NR00NP Roles in Advanced Practice Nursing Essay

NR00NP Roles in Advanced Practice Nursing Essay

NR00NP Roles in Advanced Practice Nursing Essay

Four APN Roles

The four APN roles include Certified Nurse Practitioner (CNP), Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS), Certified Nurse-Midwife (CNM), and Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA). This section will discuss each APN role, including the educational preparation and work environment.


The CNP roles include diagnosing and managing health conditions guided by evidence-based guidelines that encompass nursing principles that center on treating an individual as a whole instead of only the condition. The scope of CNP practice requires CNPs to take full clinical responsibility in managing their patient population, including conducting comprehensive health assessments, ordering, and interpreting investigations to make diagnoses (Schober et al., 2020). In addition, CNPs initiate and evaluate patients’ treatment plans and have the authority to refer and admit patients. They offer direct care to un-diagnosed patients through health education and engage in education, clinical leadership, and research. However, the degree of practice autonomy and accountability of CNPs is determined by the context and the state’s regulatory policies in which the NP practices. CNPs in states with Full practice autonomy are allowed to practice to the full scope of the NP practice, while states with restricted practice require CNPs to collaborate with a physician. The minimum educational requirements for a CNP are a master’s nursing degree from an accredited program specific to the CNP (Schober et al., 2020). Nevertheless, there is a trend for a doctor of nursing practice (DNP) degree as the entry-level for CNP preparation. CNPs work in primary health care settings, including hospitals, physician offices, private practices, and acute care settings.

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A CNS is an expert clinician with advanced nursing knowledge and skills who offer direct clinical care in a specialized nursing practice area. CNSs have direct and indirect care roles. Direct care entails direct interaction with patients, families, and communities to promote health and well-being and enhance the quality of life (Ares, 2018). Direct care roles include a comprehensive assessment of patients, diagnosing diseases, and prescribing or ordering therapeutic interventions. Indirect care roles include translating the best research evidence into clinical practice to enhance clinical outcomes. They also act as consultants to other nurses and health providers in managing complex patient cases (Ares, 2018). The education preparations for a CNS include a graduate program, master’s or doctoral degree for a CNS program from an accredited institution. The work environment for CNSs includes patient care setting such as clinics, hospitals, physician offices, private practice, nursing homes, schools, and correctional facilities.


CRNA roles include administering anesthesia and monitoring patients on anesthesia.

CRNAs collaborate with surgeons, anesthesiologists, and dentists in administering anesthesia. They administer anesthetics to patients in every practice setting in procedures or surgery (Martens et al., 2018). CRNAs are highly autonomous and qualified to make independent decisions. CRNA educational requirements include a minimum of a master’s degree from a CRNA education program (Martens et al., 2018). The program should be accredited by the Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs (COA). CRNAs work in every patient care setting in which anesthesia is administered, including hospital Ors, obstetric delivery rooms, critical access hospitals, and ambulatory surgical centers.


CNMs provide reproductive health care to women across the lifespan. The CNM focuses on family planning and gynecologic service, care of women during preconception, antepartum, childbirth and the postpartum period, and newborn care (Schober et al., 2020). CNMs offer primary care services, including annual exams, disease prevention, health promotion, individualized wellness education, counseling, and initiating treatment plans. Educational preparation for CNMs includes a graduate or post-graduate degree program accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Midwifery Education (Schober et al., 2020). The entry requirement into a CNM program includes an RN license with a bachelor’s in nursing degree. CNMs practice in general hospitals, private practices, birthing centers, and public health clinics.

The rationale for Choosing CNP Role

The Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) is my preferred CNP role. PMHNP roles include conducting patient assessments, diagnosing mental health and psychiatric conditions, and developing and initiating treatment plans. PMHNPs offer psychotherapy and prescribe pharmacotherapy interventions for mental health and substance abuse disorders (Chapman et al., 2019). PMHNP is preferred over Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) because the former is more specific in its roles while the latter is not specific in practice since FNPs serve patients across the lifespan. Mental health is an area of growing concern nationally and globally and is increasingly prioritized by governments. There is a growing need for mental health practitioners to address the concern, and thus, PMHNPs have a higher demand in the market than FNPs (Chapman et al., 2019). Statistics show that 65.40% of NPs are in FNP practice, while 1.80% are in PMHNP. Thus, PMHNP was selected since the job market is not saturated and there are higher chances of getting jobs with more attractive salaries.

Plans for Clinical Practice

Upon graduation, I plan to work in a mental health facility, providing psychiatric and mental health care to patients. I plan to work in an organization that recognizes the PMHNP scope of practice. As a result, I will carry out duties including assessing patients, diagnosing based on the DSM-V criteria, ordering and interpreting diagnostics, treatment, counseling, and providing health education (Chapman et al., 2019). The research on APN roles has increased my understanding of the difference between a CNP and a CNS. For instance, I have learned that           CNSs provide direct and indirect care while CNPs mostly provide direct clinical care. Besides, CNSs practice within a specialist field, while CNPs work in several fields of practice and settings.

Role Transition (Level 1 Heading)

The transition from RN to APN role means that my scope of practice will expand, and there will be more clinical responsibilities. I will be translating from an expert RN to a novice PMHNP, a noteworthy career role transition. Factors that may impact my role transition include previous RN experience and the working environment (Urbanowicz, 2019). I have a long RN working experience in a mental health care practice, which created the interest in pursuing a PMHNP program. The experience will positively impact the role transition since I will apply the knowledge, skills, and experience gained throughout the years in my new NP role. The working environment will positively or negatively impact the transition process. A supportive working environment with mentorship and coaching opportunities will positively impact transition (Urbanowicz, 2019). On the other hand, an environment that does not support new APNs through mentorship and positive supervision will negatively impact role transition.

Strategies to foster a successful RN to NP transition include enrolling in an APN mentorship program and setting realistic personal goals and expectations. A mentorship program will include having a mentor, mostly an experienced PMHNP, who will guide me in the new role and improve my weaknesses (Moss & Jackson, 2019). Setting realistic personal goals and expectations will include having short-term goals that will help transition to a proficient PMHNP. Besides, it will help prevent the anxiety that comes with the new responsibilities.


APNs have advanced nursing knowledge and skills and provide specialized care and manage complex patient cases. They work autonomously or in collaboration with other professionals based on state regulations. APNs work in primary healthcare settings, and their roles include assessing, diagnosing, ordering tests, and initiating treatment. PMHNP is my preferred role due to the high demand for mental health practitioners. Factors that will impact my role transition include previous RN experience and the working environment. The transition can be fostered through a mentorship program and setting realistic personal goals and expectations.


Ares, T. L. (2018). Role transition after clinical nurse specialist education. Clinical Nurse Specialist32(2), 71-80.

Chapman, S. A., Toretsky, C., & Phoenix, B. J. (2019). Enhancing psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner practice: impact of state scope of practice regulations. Journal of Nursing Regulation10(1), 35-43.

Martens, J., Motz, J., & Stump, L. (2018). A Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist’s Transition to Manager. AANA Journal86(6), 447–454.

Moss, C., & Jackson, J. (2019). Mentoring new graduate nurse practitioners. Neonatal Network38(3), 151-159.

Schober, M., Lehwaldt, D., Rogers, M., Steinke, M., Turale, S., Pulcini, J., … & Stewart, D. (2020). Guidelines on advanced practice nursing.

Urbanowicz, J. (2019). APRN transition to practice: Program development tips. The Nurse Practitioner44(12), 50-55.

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The Roles in Advanced Nursing Practice paper is worth 150 points and will be graded on the quality of the content, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions and grading criteria/rubric.
Submit the paper as a Microsoft Word Document, which is the required format at Chamberlain University. You are encouraged to use the APA Academic Writer and Grammarly tools when creating your assignment.
Follow the directions below and the grading criteria located in the rubric closely. Any questions about this paper may be posted under the Q & A Forum or emailed to your faculty.
The length of the paper should be 3-6 pages, excluding title page and reference page(s).
Support ideas with a minimum of 2 scholarly resources. Scholarly resources do not include your textbook. You may need to use more than 2 scholarly resources to fully support your ideas.
You may use first person voice when describing your rationale for choosing the CNP role and your plans for clinical practice.
Current APA format is required with both a title page and reference page(s). Use the following as Level 1 headings to denote the sections of your paper (Level 1 headings use upper- and lower-case letters and are bold and centered):
Roles in Advanced Practice Nursing (This is the paper introduction. In APA format, a restatement of the paper title, centered and not bold serves as the heading of the introduction section)
Four APN Roles
Rationale for Choosing CNP Role
Plans for Clinical Practice
Role Transition
Introduction: Provide an overview of what will be covered in the paper. Introduction should include general statements on advanced practice nursing roles, general statements on the role transition from RN to APN, and identification of the purpose of the paper.
Four APN Roles: Describe the role, educational preparation, and work environment for the four APN roles (CNP, CNS, CRNA & CNM). Provide support from at least one scholarly source.
Rationale for Choosing CNP Role: Describe your rationale for choosing the CNP advanced practice role versus one of the other roles.
Plans for Clinical Practice: Discuss your plans for clinical practice after graduation. Explain how your understanding of NP practice has changed after researching the four ANP roles.
Role Transition: Discuss your transition from the RN role to the NP role. Describe two factors that may impact your transition. Discuss two strategies you will use to support a successful transition from the RN to your NP role. Provide reference support from at least one scholarly source. The textbook is not a scholarly source.
Conclusion: Provide a conclusion, including a brief summary of what you discussed in the paper.

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