NRSE 4540: Obesity Community Based Educational Plan Essay

NRSE 4540: Obesity Community Based Educational Plan Essay

NRSE 4540: Obesity Community Based Educational Plan Essay

Use the following form to complete your teaching plan. The fields will expand as you type.

Provide a reference list on a separate page after the teaching plan template and below the Literacy Considerations. Type in references (do not copy and paste).

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Nursing Diagnosis:



Target Population (Needs to have a narrower focus then the entire community)

Older individuals living in Cuyahoga, Ohio


Long Term Goal:

To reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases among the older people of Cuyahoga and lower the rates of mortality due to heart disease.


Short Term Goal:

To improve the lifestyle behaviors such as physical activity and diet among the older people of Cuyahoga.




(include 3 – 4 measurable objectives using the below cells. One objective for each cell)

Content Outline


(include content for each objective)

Method of Instruction


(include teaching strategy for each objective)

Time it takes for content to be presented Method of Evaluation


(include type of method for each objective to determine if it was met)


By the end of the educational program, the learners will be able to identify and explain at least three risk factors for cardiovascular diseases.


-Definition of cardiovascular diseases

-A discussion on the risk factors for cardiovascular diseases (Roth et al., 2019)




30 minutes


-short question and answer session


By the end of the educational program, the learners will be able to explain the importance of physical activity in preventing heart disease.


-The types of physical activities to participate in.

-schedule and frequency of physical activity


-Video simulations on physical activity

-Group Discussion

40 minutes



Short written answers to questions.



By the end of the educational program, the learners will be able to identify and list foods that have to be avoided in preventing heart disease and  foods to consume

-The importance of a healthy diet in preventing cardiovascular conditions (Sharifi-Rad et al., 2020).

-why poor diet has to be avoided.

-A list of healthy foods to be consumed for preventing heart disease or cardiovascular condition

-A list of foods to be avoided



-Group Discussion


30 minutes


-Questions and Answers


By the end of the program, the learners will be able to list and explain at least three risky lifestyle behavior to avoid to prevent cardiovascular diseases.


-Risky lifestyle behaviors related to increased cardiovascular conditions (Flora & Nayak, 2019).

-Strategies of avoiding risky lifestyle behaviors.

-The healthy lifestyle behaviors to engage in for preventing cardiovascular conditions






30 minutes


Question and Answers

Literary Considerations – (see text, pp 140-144) Describe your target population demographics (gender, age range, estimated educational preparation) and explain how their literacy levels affect the content used to implement the teaching plan. Explain what literacy considerations the nurse should take into account for the target audience.

The targeted population is older people living in Cuyahoga. The county has a significant number older population, with statistics showing advanced age as a risk factor for cardiovascular conditions. A substantial number of these individuals are also African-Americans, making them more at risk of heart disease. Close to 15% of individuals living in Cuyahoga county live below the poverty line, making them more exposed to poor health outcomes such as outcomes due to heart disease (Shahzad et al., 2019). A substantial number of individuals in this country are also not educated, impacting the content to be delivered. The literacy levels mean that the content is put as simple as possible. The nurse to deliver education to this targeted population, therefore, needs to design materials that can easily be understood by the individuals. The population also faces insufficient access to healthcare, which has to be taken into consideration.


References (use correct APA format)


Flora, G. D., & Nayak, M. K. (2019). A brief review of cardiovascular diseases, associated risk factors and current treatment regimes. Current pharmaceutical design25(38), 4063-4084.

Roth, G. A., Mensah, G. A., Johnson, C. O., Addolorato, G., Ammirati, E., Baddour, L. M., … & GBD-NHLBI-JACC Global Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases Writing Group. (2020). Global burden of cardiovascular diseases and risk factors, 1990–2019: update from the GBD 2019 study. Journal of the American College of Cardiology76(25), 2982-3021.

Sharifi-Rad, J., Rodrigues, C. F., Sharopov, F., Docea, A. O., Can Karaca, A., Sharifi-Rad, M., … & Calina, D. (2020). Diet, lifestyle and cardiovascular diseases: linking pathophysiology to cardioprotective effects of natural bioactive compounds. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health17(7), 2326.

Shahzad, M., Upshur, R., Donnelly, P. et al. A population-based approach to integrated healthcare delivery: a scoping review of clinical care and public health collaboration. BMC Public Health 19, 708 (2019).





This assessment is aligned with the module objective “Discuss educational and community-based programs in Healthy People 2030.” As part of the written assignment, you will complete the following task:
Develop a community based educational plan on student identified goals while meeting the health literacy needs of the community.
Your educational proposal will be based on the data gathered in module 1 and the problems identified in modules 1 & 2. Only one teaching plan is required. You will be using the template provided to develop your teaching plan. You do not need to include a title page, introduction, or conclusion for this assignment. Type directly on the template. The cells expand as you type.

Minimum of four (4) total references: two (2) references from required course materials and two (2) peer-reviewed references. All references must be no older than five years (unless making a specific point using a seminal piece of information)
Peer-reviewed references include references from professional data bases such as PubMed or CINHAL applicable to population and practice area, along with evidence based clinical practice guidelines. Examples of unacceptable references are Wikipedia, UpToDate, Epocrates, Medscape, WebMD, hospital organizations, insurance recommendations, & secondary clinical databases.

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