NUR 665E: Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD) Goals Form Essay

NUR 665E: Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD) Goals Form Essay

NUR 665E: Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD) Goals Form Essay

Overall Practicum Goals (Week1)
Overall Practicum Goals

This student learning objectives are to increase personal experience and knowledge  through the role of  clinical educator  with focus on National League of  Nursing. The Resources and Strategies: to use are listed Resources and Strategies: One of the strategies that I will use to accomplish my learning objective will be to understand as well as embrace the different cultural and ethnic diversity within a cultural and ethnic group. The human resources that I will use to achieve my objectives are  sequence consultants in the facility to support my practicum instruction and the material resources that I will use are the  different teaching methods. Also, to complete it using Measurement: I will use an assessment and evaluation strategy that looks at three different domains which are cognitive affective and psychomotor. I will assess the achievement of nurses by administering posttests. I will use the result of the tests to measure their knowledge on what has been taught. Goal attainment checked using Evaluation: I accomplished the three domains which are cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. The evidence that I can use are the high results of the post  tests administered as well as the capability of the student to use different  equipment and use of proper procedures.


Goal 1

S: I will become a better nurse educator to my patients and assess medications and medications.

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M: My success with this goal will be measured by my preceptor on the strategies applied in documenting weekly patient information and examination of the patient outcome (Coates, 2017).

A: I can attain this goal during my practicum.

R:Providing support, active listening, and education are important in developing effective nurse-patient relationships during my practice

T: I will achieve this goal after three months of working at the clinic

Goal 2

S: I will work with the patients and the nursing team to improve my critical thinking skills. By the end of the practice, I will assess patients’ psychiatric needs, cognition, and safety measures on falls and be more skilled on medications effective in improving the condition of psychiatric patients (Fawkes & Moore, 2019). The information I will gain from patients effectively examined the kinds of medications important to a patient.

M:My preceptor will measure this goal by assessing the specific experience gained on all my assignments at the clinics.

A: I can attain this goal during my practicum.

R:I will be working on becoming more knowledgeable on the diverse patient behavior, medication reconciliation, and comprehending adverse side effects of medications.All these activities aim at improving patient outcomes and developing effective management strategies that improve the conditions of psychiatric patients.

T: I will achieve this goal after three months of working at the clinic

Goal 3

S: I would be able to understand nursing clinical placement objectives and to integrate the theoretical knowledge into practice.

M:A nurse requires a comprehensive understanding of basic theories in nursing. The success of this goal would depend on the rate of application of the vital theories learned in class into practice (Flanders, 2018). I would record any relevanttheoryI have applied in practice at the end of each to understand the number of theoreticalconcepts that are more applicable in my nursing practice.

A:My practicum will be the best time to attain this goal because it would define the type of nurse I would be transforming into.

R:Taking a keen interest in the important things mentioned by my mentor to have an experienceof how theories forma better part of the practical nursing practice. My attention would be on the provision of support and active listening and would heighten my understanding of the exclusive nursing care that increases the quality-of-service delivery in the clinic.

T:The number of the practicum is approximately three months. I have these three months to ensure that I attain this goal.

Goal 4

S: I will cultivate a positive attitude and exhibit emotional stability in my relationship with the colleagues and patients. The nature of my role as a nurse requires my utmost emotional stability and constantpositivity with the team as its aims intocultivating a positive outlook and drive strong self-motivationin the nursing practice (Livne et al., 2017).

M:The success of this goal will be measured by the number of friends made with the patients and colleagues. Nursing practicum has different nurses with diverse personalities. Besides, each nurse tends to a nursing experience in a particular nursing field. Therefore, developing a positiveattitude that would allow me to connect with a wide range of nurses would increase my chances of gaining more experience in my nursing practicum.

A: I can attain this goal during my practicum. The time I must learn in the clinic will also be a better place to form friends who would have a positive impact on my nursing practice.

R:I will keep the cultural sensitivity to improveworking with the colleagues and develop a positive goal that aids in shunning racial and ethnic issues that often arise in a multicultural setup. Developing a sense of positivity from nurses and colleagues would be imperative in attaining this goal.

T: I will achieve this goal after three months of working at the clinic.

Goal 5

S: I will increase my overall communication skills to align with the needs of my patients. The ability to express my ideas and suggestions through speech will be a goal defining the success of my nursing practice (Tehraninezhad et al., 2018).

M: My success with this goal will be measured by my preceptor on the strategies applied in communicating on various platforms developed by nurses. My competency in the application of modern technology in communication would improve my rating on the overall communication skills as a nurse in practice.

A:Improvement of my communication will rely on the time I have on my practicum practice. The integration of my communication skills to align with the needs of the team and nurses will form a better and reliable ground to understand the task of communicationI will face as a professional nurse.


R:I will express my ideas on the communication platform developed by the clinic and ask questions on the communication system that I do not understandduring my practice. Clinics vary in their forms ofcommunication and as a nurse in practice, I would be looking forward to learning the communication channel and ensuring better comprehension of the roles of communication at the clinic.

T:This student will achieve this goal after three months of working at the clinic.

Evaluation of Overall Practicum Goals (Week16)
            My first overall practicum goal was to become a better nurse educator to my patients and assess medications and medications. I have met this goal through the advanced skills gained from the practicum. My practicum environment has allowed me to understand that advanced clinical practicum is a learners-modeled practice focusing on the function of the professional nurse in a diversity of clinical practice situations. The training offered by my preceptor has been instrumental in understanding the needs of nurses in such a facility. The primary aim of developing nurse educators is to enable nursing students to gain knowledge, expertise, and attitudes needed for quality patient care and hospital policy as far as nurse role is concerned. The knowledge I have gained from my practicum and the feeling I have to mentor other nurses to achieve my current level of understanding is enough to train other new nurses. My mentor was instrumental in achieving this goal because of her support to join her team as a nurse educator.

My second goals were to work with the patients and the nursing team to improve my critical thinking skills. I have been able to achieve this goal through developing a friendly relationship with my patients at the facility, thus being able to feel their worries and perception concerning their life. Throughout the practicum, I have been able togain effective trainingon how to handle aging patients. Besides, having a mentor has been very important since it she helped me know how to integrate physical and laboratory findings to come up with the most appropriate intervention that would meet the needs of the patients. The physical examination has allowed me to develop a good communication plan with my patients allowing them to open up about their conditions that further affect the care offered to each patient. Working with the patients at the facility has also developed my social link with them to the extent that I am able to understand their feeling from facial expressions. The increased interaction with the patients has been effective in thinking about customized interventions that are important for each patient. The ability to develop a friendship with my patients has been important in studying emotions and feelings, thus being able to provide care that meets their expectations. The encouragement from my preceptor has also been immense in developing critical thinking skills in my practice.

My third goal was to understand nursing clinical placement objectives and to integrate the theoretical knowledge into practice. I have also been able to meet this goal by gaining the ability to apply theories learned in class to my patients. The resources given by the mentor have been significant in learning clinical nursing placements. The transfer of the theoreticalclinical models to the practicefield has been a success through the help of my mentor. I can attest that my mentor would encourage more readings during the practicum to understand my role as a nurse at the facility. Through these activities, I was able to undertake nursing roles on my second week without close observation from my mentor. This goal has also allowed me to connect some of the theories learned in class in the field and appreciate the importance of improving care in nursing.

My fourth goal was to cultivate a positive attitude and exhibit emotional stability in my relationship with my colleagues and patients. An experience I got while working at the unit informed my thought about healthcare leadership. It was my first time working at the unit, and I had no experience in dealing with the aged population.At first, I was very nervous. I could not understand the needs of the elderly population. The practicum has taught me to remain humble and be patient with my patients. Control of my emotional stability has been significant in understanding some of the abnormal behavior of the aged population and solving their problems whenever they needed me. Essentially, gaining a positive attitude and exhibiting emotional stability has further allowed me to gain leadership skills in the healthcare system. Being a nurse at the facility has enabled me to adopt suitable strategies and skills to help me win the loyalty and trust of my patients. Besides, health care the practicum has allowed me to learn to recognize priorities, offer tactical direction to numerous players within the health organization, and fashion commitment across the health segment to attend the primacies to enhance health services.

My fifth goal was to increase my overall communication skills to align with the needs of my patients. I have been able to achieve this goal by developing a better communication strategy that meets the needs of my patients.Individuals’ability to thrive in my area of nursing requires a tactical approach when interacting with them. My preceptor has been stressing about learning how to communicate with a patient to perceive how they view the ideas and opinions raised within the unit. The first tactical approach I used on my patients was becoming friendly when addressing the genuine concerns of patients. Besides, I have learned the significance of open-mindedness and critical listening skills when addressing specific concerns. The approach makes the individual feel valued by the nurse, thus allowing them to open up on their feelings.


Coates, V. (2017). Role of nurses in supporting patients to self-manage chronic conditions. Nursing Standard31(38). DOI: 10.7748/ns.2017.e10742.

Fawkes, K., & Moore, J. (2019). Newly registered nurses’ experiences of delivering patient education in an acute care setting: an exploratory study. Journal of Research in Nursing24(8), 556-567.

Flanders, S. A. (2018). Effective patient education: Evidence and common sense. Medsurg Nursing27(1), 55-58.

Livne, Y., Peterfreund, I., &Sheps, J. (2017). Barriers to patient education and their relationship to nurses’ perceptions of patient education climate. Clinical Nursing Studies5(4), 65.

Tehraninezhad, M., Neshati Sani, S., &Mirhaji, P. (2018). Assessing the nurses’ views on educational needs in patient education in 2016.


Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD) Goals Form – Week 16
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Mar 13, 2022
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Assessment Description
The “Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD) Forms” provide weekly, competency-based documentation of clinical practicum activities and are utilized by learners to communicate practicum experiences to course faculty. Be sure to read the instructions on the forms for information on how to complete the assignment before you begin.

In Topic 1, you completed the “Overall Practicum Goals (Week 1)” section of the “Nursing Education Practicum Documentation (NEPD) Goals Form” by writing the overall goals (S.M.A.R.T goals or objectives) for your practicum. In this topic, you will re-address these goals by completing the second part of the form, “Evaluation of Overall Practicum Goals (Week 16),” during Topic 16 to evaluate if these goals have been met. Utilize the same document you submitted in Topic 1 and add your evaluation of the overall practicum goals in the second section of the form.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

NUR-665E-RS-NEPD Form-Competency8-Topic 16.docx

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