA argue that it can improve accuracy and efficiency in accounting, while opponents claim that it may lead to job losses. However, there is no clear evidence either way at this time. Ultimately, whether or not to adopt RPA will come down to each individual organization’s needs and preferences.

The credibility of the article lies on the sources of information and data.  The article cites a study by the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants which found that 86% of accounting and finance professionals believe robotic process automation (RPA) will have a significant or very significant impact on their organization’s back-office operations in the next three years (Harrast 11).This is certainly an interesting finding, and it will be exciting to see how RPA develops and evolves over the coming years. However, it’s important to note that RPA is still relatively new technology, so it’s too early to say for certain just how much of an impact it will have on accounting and finance operations.

Chukwuani, Victoria Nnenna, and M. A. Eqiyi. “Automation of Accounting Processes: Impact of Artificial Intelligence.” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) 4.8 (2020): 444-449. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Modesta-Egiyi/publication/344225169_Automation_of_Accounting_Processes_Impact_of_Artificial_Intelligence/links/5f5dcd5a4585154dbbce1de5/Automation-of-Accounting-Processes-Impact-of-Artificial-Intelligence.pdf

Based on the article mentioned, the main topic is the automation of different accounting processes. Automation of accounting processes can help to improve the efficiency and accuracy of financial reporting. This is achieved by reducing human error and increasing the speed of data entry and processing (Chukwuani et al. 15). However, there are some who oppose this view, believing that manual accounting methods are more reliable. Ultimately, it is up to each individual or organization to decide which approach best suits their needs.

The article is credible; the research study was conducted by professors at Covenant University and the results of the study have been published in a reputable journal. According to the authors, the use of automation for accounting processes can help to improve efficiency and accuracy in the accounting process. Automation can help to reduce the time needed to complete tasks, and it can also help to ensure that all data is captured and entered into the system accurately. In addition, automation can help to improve compliance with financial reporting requirements.



The three articles provide essential information for addressing the topic of accounting automation. The first article discusses the various benefits that automation can bring to businesses, including increased accuracy, efficiency, and productivity. The second article describes some of the key features that businesses should look for in an accounting automation solution. The third article offers tips on how to successfully implement an automated accounting system. When it comes to accounting automation, it is important to do your research and find a solution that fits your business’ specific needs. There are many different solutions available, so take your time and compare different options before making a decision. Remember to always consult with a qualified accountant or financial advisor before making any major changes to your accounting system.

Works Cited

Chukwuani, Victoria Nnenna, and M. A. Eqiyi. “Automation of Accounting Processes: Impact of Artificial Intelligence.” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) 4.8 (2020): 444-449. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Modesta-Egiyi/publication/344225169_Automation_of_Accounting_Processes_Impact_of_Artificial_Intelligence/links/5f5dcd5a4585154dbbce1de5/Automation-of-Accounting-Processes-Impact-of-Artificial-Intelligence.pdf

Harrast, Steven A. “Robotic process automation in accounting systems.” Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance 31.4 (2020): 209-213. https://doi.org/10.1002/jcaf.22457

Kokina, Julia, and Shay Blanchette. “Early evidence of digital labor in accounting: Innovation with Robotic Process Automation.” International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 35 (2019): 100431. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.accinf.2019.100431


Now that we have discussed the importance of using credible secondary sources for your project (Accounting Automation), let us start annotating! Do not worry—we are going to walk through the process one step at a time. In this section, we will first focus on finding sources. Then we will help you summarize those sources, evaluate their credibility, and explain how they will help support your argument. If you found a source that passed the C.R.A.A.P.O. test earlier in this module, feel free to use that source. If you decided to alter your keywords and you would like to start your research from scratch, restarting is totally fine too!
In this activity, you will create an annotated bibliography by addressing the steps below and answering the prompts as thoroughly as possible. The prompts will help you to engage in a conversation with your sources. You will need to follow the steps below three times (for your three different sources).
Before you begin, make certain you have:
• Selected three sources from the library database
• At least one source that presents an opposing viewpoint, a position that an opponent of your argument might make
• Applied the C.R.A.A.P.O. test to the sources to determine if they are credible and reliable (Remember, credible sources should score 35 points or more on the test)
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria for each of your three sources:
1. Identify the source by including the author, the title, and the database information.
2. Summarize the source. (Explain the main idea, the details or evidence that support the main idea, and the description of if your source supports your argument or an opposing viewpoint.)
3. Explain why the source is credible. The C.R.A.A.P.O. test will help; use the C.R.A.A.P.O. Test Worksheet linked in the Supporting Materials Section to see how the source scores.
4. Explain how the source supports at least one key point or opposing viewpoint from your argument.
Guidelines for Submission
Your assignment must be written in MLA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.
Supporting Materials
To support your work on the project, use the following resources:
• CQ Researcher – SAGE
• Academic Search Ultimate
• Opposing Viewpoints in Context – Gale
• C.R.A.A.P.O. Test Worksheet
• Other relevant library databases
• Your Brainstorming Ideas activity

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