NR103 Concept in Nursing Essay

NR103 Concept in Nursing Essay

Concept in Nursing

Quality of care enhancement and prevention of practice errors are core aspects of evidence-based practice (EBP) in nursing. These aspects are dependent on a nurse’s adherence to patient safety principles. A safety culture for patients comprises of having attitudes, perceptions and values that healthcare providers share within an organization associated with patient safety (Madden et al., 2022). The purpose of this paper is to discuss safety for patients and even providers in healthcare settings using a selected peer-reviewed journal article. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the core points by the article with support from professional experience and provide my perspective on the topic.


Summary of the Article and Key Points

In their systematic review paper, Vaismoradi et al. (2020) focus on the need for nurses to adhere to patient safety principles. Using electronic databases in various languages including English and Norwegian, the authors conduct a system review that yields six articles on adherence to patient safety principles by healthcare workers, especially nurses, during clinical nursing processes and interventions. The key points coming from the review is the significance of nurses following certain safety measures as they a critical role in preventing patient harm while providing care in both short and long-term care environments. The authors posit that nurses should adhere to organizational strategies to identify harms and risks through patient assessment, planning for care, monitoring and surveillance and double-checking to prevent medication errors. They are also expected to offer help, and communicate effectively with other providers.

The authors also emphasize the need for clear policies, supportive leadership, research-based safety initiatives and training of healthcare workers, and the participation of patients to enhance nurses’ adherence to principles of patient safety. Through these approaches, nurses can attain successful interventions aimed at preventing practice errors and attaining sustainable and safer healthcare systems (Vaismoradi et al., 2020). The article emphasizes that having safety protocols improves the ability of nurses to offer quality care and engage patients successful to improve outcomes.

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The authors observe that several factors impact the ability of nurses to adherence to and compliance with recommendations and guidelines to enhance safety. They single out personal willingness and knowledge, economic and social conditions, and institutional policies and protocols. The institutional policies include but not limited to organizational patient safety environment, nurses’ workload, time pressure, provision of education to enhance knowledge and skills, institutional procedures and protocols and support from the leadership and colleagues. The article also mentions that personal motivation, change resistance, feelings of autonomy, empowerment, and attitude toward innovation are personal issues that affect a nurse’s adherence to safety principles.

The other key point from the systematic review is that technology plays a critical role in nurses’ adherence to principles of patient safety and prevention and reduction of practice errors. Despite the improvement, the article emphasizes the need to enhanced understanding of different factors and conditions that increase adherence to safety in daily nursing practice environment. The authors’ findings show that collaborative tasks lead to nurses’ adherence to patient safety protocols and principles (Vaismoradi et al., 2020). The review also found that patient engagement is a vital component of attaining safety measures in practice. Further, the work environment has a significant impact on following the safety measures with information sharing and one’s commitment being key to quality care. Therefore, the article stresses the need for nurses to use all resources and other aspects within their reach to enhance patient safety by adhering to the set principles.

Professional Experience

The need for patient safety is critical as it ensures that they attain quality care while providers optimize their interventions to suit patient’s needs. A safety culture reduces susceptibility to practice errors that may impact both patients and providers. Professional nursing requires one to adhere to the set guidelines to enhance care provision. In their paper, Lawati et al. (2018) through a systematic review of literature conclude that the most critical first step is to assess a safety culture in primary care that offers the basis for understanding safety-related perceptions among healthcare providers. The implication is that nurses and clinicians alongside other professionals have an obligation to enhance optimal care through their adherence to safety principles. As patient advocates, they must ensure that patients have quality care free from preventable errors (Madden et al., 2022). As providers, nurses should ensure that they collaborate with patients, colleagues and patients by sharing information to get insights on the most appropriate interventions with reduced chances of harm.


The need for patient safety cannot overemphasized as nurses are professionals whose conduct is guided by existing professional ethics and obligations, legal frameworks, and organizational culture. A safety culture enhances quality and optimal care outcomes for patients. Providers improve their ability to offer care through these interventions when they adhere to existing safety protocols as emphasized by the systematic review article. The implication is that patients need assurance of their safety to have trust and confidence in care provision. Therefore, measures to improve safety, a commitment from nurses, and organizational leadership support play a critical role in better outcome and patient experience.


Lawati, M. H. A., Dennis, S., Short, S. D., & Abdulhadi, N. N. (2018). Patient safety and safety

culture in primary health care: a systematic review. BMC family practice, 19(1), 1-12.

Madden, C., Lydon, S., O’Dowd, E., Murphy, A. W., & O’Connor, P. (2022). A systematic

review of patient-report safety climate measures in health care. Journal of patient safety, 18(1), e51-e60.

Vaismoradi, M., Tella, S., A Logan, P., Khakurel, J., & Vizcaya-Moreno, F. (2020). Nurses’

adherence to patient safety principles: A systematic review. International Journal ofEnvironmental Research and Public Health, 17(6), 2028.


The purpose of this assignment is to explore a critical concept in nursing. The student will be able to demonstrate application of information literacy and ability to utilize resources (library, writing center, Center for Academic Success [CAS], APA resources, Turnitin, and others) through literature search and writing the paper.
Course outcomes:  This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.
CO 2: Identify characteristics of professional behavior including emotional intelligence, communication, and conflict resolution.
CO 3: Demonstrate information literacy and the ability to utilize resources.
Due date: Your faculty member will inform you when this assignment is due. The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment.
Total points possible: 150 points
Preparing the assignment
Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions.
1) Locating Evidence
a. Using the Chamberlain University library, search for a recent (published within the last five years) evidence-based article from a scholarly journal that addresses one of the topics listed.
• Safety
• Delegation
• Prioritization
• Caring
2) Include the following sections.
a. Introduction – 20 points/13%
• Clearly establishes the purpose of the paper
• Includes key points to be covered
• Captures the reader’s interest
b. Body of Paper – 60 points/40%
• Provides a complete, well-developed discussion of key points from the article using appropriate citations.
• Ideas and statements are supported by three or more examples from personal and/or professional experiences
• Provides own perspectives on the topic that is reflective, insightful, and original
• Logical development of ideas with clear and accurate information
c. Conclusion – 30 points/20%
• Clear and concise
• Summarizes key points discussed in the paper
• Leaves a strong impression, message, or idea on the reader
d. Writing Style – 15 point/10%
• Correct use of standard English grammar, paragraph, and sentence structure
• No spelling or typographical errors
• Organized around required components
• Information flows in a logical sequence that is easy for the reader to follow
• Paper should be no more than two pages (not including the title or reference page)
e. APA Format and Reference Page – 25 points/17%

• There is correct and appropriate use of margins, spacing, font, and headers.
• Document setup includes title and reference pages in correct APA format.
• Citations of sources included in the body of the paper use correct APA format for direct quotes and paraphrased information.
• Sources are cited correctly on the Reference page. All elements of each reference are included in the correct order.
• All information taken from the source, even if summarized, must be cited, and the article must be listed on the Reference page according to APA.
• All sources used are nursing journals published within the last five years

To stay up to date on proper citation guidelines, use (Links to an external site.) and APA support tool APA Academic Writer

Please note that your instructor may provide you with additional assessments in any form to determine that you fully understand the concepts learned.


Grading Rubric
Criteria are met when the student’s application of knowledge demonstrates achievement of the outcomes for this assignment.

Assignment Section and
Required Criteria
(Points possible/% of total points available) Highest Level of Performance High Level of Performance Satisfactory Level of Performance Unsatisfactory Level of Performance Section not present in paper
(20 points/13%) 20 points 19 points 15 points 7 points 0 points
Required criteria
1. Clearly establishes the purpose of the paper
2. Includes key points to be covered
3. Captures the reader’s interest Includes no fewer than 3 requirements for section. Includes no fewer than 2 requirements for section. Includes no less than 1 requirement for section. Present, yet includes no required criteria. No requirements for this section presented.
Body of Paper – 60 points/40%
(60 points/40%) 60 points 55 points 46 points 23 points 0 points
Required criteria
1. Provides a complete, well-developed discussion of key points from the article using appropriate citations.
2. Ideas and statements are supported by three or more examples from personal and/or professional experiences
3. Provides own perspectives on the topic that is reflective, insightful, and original
4. Logical development of ideas with clear and accurate information
Includes 4 requirements for section. Includes 3 requirements for section. Includes 2 requirements for section. Includes 1 requirements for section. No requirements for this section presented.
(30 points/20%) 30 points 27 points 23 points 12 points 0 points
Required criteria
1. Clear and concise
2. Summarizes key points discussed in the paper
3. Leaves a strong impression, message, or idea on the reader Includes 3 requirements for section. Includes 2 requirements for section. Includes 1 requirement for section. Section present yet includes no required criteria. No requirements for this section presented.
Writing Style
(15 points/10%) 15 points 14 points 11 points 6 points 0 points
Required criteria
1. Correct use of standard English grammar, paragraph, and sentence structure
2. No spelling or typographical errors
3. Organized around required components
4. Information flows in a logical sequence that is easy for the reader to follow
5. Paper is no more than two pages (not including the title or reference page) Includes 5 requirements for section.
Includes 4 requirements for section.
Includes 3 requirements for section.
Includes 1-2 requirement for section.
No requirements for this section presented.

APA Format and Reference Page
(25 points/10%) 25 points 23 points 19 points 9 Points 0 points
Required criteria
1. There is correct and appropriate use of margins, spacing, font, and headers.
2. Document setup includes title and reference pages in correct APA format.
3. Citations of sources included in the body of the paper use correct APA format for direct quotes and paraphrased information.
4. Sources are cited correctly on the Reference page. All elements of each reference are included in the correct order.
5. All information taken from the source, even if summarized, must be cited and the article must be listed on the Reference page according to APA.
6. All sources used are nursing journals published within the last five years. Includes 6 requirements for section.
Includes 5 requirements for section. Includes 3-4 requirements for section. Includes 1-2 requirements for section. No requirements for this section presented.

Total Points Possible = 150 points


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