Professional Portfolio Paper

Professional Portfolio Paper

Professional Portfolio Paper

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Personal Mission Statement/Goals

I am a passionate nurse that is dedicated to ensuring optimum outcomes in the patient care process. The promotion of care outcomes that include efficiency, safety, and quality drives my nursing care. I respect diversity in nursing care. I recognize that patients come from different backgrounds. They have different cultural values, beliefs, and practices that affect their health. The diversity affects the utilization of healthcare services by the different populations. Therefore, I believe that nurses should provide care that respects the diversity among the different patients, hence, holistic practice. The respect for diversity aligns with the mission and vision of the organization that I desire to work in the future.

The use of best practice interventions guides my nursing practice. I believe that evidence-based practice is crucial for the realization of optimum care outcomes for the populations that I serve. Evidence-based practice ensures that the best research, patient values, and practice experience inform my decisions as a nurse. I also value the importance of ethical practice in nursing. I believe that nurses and other healthcare providers should offer care with a consideration of ethics that include autonomy, justice, confidentiality, beneficence, and non-maleficence among other values. Nurses should demonstrate professionalism by ensuring that the care that they offer reflects the protection of patients’ rights. The organization that I intend to work with recognizes the importance of evidence-based practice in enhancing care outcomes. It encourages innovative care practices using best recommendations from practice and research. The organization also strives to ensure the promotion of optimum ethical practices in the patient care process, hence, its alignment with my ethics and values.

I also value the importance of data integrity in nursing and healthcare. I believe that nurses and other healthcare providers are responsible for ensuring confidentiality in the data of their patients. They obtain informed consent from their patients before sharing their data with third parties. Nurses also ensure the protection of private and confidential data of their patients from being accessed by unauthorized parties. Nurses explore interventions that include advocating the use of safe and efficient systems of data collection and protection. The organization I intend to work for values data integrity. It trains its staff on interventions to promote data integrity regularly. Therefore, I believe that I will develop the desired competencies in the promotion of data safety and integrity by working with the organization.


I also value honesty in nursing practice. I believe that nurses should be truthful to their patients and colleagues. Nurses should incorporate attributes that include straightforwardness, truthfulness, and integrity in their practice. Honesty is important in nursing since it builds patients’ trust in the care given and the healthcare provider. I also respect human dignity in my practice. Patients deserve the protection of their human rights to access safe, quality, and efficient care. Nurses should also ensure dignity by ensuring that they promote autonomy and altruism for their patients. The organization I intend to work for values human dignity, autonomy, and altruism. Therefore, I believe it is the best place that will help me to develop my personal and professional competencies as a nurse.

My goals as a nurse are varied. My immediate goal is to become the next manager of the pediatric cardiac operating room. My short-term goal (3 years) is to become an assistant director of perioperative services. My goal in the next five years is to become the director of perioperative services. I wish to become the vice president of perioperative services in the next eight years. I intend to achieve the above goals by playing active leadership roles in my organization. I also intend to engage in activities that promote my personal and professional growth such as attending continuous training opportunities in my area of specialization and leadership.

Education/CEUs, Certifications, and Licenses

Professional certifications:

CNOR certification exp 12/2022

BLS – exp  6/22


2021 Houston Chronicle 150 Top Nurses

2018 Finalist in the running for Catalyst leader of the year By CEO Mr. Mark Wallace

In house Committee

Leader:  Unit Practice Council and regulatory Preparedness Committee

Membership in professional organization:

Association of Operating Room Nurses (AORN)






To obtain a position that will utilize my extensive clinical knowledge and leadership abilities while challenging me to continue development through education, mentorship and experience.

Summary of Qualifications

2016-November 14, 2021, Texas Children’s Hospital

Service Coordinator Congenital Heart Surgical Services,

Establishing criteria/tasks to meet the needs of the service line standards

Scrub and circulates cases when needed

Attend and participate in monthly departmental meetings

Ensure some aspects of new staffing education

Coordinates availability of instrumentation and implants needed by the service line

Assist with process improvement within the department

Advocate for members of the team as well as the customers served

Onboarding New Surgeons



April 2016 – Present – Service Coordinator for Congenital Heart Surgical Services. Texas Children’s Hospital

January 2016 – April 2016 – Staff Nurse, CVOR Texas Children’s Hospital

January 2013 – December 2015 – Coordinator/Co-Manager CVOR, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital

July 2006 – November 2013 – Charge Nurse and Preceptor, Texas Children’s Hospital

2000-2006, Memorial Herman Hospital, Houston. Texas.

Staff Nurse, Shock Trauma Intensive Care Unit.

1999-2000, Hahnemann University Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Staff nurse, Shock Trauma ICU

1997-1999. Park Plaza Hospital, Houston Texas, ER, COU, Medical Surgical ICU.


2020 – Currently, Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, Arizona. MSN program.

2012 – Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, Arizona. RN-BSN program.

2003 – 9 months internship in the Operating room – Memorial Herman Hospital.

1999 – Sixteen weeks internship in critical care – Hahneman University Hospital.

1994-1996 – Nursing Diploma, Centennial College, Ontario, Canada.


Proficient in English Only.

Licenses and Certifications

Texas Board of Nursing – Current since 1997.


AORN member.


Invention of Fraser-Bailey sternal retractors to retract the sternum on patients between the 40-60kg during open heart surgery

Invention of Fraser-Bailey sternal retractors to retract the sternum and ribs on patients between the 0-3kg during open heart surgery.

2022 March – Published article in Association of Operating Room Nursing Journal (AORN)


2021 Houston Chronicle 150 Top Nurses

2018 Finalist in the running for Catalyst leader of the year By CEO Mr. Mark Wallace.

Examples of Work

Special projects:

Hospital expansion (building new operating rooms) 2016-2018

Expansion project for new Campus 2021-2024


In House response to Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) Protocol

Poster Presentation for Silicone Dressing

Research/Article Publication:

Implemented new dressing collected data for article and wrote article published in the AORN journal

Article: Using a transparent Antimicrobial Soft Silicone Dressing to Prevent Surgical Site Infections After Congenital Heart Surgery. AORN Journal April 2022.


Fraser-Bailey Sternal retractors (sizes 24 & 26) used to retract the sternum of patients 40-60kg.

Fraser-Bailey Neonatal Sternal/Rib Spreader for neonates less than 2kg.

None previously available on the market for those size patients.

Community Projects: Family

Cooks and delivers meals to homeless under bridges during holidays.

Letters of References

April 1, 2022

Re: Sophia Bailey BSN, RN , CNOR


I am honored to write a reference letter on behalf of Sophia Bailey.

I have known Sophia professionally since 2006 when she first started at Texas Children’s Hospital. During these 16 years I have continuously been impressed by Sophia’s grit and determination. She has continued to grow and develop as the operating room service has. Since 2006, Texas Children’s has become one of the largest congenital heart disease programs with one of the largest heart transplant and cardiac ventricular assist device programs in the country. Despite the incredible growth in volume, the outcomes have remained some of the nest in the country. This Cardiovascular Operating Room team is a major part of this continued success and growth.

Leading a team that is specialized, sophisticated and with high expectations is challenging. Pediatric and adult congenital heart disease surgery requires a level of detail and attention because of the unique needs of the patients and the team that supports it. This operating room team is tasked with long hours, long cases and a level of excellence that is unsurpassed. It requires an exemplary leader.

Sophia leads by not only example but instills confidence in her team through her knowledge and expertise leading to a confident team that is able to meet the demands when she is and is not there. She supports her team and drives them to deliver excellent care through a leadership style that makes her easy to approach. This thoughtful style leads her team through the ups and downs of cardiac surgery.

It is without hesitation, that I would recommend Sophia for the Director of Nursing for the Cardiovascular Operating Rooms. She is ready to take on the challenge and lead the teams to the next level of care.

Carmen Watrin MSN, RN

Director of Nursing – Cardiac Critical Care, Data & Registry

CICU   CPCU    ACH – LT 24

STS / PC4 / PAC3

Texas Children’s Hospital


Cell: 713-540-0599

This information is privileged and confidential pursuant to Texas Health & Safety Code sections 161.031-161.033 and Texas Occupations Code section 160.007 and 303.006 and/or T.R.C.P. 192.5                                                                          Perioperative Services

March 29, 2022

Re:  Sophia Bailey, BSN, RN, CNOR: Professional letter of reference.

To Whom It May Concern:

It is my pleasure to write this letter on behalf of Sophia Bailey. I have had the distinct pleasure of managing her as the Cardio Vascular Operating Room (CVOR) Service Coordinator at Texas Children’s Hospital.

Sophia was an autonomous self-driven service coordinator with an unequivocal work ethic that I knew I could depend on. She was an exceptional employee who consistently dedicated her time to improving the quality of care that our patients received. Sophia volunteered to take on additional assignments when needed without question, and understood the mission and vision of our hospital. She selflessly placed the needs of the patient and families first.

Fittingly, she was honored with multiple awards including the Good Samaritan Award for Excellence in Nursing and the Houston Chronicle’s Salute to Nurses Award. She was recently promoted to a much deserved management position. I am excited to see her growth and the positive impact she will undoubtedly have in her new role.


Veronica Velez, BSN, RN, CNOR

Manager Surgical Services and Scheduling in Perioperative Services

Texas Children’s Hospital

832-824-5701 (desk)

713-854-9445 (cell)


Please see all attachments provided.
Assessment Description
The purpose of this assignment is to format a portfolio that reflects your accomplishments, skills, and professional readiness in preparation for future professional interactions.

You can enhance your professional portfolio by providing a space to show how your personal ethics and values align with the mission and vision of the organization where you desire or intend to work. Stating short-and long-term professional goals demonstrates planning and foresight to future employers while presenting a plan to achieve those goals conveys planning and strategic ability.

Include the following in your portfolio:

Demographics: Include your name, email, phone number, and any other relevant contact information.
Personal Mission Statement / Goals: In 500-750 words, describe how your personal ethics and values align with the mission and vision of the health care organization where you intend to work. Include professional goals and your plans to achieve them.
Education/CEUs, Certifications, and Licenses: Provide documentation of education from accredited universities and colleges, including graduation dates, and any professional certifications or licenses. If you have them, include copies of diplomas, certificates, etc.
Professional Organizations/Awards or Honors Earned: In addition to any awards or honors earned, list any professional organizations to which you belong and what positions you have held in the organization, if applicable.
Resume: A short, one-page document of your work experience, education, and professional accomplishments.
Examples of Work: Provide two examples of your work as either a learner or a professional. (Model of Leadership paper from Week 8 is recommended.)
Letters of Reference: Include at least one academic and one professional reference.
Each section of the portfolio should begin a new page.





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