Performance Measures: Evaluating the Project Paper

Performance Measures: Evaluating the Project Paper

Performance Measures: Evaluating the Project Paper

The success of a project is evident from the outcome. A positive outcome would imply that the project was a success, while a negative outcome would signify that it failed to meet its objectives (Burton-Jones et al., 2020). Effective evaluation of a project entails the performance of an extensive analysis of the completed goals, activities, and objectives that aid in determining whether the project met its desired outcome and made desired changes. The purpose of this paper is to address performance measures and the impact of project improvement initiatives in health care organizations.

Business Impact and Value of Implementing Project Performance Measures

Project performance measures are an essential part of a program that defines the right thing in an organization. The process aids in realizing the objectives of a project. For instance, they inform the project manager on the ability of the company to meet the set goals of an organization. As much as the healthcare organization would want to invest in a project, they look forward to the returns that a project would have on the organization (Silva et al., 2019).The need to increase the Return on Investment (ROI) on every dollar invested compels a project manager to examine various measures that would define the success of a project. Therefore, increased ROI is one of the needs that compel a project manager to implement project measures.

Setting a performance is a law defined under the US constitution. Each state agency always has a framework that defines its missions and establishes the measurable goals important in meeting the desired results. The quality of the patient outcome is the measure that affects the federal government as they need to streamline the healthcare services for the people for the services (Silva et al., 2019). Besides, the purpose of any project in healthcare needs to reflect a specific statutory purpose and the effect that project would have on society.

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Importance of Project Improvement Initiatives Meeting Organizational Objectives

The project improvement initiatives improve the culture in health care organizations. Developing a culture that values any form of improvement progress requires an institution to identify the behavior that the management would like its employees to exhibit. The central pillar towards the success of any project in an organization starts from the employees (Silva et al., 2019). For instance, the health care workers would directly affect any change project within the organization, and they will be the ones to make a project succeed in an organization. The employees would remain engaged by proposing ideas and discussing suggestions that would increase the success of a project in the healthcare organization.


Project improvement initiatives aids in optimizing everyday operations. Many healthcare organizations lack the ability to grow as they spend most of their energy fixing broken processes. While an institution is keen on addressing bottlenecks and other challenges within its management, it forms an integral part of the process improvement (Silva et al., 2019). It is a more productive approach used in evaluating procedures and making adjustments to a project.

Methods of Performance Measurement for Health Informatics Project

The quality and efficiency of patient care is a performance measure that defines the success or failure of a nurse informatics project (Jouanjus et al., 2021). Health informatics project opens healthcare organizations to the technology world by equipping nurses and health care workers with effective technological skills that improve the quality and efficiency of service delivery. An increase in quality-of-service delivery defines the value of nurse informatics projects in an organization. The cost of health care, care outcomes, and disparities in performance are also performance measures that aid an organization in defining the value of a nurse informatics project. The reduction in cost implies that nurse informatics solves the problem of the high cost of treatment in health care organizations (Jouanjus et al., 2021). Besides, a large disparity in performance on the positive end defines the increased value of a nurse informatics project on an organization.

Assessing the Use of Mitigation Plans to be Implemented if Organizational Objectives are not Met

Failing to meet objectives in an organization is a common issue that comes from poor project planning. However, the occurrence of failure does not need to stop an organization from rectifying its problems. Mitigation of performance such as insufficient resources would limit a company from undergoing increased effect of the failed objectives (Silva et al., 2019). Diverting the resources of a project to another sampler project would as well be important in reducing the risk and mitigating project risks in an organization.


Evaluating a project is important in determining the direction that the project would adopt. Besides, it allows the project manager to outline and balance the measures that would allow the project to meet its objectives. Evaluation also offers a chance of knowing how effective the methods used in the project were.


Burton-Jones, A., Akhlaghpour, S., Ayre, S., Barde, P., Staib, A., & Sullivan, C. (2020). Changing the conversation on evaluating digital transformation in healthcare: Insights from an institutional analysis. Information and Organization30(1), 100255.

Jouanjus, E., Sans-Pola, C., Mainoli, B., Javid, F. A., & Ekheden, I. (2021). Establishing and evaluating a study questionnaire on knowledge and attitudes of healthcare professionals towards recreational and medical cannabis across europe. Clinical Drug Investigation41(8), 701-710.

Silva, F. B., Bianchi, M. J., & Amaral, D. C. (2019). Evaluating combined project management models: strategies for agile and plan-driven integration. Product: Management and Development17(1), 15-30.


For this assignment, you will research the topic of performance measures to learn the impacts of project improvement initiatives in health care organizations. In 500-750 words, address the following:

Analyze the business impact and value of implementing project performance measures.
Determine the importance of project improvement initiatives meeting organizational objectives.
Determine various methods of performance measurement for health informatics projects.
Assess the use of mitigation plans to be implemented if organizational objectives are not met.
Refer to “Nursing Informatics Applied Practicum Project Overview,” located in Class Resources, for further information.

You will not include the time it takes to complete this task as part of your practicum hours.

You are required to cite a minimum of three scholarly resources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the past 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and health care and health informatics content.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
collapse Business Impact and Implementing Project Performance Measures assessment
Business Impact and Implementing Project Performance Measures
18 points
Criteria Description
Business Impact and Implementing Project Performance Measures

5. Target
18 points
Analysis of the business impact and value of implementing project performance measures is thorough.

4. Acceptable
15.66 points
Analysis of the business impact and value of implementing project performance measures is detailed.

3. Approaching
14.22 points
Analysis of the business impact and value of implementing project performance measures is present.

2. Insufficient
13.32 points
Analysis of the business impact and value of implementing project performance measures is present but lacks details or is incomplete.

1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
Analysis of the business impact and value of implementing project performance measures is not present.

collapse Project Improvement Initiatives assessment
Project Improvement Initiatives
16 points
Criteria Description
Project Improvement Initiatives

5. Target
16 points
A discussion of the importance of project improvement initiatives meeting organizational objectives is thorough.

4. Acceptable
13.92 points
A discussion of the importance of project improvement initiatives meeting organizational objectives is detailed.

3. Approaching
12.64 points
A discussion of the importance of project improvement initiatives meeting organizational objectives is present.

2. Insufficient
11.84 points
A discussion of the importance of project improvement initiatives meeting organizational objectives is present but lacks details or is incomplete.

1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
A discussion of the importance of project improvement initiatives meeting organizational objectives is not present.

collapse Methods of Performance Measurement for Health Informatics Projects assessment
Methods of Performance Measurement for Health Informatics Projects
18 points
Criteria Description
Methods of Performance Measurement for Health Informatics Projects

5. Target
18 points
A discussion of various methods of performance measurement for health informatics projects is thorough.

4. Acceptable
15.66 points
A discussion of various methods of performance measurement for health informatics projects is detailed.

3. Approaching
14.22 points
A discussion of various methods of performance measurement for health informatics projects is present.

2. Insufficient
13.32 points
A discussion of various methods of performance measurement for health informatics projects is present but lacks details or is incomplete.

1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
A discussion of various methods of performance measurement for health informatics projects is not present.

collapse Use of Mitigation Plans assessment
Use of Mitigation Plans
18 points
Criteria Description
Use of Mitigation Plans

5. Target
18 points
Assessment of the use of mitigation plans to be implemented if organizational objectives are not met is thorough.

4. Acceptable
15.66 points
Assessment of the use of mitigation plans to be implemented if organizational objectives are not met is detailed.

3. Approaching
14.22 points
Assessment of the use of mitigation plans to be implemented if organizational objectives are not met is present.

2. Insufficient
13.32 points
Assessment of the use of mitigation plans to be implemented if organizational objectives are not met is present but lacks details or is incomplete.

1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
Assessment of the use of mitigation plans to be implemented if organizational objectives are not met is not present.

collapse Thesis, Position, or Purpose assessment
Thesis, Position, or Purpose
7 points
Criteria Description
Communicates reason for writing and demonstrates awareness of audience.

5. Target
7 points
The thesis, position, or purpose is persuasively developed throughout and skillfully directed to a specific audience.

4. Acceptable
6.09 points
The thesis, position, or purpose is clearly communicated throughout and clearly directed to a specific audience.

3. Approaching
5.53 points
The thesis, position, or purpose is adequately developed. An awareness of the appropriate audience is demonstrated.

2. Insufficient
5.18 points
The thesis, position, or purpose is discernable in most aspects but is occasionally weak or unclear. There is limited awareness of the appropriate audience.

1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
The thesis, position, or purpose is not discernible. No awareness of the appropriate audience is evident.

collapse Development, Structure, and Conclusion assessment
Development, Structure, and Conclusion
8 points
Criteria Description
Advances position or purpose throughout writing; conclusion aligns to and evolves from development.

5. Target
8 points
The thesis, position, or purpose is coherently and cohesively advanced throughout. The progression of ideas is coherent and unified. A convincing and unambiguous conclusion aligns to the development of the purpose.

4. Acceptable
6.96 points
The thesis, position, or purpose is logically advanced throughout. The progression of ideas is coherent and unified. A clear and plausible conclusion aligns to the development of the purpose.

3. Approaching
6.32 points
The thesis, position, or purpose is advanced in most aspects. Ideas clearly build on each other. Conclusion aligns to the development of the purpose.

2. Insufficient
5.92 points
Limited advancement of thesis, position, or purpose is discernable. There are inconsistencies in organization or the relationship of ideas. Conclusion is simplistic and not fully aligned to the development of the purpose.

1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
No advancement of the thesis, position, or purpose is evident. Connections between paragraphs are missing or inappropriate. No conclusion is offered.

collapse Evidence assessment
5 points
Criteria Description
Selects and integrates evidence to support and advance position/purpose; considers other perspectives.

5. Target
5 points
Comprehensive and compelling evidence is included. Multiple other perspectives are integrated effectively.

4. Acceptable
4.35 points
Specific and appropriate evidence is included. Other perspectives are integrated.


3. Approaching
3.95 points
Relevant evidence that includes other perspectives is used.

2. Insufficient
3.7 points
Evidence is used but is insufficient or of limited relevance. Simplistic explanation or integration of other perspectives is present.

1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
Evidence to support the thesis, position, or purpose is absent. The writing relies entirely on the perspective of the writer.

collapse Mechanics of Writing assessment
Mechanics of Writing
5 points
Criteria Description
Includes spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, language use, sentence structure, etc.

5. Target
5 points
No mechanical errors are present. Skilled control of language choice and sentence structure are used throughout.

4. Acceptable
4.35 points
Few mechanical errors are present. Suitable language choice and sentence structure are used.

3. Approaching
3.95 points
Occasional mechanical errors are present. Language choice is generally appropriate. Varied sentence structure is attempted.

2. Insufficient
3.7 points
Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors are present. Inconsistencies in language choice or sentence structure are recurrent.

1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
Errors in grammar or syntax are pervasive and impede meaning. Incorrect language choice or sentence structure errors are found throughout.

collapse Format/Documentation assessment
5 points
Criteria Description
Uses appropriate style, such as APA, MLA, etc., for college, subject, and level; documents sources using citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., appropriate to assignment and discipline.

5. Target
5 points
No errors in formatting or documentation are present. Selectivity in the use of direct quotations and synthesis of sources is demonstrated.

4. Acceptable
4.35 points
Appropriate format and documentation are used with only minor errors.

3. Approaching
3.95 points
Appropriate format and documentation are used, although there are some obvious errors.

2. Insufficient
3.7 points
Appropriate format is attempted, but some elements are missing. Frequent errors in documentation of sources are evident.

1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
Appropriate format is not used. No documentation of sources is provided.

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