Project Plan Phase III-Risk Management and Human Resources Essay

Project Plan Phase III-Risk Management and Human Resources Essay

Project Plan Phase III-Risk Management and Human Resources Essay

Risk management is a critical aspect of project management as it allows project teams and managers to identify strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for their undertakings and deliver expected goals and objectives. Projects involve a lot of aspects that include processes, things to consider and steps to fulfill which makes it difficult for project managers and teams to lose track and get overwhelmed with the flow of things (Baker, 2018). The incorporation of planning tools that enable project managers and teams to conquer and divide tasks and anticipate and reduce risks is a crucial part of project management. These tools include RACI and Risk Register. The purpose of this project planning phase III paper is to discuss risk management and human resource plans for the implementation of the communication app in the facility. The paper explores the risks associated with implementation of the communication app through the use of risk register and RACI tool for the project under considerations.


Risks Register

The risk register is a tool that allows a project manager and their teams to identify, document and manage all possible risks associated with any project being implemented in healthcare settings. The chart details offer an effective way for project teams and managers to scan the risk level, status, and possible responses as well as the individuals responsible for the risk. The tool compiles regulatory and safety compliances required in risk management for a project and ensures that the project keeps its timelines. The register identifies possible areas that may delay the implementation of all aspects of a project and mitigates their adverse effects on the deliverables based on set timelines.

Risk categories in the register include delays emanating from inability of those assigned roles to complete them on time (Hillson & Simon, 2020). Delays in approval, provision of resources, and having the right people in different project areas emanate from human resource factors. Furthermore, limited levels of understanding about the project is a risk as it implies that team members and those assigned responsibilities do not comprehend their tasks. The implication is that project managers and their teams should always identify risks and offer alternative plans to avoid project creep and additional costs (PMI, 2018). Budgetary alterations and changes; either overestimation or underestimation of the costs of a project can have devastating effects on overall planning and project completion.

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The tabular form of risk register as captured in the appendix emanates from the qualitative analysis that details the probability of the identified risks from taking place, its degree of impact on the project and possible interventions to reduce negative outcomes. The register also shows the quantitative analysis based on data concerning risk description, category and identified or possible triggers. Strategies to change possible risks include having skilled human resources, financial management and adhering to project timelines to reduce the probability of delays in implementation.

RACI Chart

The RACI chart is an abbreviation that stands for responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed for every major project undertaking or task. The responsible personnel are those who execute the assigned task while accountable ones are those making the final decision and determination and approve the step in the project plan (Robbins, 2019). Consulted are people who offer expert advice and information to those responsible and accountable while the informed are individuals made aware once the outcomes and decisions have been attained in project management. The chart help project personnel manage and track use of human resources.

Through this approach, they can monitor and control as well as offer communication means for effective project implementation (Hillson & Simon, 2020). The RACI chart is a document that explicitly explains those responsible for bringing certain tasks to completion based on the set budget and timelines. The chart captures the primary activities of a project and the human resources or personnel responsible. These include project proposal, project charter, project scope and implementation. The chart also covers communication plan, work breakdown structure, deliverables and risk management as well as project report. The RACI presented in the appendix highlights and capture all the critical aspects, personnel, and activities of the project.


Project management entails a host of processes that can be overwhelming to the project leaders and team members. Therefore, proper and effective use of project management tools is important and necessary. The two tools presented in this phase of planning include the Risk Register and the RACI chart. These two tools are essential in project management as they provide directions on clarification of responsibilities and roles of different team members. These tools enable project teams to avoid ambiguity in division of labor and tasks that should be performed leading to enhanced accountability. Project teams and managers can use these tools to improve project planning processes and ensure that their projects are within the set timelines to avoid creep and use of more resources. Risk identification improves outcomes and overall project execution or implementation to meet set goals.


Baker, B. (2018). Project quality management practice & theory. American Journal of

Management, 18(3), 10-17. DOI:

Hillson, D., & Simon, P. (2020). Practical project risk management: The ATOM methodology.

Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Project Management Institute (PMI). (2018). A guide to the project management body of

Knowledge (PMBOK guide). Newtown Square, PA, USA: Project Management Institute.

Robbins, T. R. (2019). A multipart project planning and tracking exercise. Decision Sciences

Journal of Innovative Education, 17(2), 104-125. doi:


Appendix A: Risk Register

Rank Category Risk Description Triggers Possible Response Probability Impact Risk Owner Status
1 Budget Project Risk An increment in budget due to unexpected expenses from the initial projections Insufficient

Financial budgeting and managerial skills

Having knowledgeable personnel with the right skills High Possible lack of trust and understanding Maben M and financial manager Has not occurred
2 Insufficient Knowledge People risk Staff not getting the required training to enhance their skilled Time barriers Providing sufficient information and training to employees to enable sufficient understanding of significance of the apps High Increase time allocated for better perception and understanding Having a training personnel It is a mitigated risk
3 Delays in implementation People risk Lack of resources and support Lack of release of resources and effective interpretation among leaders Lack of appreciation of the significance of the project High A rise in expenses due to creep in the project Project manager and team Has not occurred

Appendix B: RACI Matrix

Task/Person Kevin M


Maben K/




Malik M


Daisy Angus S
Project Proposal/Initiation RAC I RA RAC I
Project Research/Projection CI RA RA CI RA R
Stakeholders/Guidelines CI IR CI I
Scope & Goal Setting/Budget RAC RA RAC

Management & Updates

Monitoring/Performance CI CI RA
Project Deliverable/Performance RACI RAC RAC RA

Code Stands for This is the person who is….
R Responsible Responsible for performing the task or creating the document
A Accountable Accountable for the task or document such as the project manager, supervisor , or technical lead
S Supports Provides support for the task, such as materials or documents (for RASCI chart)
C Consult Provides consulting or expertise to the person responsible for the task or document and others.
I Inform Informed of task progress or results, usually by the person responsible.


In this assignment, students document, track and manage project’s risks and utilization of human resources. The risk management will be accomplished through the use of a Risk Register chart.

Using the Risk Register is a way to identify, document and manage all of the risks associated with a project. The chart details provide an easy way to scan for level of risk, status, potential responses, who is responsible for the risk in addition to the project manager or other details needed to manage the risk. This is a great way to keep everyone informed when this document is presented at the weekly team meetings and in communication with all stakeholders.

Another key tool is called the RACI chart which helps you identify who is responsible, accountable, consulted, or informed for each major project task. The RACI (responsible, accountable, consulted, informed) chart will help manage and track utilization of human resources; this facilitates monitoring and control as well as provides one means of communication. It documents and makes it clear who is responsible for bringing the task to completion, on time, on budget.All project risks must be identified and added to your risk register following the example. Attach as appendices to a professional, scholarly paper.
The RACI chart must provide the responsibility, accountability, consulted, or informed status for each member of the team for all major project tasks following the RACI example. Attach as appendices

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