Narrative Analysis Paper

Narrative Analysis Paper

Narrative Analysis Paper

Students enroll in learning institutions to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to apply in real-life situations. They undergo a process that prepares them mentally, emotionally, and physically to analyze problems and address them innovatively. The same case applies to nursing and the broader health practice. Regardless of the specialty, health care professionals should acquire in-depth knowledge about patient care essentials and practice issues. Such knowledge is the foundation for professional growth, development, and excellence in healthcare delivery. The purpose of this paper is to provide a summative evaluation of my professional growth and development as a graduate student. It also describes professional growth and development on AACN’s MSN Essentials, the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) Competencies, and cultural competence transformation.

Cognitive, Psychomotor, and Affective Growth and Development

Family nurse practitioners (FNPs) are among the health care professionals engaging in broad practice. They usually deal with primary care for all ages and play a critical role in maintaining the health of all populations. Due to the diverse needs of patients, FNPs should have a positive attitude towards their job besides general knowledge on assessing, diagnosing, and treating patients. It is also crucial for FNPs to develop and maintain healthy relationships with clients in everyday practice. Cognitive, psychomotor, and affective development enables health care professionals to deliver patient-centered, holistic care.

The cognitive domain primarily involves gaining knowledge and intellectual skills relevant to family nursing practice. According to Orgill and Nolin (2020), the cognitive domain involves recalling specific facts, concepts, and procedural patterns, which are critical in developing a person’s intellectual abilities and skills. In this area, the FNP program was a source of new facts and concepts that built on previous knowledge in family nursing practice. Unlike at the beginning of the program, there are many concepts and facts that I can apply to new situations. Key areas include nursing theories and guiding principles, building healthy and lasting relationships, and assessing a patient multi-dimensionally. Developing this knowledge implies that I am better positioned to recall, evaluate, and apply information.


Like other practice areas, FNPs must understand their patients’ needs in detail. They also need to respond effectively to situational demands. The psychomotor domain entails physical movement, applying motor skills, and coordination (Orgill & Nolin, 2020). Notable growth and development in this area relevant to family nursing practice include perception (awareness), adaptation, and guided response. Regarding perception, nurses encounter patients varying in knowledge, confidence, and emotional stability. The FNP program has prepared me to detect non-verbal communication cues better and how to stimulate patients to express themselves confidently and participate in care plans. Adaptation involves responding effectively to unexpected experiences. In health practice, it is characterized by modifying situations to meet the needs of patients.

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Different patients understand patient care differently. Beliefs, perception, and values affect their response and cooperation, among other critical care elements. The affective domain deals with health care professionals’ emotional response to situations. It includes responding to diverse feelings, attitudes, and values (Pagatpatan et al., 2020). My development in this area is massive. For instance, I have learned the need for active listening and giving patients the respect they deserve. FNPs must be courteous and acknowledge patients’ diverse values. Patients are connected to behaviors, practices, and objects differently. Nurses should be sensitive toward individual and cultural differences (Kaihlanen et al., 2019). They must internalize patients’ values and examine how they are expressed in their behaviors.

Growth and Development Pertaining to AACN’s MSN Essentials

AACN’s MSN essentials delineate the knowledge and skills that masters-prepared nurses should acquire to excel in diverse practice areas. One of the major growth and development in this area pertains to AACN’s Essential I, which involves a background for practice in sciences and humanities. Essential I recognizes the importance of nurses integrating scientific findings from nursing, quality improvement, and organizational sciences to promote continual nursing care improvement across diverse settings (Doctors of Nursing Practice (DNP), 2021). In response, the FNP program prepares nurses to apply scientific findings to improve health outcomes. Scientific findings, clinical expertise, and patient values are the foundation of evidence-based practice (DNP, 2021). Essential II involves organizational and systems leadership. The FNP program prepares nurses to be natural leaders by imparting the necessary leadership skills for ethical and clinical decision-making.

Massive growth and development as a health care professional has also been realized in Essentials III, IV, and V. Essential III involves quality improvement and safety (DNP, 2021). Through the program, MSN-prepared nurses learn about tools, methods, and standards for quality and safety improvement. Under essential IV, nurses learn to apply research outcomes to solve practice problems. The skills and knowledge gained prepare FNPs to embrace change in health care delivery and work as change agents to influence positive change. Like other specialties, FNP should translate and integrate scholarship into practice. Essential V involves informatics and health care technologies (DNP, 2021). The program prepares nurses to embrace technology in patient care for communication, interprofessional collaboration, and care coordination, among other activities.


NONPF Competencies

Competence transforms nurses’ behaviors, experiences, and ability to adapt to situations. Growth and development of NONPF competencies have been realized through mentored patient care experiences, theoretical knowledge, and guided practice. Areas of massive development include scientific foundation and leadership competencies. The program prepares nurses to develop new methods by integrating research, theory, and practice experience. In this case, nurses are prepared to be innovative and incorporate knowledge and skills from other fields to improve health outcomes. Leadership is essential in initiating change and fostering interprofessional collaboration (Folkman et al., 2019). Through the program, quality competencies are gained through guiding nurses to use the best available evidence to improve the quality of clinical practice and promote a culture of excellence. Other competencies include practice inquiry characterized by improved ability to translate new knowledge into practice and technology and information literacy that prepares nurses to integrate appropriate technologies to improve health care outcomes.

Cultural Competence Transformation

Patients’ diverse values, beliefs, and preferences affect the patient-provider relationship and their attitude towards care. Cultural competence enables nurses to understand, appreciate diversity, and communicate with patients from different cultures (Kaihlanen et al., 2019). The program enhances knowledge of cultural differences and preferences, the role of language, and behavioral skills that promote effective and appropriate communication. Nurses learn the connection between culture and health and how to interact with patients comfortably while preventing cultural bias. Such knowledge prepares nurses to work in different environments and practice areas.


Nurses require diverse skills to provide care that addresses patient needs comprehensively. The FNP program ensures that nurses are adequately competent and ready to engage in family nursing. As discussed in this analysis, nurses learn many skills in the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains. Growth and development pertaining to AACN’s MSN Essentials and NONPF competencies have been massive. The program also prepares nurses to provide culturally competent care, which is integral in establishing and maintaining healthy relationships with patients.


DNP. (2021). Final draft of the AACN Essentials March 2021.

Folkman, A. K., Tveit, B., & Sverdrup, S. (2019). Leadership in interprofessional collaboration in health care. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare12, 97–107.

Kaihlanen, A. M., Hietapakka, L., & Heponiemi, T. (2019). Increasing cultural awareness: Qualitative study of nurses’ perceptions about cultural competence training. BMC nursing18(1), 1-9.

Orgill, B. D., & Nolin, J. (2020). Learning taxonomies in medical simulation.StatPearls [Internet].

Pagatpatan Jr, C. P., Valdezco, J. A. T., & Lauron, J. D. C. (2020). Teaching the affective domain in community-based medical education: A scoping review. Medical Teacher42(5), 507-514.


The student provides summative evaluation of their own professional growth and development as a graduate student in the COGNITIVE, PSYCHOMOTOR, and AFFECTIVE domains as it pertains to the FNP Program; AND
3. The student provides summative evaluation of their own professional growth and development as a graduate student as it pertains to AACN’s MSN Essentials for Graduate Education; AND
4. The student provides summative evaluation of their own professional growth and development as a graduate student as it pertains to the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) Competencies; AND
5. The student reflects how one’s own cultural competence has been transformed.

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