NUR665E WEEK 12 – Nursing Education Practicum Documentation Essay

NUR665E WEEK 12 – Nursing Education Practicum Documentation Essay

Nursing Education Practicum Documentation
(NEPD) Form: Competency 6

NUR-665E Nursing Education Practicum

Directions:Complete the documentation form. Type in your response in the unshaded box below each question. The form will expand for as long as you type. The purpose of this assignment is to document meeting the competency and to promote deep reflection on your practicum activities. Consider reviewing course textbooks: Certified Nurse Educator Review Book: The Official NLN Guide to the CNE Exam and NLN Core Competencies for Nurse Educators: A Decade of Influencefor suggested practicum activities


Nurse Educator Competency 6: Function as a Change Agent and Leader.
  Learner Name:Date(s):
Complete this section before you begin the weeks’clinical. Learning Goals: What do you want to accomplish for Competency 6: Function as a Change Agent and Leader?

Be sure your goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timebound (S.M.A.R.T. goals).

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Some goals should reflect higher cognitive learning levels in Bloom’s taxonomy.

My goal/s for this competency is/are to:

v  To remind nurses on the need implement change at my practicum facility.

v  To apply mentorship programs to all nurses at the facility each month.

v  To analyze past issues and correct the future progress at the facility.

v  To evaluate the skills of each nurse at the facility and fill them in positions they can best perform.

v  To involve staff training before implementing any change.

Resources and Strategies: What type of resources or strategies will you utilize to accomplish your learning goals?  Include both human and material resources.
The resources (human and material) and strategies I need to meet my weekly goal are:

v  Nursing books.

v  Nursing research articles and journal

v  Internet access

v  Reading more books that enlighten more on nursing practice required at the facility

v  Computer

v  Information technology specialist


Measurement: How will you know that you have accomplished your learning goal(s)? What criteria will you use to measure this?
The criteria I will use to measure my goals are:

v  My ability to use communicate effectively with all nurses at the facility.

v  My ability to arrange mentors for each nurse at the facility to facilitate learningconcerning their medical situations to understand their health conditions and examine the likelihood of fall.

v  My ability to interact, communicate and monitor patient’s condition without meeting them physically.

Complete this section after you complete the weeks’ clinical. Evaluation: Did you meet your goal? What did you accomplish that you can use as evidence that you met your learning goals?


Did you meet your goal? Why or why not?

Yes, I met my objective outline.

Reflect on Competency 6, analyzing your practicum experiences: Be sure to connect your experiences directly to the competency.

Leading the nurses at my facility was one of the major roles that defined by professional skills as nurse leader. The nursing fraternity I met at my clinical site at North Carolina Assisted Living of Mulberry were incredible with sharpened skills in clinical activities at the facility. Assigning mentors for these nurses at the practicum helped them grow professionally (Florence, et al., 2018). Currently, I will be proud to leave the facility having transformed many nurses on effective application of the theories learnt in class in the real-life situation in nursing. While growing up, I admired to lead the nurses and allow them meet their ultimate passion for caring for the sick. The desire to become a nurse leader was driven by my interaction with one of my neighbors, who was a nurse. I admired her work ethic in leading health care, and I was fully persuaded to be like her one day.

Today, after learning the need to lead nurses at my clinical site at North Carolina Assisted Living of Mulberry, I share in the thought of my preceptor who was instrumental in showing me effective ways of leading the nurse. For instance, I have been able to learn that becoming a nurse leader it entails dedication and preparation to save lives. I can also attest that professional nurse leadershipentails a unique experience (Sherrington et al., 2017). The journey towards becoming a professional nursing starts from learning how to manage people and coordinating with people to improve performance. I appreciate those who have enlightened my experience as a nursing student, starting from my preceptors during the practicum process, friends and mentors I made along the way, and even my professors.

Generally, leading a nurse facility during my practicum experience, and I met all the objectives specified for the practicum program. I was able to rally nurses to meet their goals effective to meet patient care situations (Stevens & Lee, 2018). I am delighted to meet challenging situations at the facility and meet the needs of the nurses in the facility. A trained and mentored nurse is fully equipped to offer effective solutions to the issues affecting the facility.

Clinical hours completed this topic:

Total clinical hours completed to date:



Florence, C. S., Bergen, G., Atherly, A., Burns, E., Stevens, J., & Drake, C. (2018). Medical costs of fatal and nonfatal falls in older adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society66(4), 693-698.

Sherrington, C., Michaleff, Z. A., Fairhall, N., Paul, S. S., Tiedemann, A., Whitney, J., … & Lord, S. R. (2017). Exercise to prevent falls in older adults: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis. British journal of sports medicine51(24), 1750-1758.

Stevens, J. A., & Lee, R. (2018). The potential to reduce falls and avert costs by clinically managing fall risk. American journal of preventive medicine55(3), 290-297.


Topic 12- Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD) Form: Competency 6
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Assessment Description
The “Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD) Forms” provide weekly, competency-based documentation of clinical practicum activities and are utilized by learners to communicate practicum experiences to course faculty. Be sure to read the instructions on the forms for information on how to complete the assignment before you begin.

Using the “Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD) Form: Competency 6,” write goals for what you will accomplish in this topic and how you will evaluate your accomplishments. The NEPD form uses the nursing process and follows the format of a nursing care plan, so this should be familiar to you.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

NUR-665E-RS-NEPD Form-Competency


TOPIC 12 RUBRIC Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD) Form: Competency 6 – Rubric

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Learning Goals

1.6 points

Resources and Strategies

1.6 points


1.6 points


1.6 points

Competency Reflection

1.6 points

Clinical Hours

1 points

Mechanics of Writing

0.5 points


0.5 points

Total 10 points

Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD) Form: Competency 6 – Rubric

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Learning Goals

1.6 points

Criteria Description

At least one learning goal for the assigned competency is written in the S.M.A.R.T. format.

  1. Target

1.6 points

At least one learning goal for the assigned competency, written in the S.M.A.R.T. format, is thoroughly developed.

  1. Acceptable

1.47 points

At least one learning goal for the assigned competency, written in the S.M.A.R.T. format, is well developed.

  1. Approaching

1.41 points

At least one learning goal for the assigned competency, written in the S.M.A.R.T. format, is present.

  1. Insufficient

1.28 points

At least one learning goal for the assigned competency, written in the S.M.A.R.T. format, is present but lacks detail or is incomplete.

  1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

Learning goals are not present.

Resources and Strategies

1.6 points

Criteria Description

Resources and strategies to accomplish the learning goals are provided.

  1. Target

1.6 points

Resources and strategies to accomplish the learning goals are thoroughly developed.

  1. Acceptable

1.47 points

Resources and strategies to accomplish the learning goals are present.

  1. Approaching

1.41 points

Resources and strategies to accomplish the learning goals are well-developed.

  1. Insufficient

1.28 points

Resources and strategies to accomplish the learning goals lack details or are incomplete.

  1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

Resources and strategies to accomplish the learning goals are not present.


1.6 points

Criteria Description

How the accomplishment of learning goals will be measured and what criteria will be used are described.

  1. Target

1.6 points

A description of how the accomplishment of learning goals will be measured and what criteria will be used is well-developed.

  1. Acceptable

1.47 points

A description of how the accomplishment of learning goals will be measured and what criteria will be used is thoroughly developed.

  1. Approaching

1.41 points

A description of how the accomplishment of learning goals will be measured and what criteria will be used is present.

  1. Insufficient

1.28 points

A description of how the accomplishment of learning goals will be measured and what criteria will be used lacks detail or is incomplete.

  1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

A description of how the accomplishment of learning goals will be measured and what criteria will be used is not present.


1.6 points

Criteria Description

The accomplishment that serves as evidence for meeting the learning goals is described.

  1. Target

1.6 points

A description of the accomplishment that serves as evidence for meeting the learning goals is well-developed.

  1. Acceptable

1.47 points

A description of the accomplishment that serves as evidence for meeting the learning goals is thoroughly developed.

  1. Approaching

1.41 points

A description of the accomplishment that serves as evidence for meeting the learning goals is present.

  1. Insufficient

1.28 points

A description of the accomplishment that serves as evidence for meeting the learning goals lacks detail or is incomplete.

  1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

A description of the accomplishment that serves as evidence for meeting the learning goals is not present.

Competency Reflection

1.6 points

Criteria Description

Competency analysis of practicum experience and the connection between the competency and practicum experience is provided.

  1. Target

1.6 points

Competency analysis of practicum experience and a connection between the competency and practicum experience is thoroughly developed.

  1. Acceptable

1.47 points

Competency analysis of practicum experience and a connection between the competency and practicum experience is well-developed.

  1. Approaching

1.41 points

Competency analysis of practicum experience and a connection between the competency and practicum experience is present.

  1. Insufficient

1.28 points

Competency analysis of practicum experience and a connection between the competency and practicum experience is lacks detail or is incomplete.

  1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

Competency analysis of practicum experience and the connection between the competency and practicum experience is not present.

Clinical Hours

1 points

Criteria Description

Clinical hours completed for the topic and total-to-date are documented.

  1. Target

1 points

The clinical hours completed for the topic and total-to-date are present.

  1. Acceptable

0.92 points


  1. Approaching

0.88 points


  1. Insufficient

0.8 points


  1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

The clinical hours completed for the topic and total-to-date are not present.

Mechanics of Writing

0.5 points

Criteria Description

Includes spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, language use, sentence structure, etc.

  1. Target

0.5 points

Occasional mechanical errors are present. Language choice is generally appropriate. Varied sentence structure is attempted.

  1. Acceptable

0.46 points

No mechanical errors are present. Skilled control of language choice and sentence structure are used throughout.

  1. Approaching

0.44 points

Few mechanical errors are present. Suitable language choice and sentence structure are used.

  1. Insufficient

0.4 points

Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors are present. Inconsistencies in language choice or sentence structure are recurrent.

  1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

Errors in grammar or syntax are pervasive and impede meaning. Incorrect language choice or sentence structure errors are found throughout.


0.5 points

Criteria Description

Uses appropriate style, such as APA, MLA, etc., for college, subject, and level; documents sources using citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., appropriate to assignment and discipline.

  1. Target

0.5 points

No errors in formatting or documentation are present. Selectivity in the use of direct quotations and synthesis of sources is demonstrated.

  1. Acceptable

0.46 points

Appropriate format and documentation are used with only minor errors.

  1. Approaching

0.44 points

Appropriate format and documentation are used, although there are some obvious errors.

  1. Insufficient

0.4 points

Appropriate format is attempted, but some elements are missing. Frequent errors in documentation of sources are evident.

  1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

Appropriate format is not used. No documentation of sources is provided.

Total 10 points


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