Topic 15 DQ 1: Final Evaluation and Reflection on the Practicum Experience  Paper

Topic 15 DQ 1: Final Evaluation and Reflection on the Practicum Experience  Paper

Topic 15 DQ 1: Final Evaluation and Reflection on the Practicum Experience Paper

My preceptor during the practicum project was a democratic type of leader who valued the opinions of other employees. The leader demonstrated this by using her personal and positional power and cooperative decision methods to obtain ideas from employees. Besides, the leader engaged employees in decision-making to motivate them to set their work goals, develop their professional plans, and control their practice. Being involved in decision-making fostered confidence among employees, and the fact that the preceptor listened to their feedback made them feel valued (Campos et al., 2020).

Additionally, the preceptor encouraged and rewarded creativity from employees and was adaptable to new solutions and modifying existing processes. This encouraged the team members to be creative and develop innovative idethat will improve the workplace or healthcare delivery. For example, the preceptor encouraged nurses to invent patient care solutions that would improve patient care delivery and present in the monthly CMEs. She guided the nurses in developing these solutions and supported them when representing these ideas to the organization’s leadership team.

The preceptor consistently displayed admirable leadership characteristics like transparency, flexibility, adaptability to change, team-focused, active listening, and effective communication skills. For instance, the preceptor exhibited transparency by being open and honest with the employees and providing honest and constructive feedback. She also set a role model for employees to be transparent in their work (Campos et al., 2020). The preceptor demonstrated flexibility by being open to shift tasks, goals and responsibilities when working with the team. Besides, the preceptor was open to new ideas and changes provided that they helped the team and the organization move forward, which showed her adaptability to change. For example, she would ask the nurses in the organization if they had identified new ideas on how they would improve patient care or solve a pressing nursing care issue. She was receptive to the new ideas given by nurses and allowed them to modify some clinical interventions as long as they were supported by best practice and evidence-based practice. At one time, the medical-surgical nurses proposed that they use Chlorhexidine solution during catheterization instead of normal saline since evidence showed that it reduced incidences of CAUTI. The preceptor was open to the proposal and encouraged its implementation, which led to a significant decrease in CAUTIS in the medical-surgical unit.


The preceptor was team-oriented and thus able to work well with other employees and take charge when a new project came up. By being team-oriented, the preceptor focused on employees’ motivations, goals, and well-being (Sonmez Cakir & Adiguzel, 2020). Her team-oriented quality explains why she showed great interest in my practicum project, which focused on improving communications and team building in the organization. In addition, the preceptor demonstrated active listening by giving and receiving feedback from the employees and listening. For example, she would ask the right questions to the employees and then follow up to ensure the message was conveyed correctly.

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Topic 15 DQ 1: Final Evaluation and Reflection on the Practicum Experience  Paper

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The preceptor exhibited excellent communication skills, both oral and written. She communicated articulately and positively, which created a clear path for the employees to follow. I learned how to improve my communication skills from the preceptor. This significantly helped me in creating an effective team during the leadership project planning and implementation and facilitated a successful project on a team-building activity to improve working relationships among nurses in the organization.


Campos, J. A., Aubert, A., Guo, M., & Joanpere, M. (2020). Improved Leadership Skills and Aptitudes in an Excellence EMBA Program: Creating Synergies With Dialogic Leadership to Achieve Social Impact. Frontiers in psychology11, 17.

Sonmez Cakir, F., & Adiguzel, Z. (2020). Analysis of Leader Effectiveness in Organization and Knowledge Sharing Behavior on Employees and Organization. SAGE Open.


Topic 15: Final Evaluation and Reflection On The Practicum Experience
1. Reflect on the practicum experience.
2. Summarize the practicum project.

Topic 15 DQ 1
Assessment Description
Looking back on your time with your preceptor/mentor, what type of leader are they? Explain your answer. Elaborate on what characteristics your preceptor/mentor displayed most consistently. Share examples from your experience to support your response.

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