Senior leaderships ethical decisions Essay

Senior leaderships ethical decisions Essay

Senior leadership’s ethical decisions impact the entire organization: unethical behavior breaths unethical behavior and decision-making from employees. Moral choices are made because it is the right thing to do, whether it benefits the organization or only the communities.

Leadership should enforce proper decision-making to protect both the organization and its employees. On the other hand, compliance is when you are being forced to because of laws and regulations.

Ethical Decision and Compliance

Compliance can be defined as “conscious obedience to or incorporation of values norms or institutional requirements” (Burdon,2020). The benefit of an ethical decision, an organization, would not have to face legal judgment because of unethical choices.

Equitable remedies and equity might be characterized as a decision-making model that emphasizes case-specific judgment, moral reasoning, and discretion(Bray,2016). Damages, and injunctions all fall under equitable remedies.

In 2018 United States v. Atersiano, three police officers were accused of ethical misconduct. The chief of police order the three officers to detain and falsified evidence against the citizen.

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An ethical violation that the court found them guilty of committing. When compensated, these and other unethical acts cause a loss of funding for the police force and impact the community.


Which is more importance

In my opinion, ethics is more important because for a business to survive, the public must have a level of trust and respect for the establishment’s operation. Compliance with laws and regulations will prevent legal problems. However, it may not be enough to maintain a profitable business.

Bray, S. L. (2016). The System of Equitable Remedies. UCLA Law Review, 63(3), 530–593.

Burdon, W. M., & Sorour, M. K. (2020). Institutional Theory and Evolution of “A Legitimate” Compliance Culture: The Case of the UK Financial Service Sector. Journal of Business Ethics, 162(1), 47.

The United States of America v. Raimundo Atesiano,11-27-20018Case Number: 1:18-cr-20479-KMM, United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida (Miami-Dade County), Law Enforcement Officer Ethical Violation Case | Eddusaver (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) Retrieved from

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