Mentoring as an Important Aspect of Leadership Essay

Mentoring as an Important Aspect of Leadership Essay

 Mentoring as an Important Aspect of Leadership Essay

Mentoring is one of the most important aspects of leadership. It is a way to develop the skills and abilities of subordinates, as well as help them grow and reach their full potential (Hastings & Sunderman, 2020). Through mentoring, leaders can foster a sense of trust and loyalty, while also imparting their knowledge and experience (Ayoobzadeh & Boies, 2020). And by developing the skills of their subordinates, leaders create a more effective and efficient team that can contribute more to the organization.

I am blessed to have had several mentors during my nursing career. the one that stands out the most is my department supervisor who portrayed servant leadership style. This supervisor went above and beyond their positional authority to ensure that every staff member felt supported, respected and included. They allowed me the latitude to develop my skillset and voice within the department while never hesitating to offer guidance or resources when needed. This leader truly invested in me as a person and nurse – they are part of the reason I am where I am today. I am forever grateful for their investment in me and know that they have made a lasting impact on my professional journey.

My nursing supervisor displayed many characteristics that drew me to them as a mentor. They were passionate about nursing and teaching, and they were always looking for ways to improve their practice. They were also very encouraging, and they took the time to get to know me as a person. Lastly, they were very patient and provided clear feedback. All of these qualities made my supervisor someone I wanted to emulate and learn from. They helped me grow both professionally and personally, and I am grateful for the guidance they provided me during my time as a nurse.

A good mentor relationship is essential for both the leader and the mentee. The mentor can provide leadership guidance and support to the mentee, while the mentee can provide feedback and insights to help the mentor improve their own leadership skills. A good mentor relationship should be a two-way street, with both parties sharing equally in the benefits of the relationship. The mentor should be willing to invest time and energy in developing a strong relationship with their mentee, and should be patient enough to allow the mentee to learn at their own pace. The mentee should be respectful of their mentor, and should aim to learn as much as they can from them.



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Ayoobzadeh, M., & Boies, K. (2020). From mentors to leaders: leader development outcomes for mentors. Journal of Managerial Psychology.

Hastings, L. J., & Sunderman, H. M. (2020). Evidence‐Based Practices in Mentoring for Leadership Development. New Directions for Student Leadership2020(168), 75-84.

Sustainable Aspect of the Project

There are numerous attributes that support sustainable outcomes in my project. To name a few, the checklist is designed to be used by medical teams during surgeries to help reduce mistakes and improve communication. Many studies have shown that using surgical safety checklists can significantly reduce surgical complications and mortality rates (De Jager et al., 2019). As such, my project has the potential to make a large impact on patient safety and healthcare quality if implemented successfully. Furthermore, the checklist is easy to use and does not require any special equipment or training, which makes it more likely that it will be adopted by healthcare organizations (Haugen et al., 2019). Finally, I am working closely with leading surgeons and hospitals to promote the use of the checklist and am confident that it will eventually become standard practice in many operating rooms around the world.

In most cases, it is difficult to predict how long any given project will be sustainable, but one can usually make a good case for sustainability if the project in question is implemented effectively and with due consideration for the particular cultural context in which it is introduced. My project is about surgical safety checklist, which I believe is a very important tool for ensuring patient safety. Although it may not be glamorous, this type of work is often necessary in order to achieve long-term sustainability. In other words, surgical safety checklists may not be flashy, but they are an essential part of providing safe and effective care to patients. I am confident that my project will have a lasting impact on healthcare around the world.

My project will be sustainable as long as the hospital or organization implements it. It does not have to be my research team that monitors or evaluates the outcomes, but someone should do it on a regular basis. The checklist should become a part of the hospital’s culture and standard operating procedure. Implementing the checklist has been shown to decrease surgical complications and mortality rates, so I believe that it is worth sustaining. There are many other examples of successful sustainability projects, so I am confident that this one can be too.


De Jager, E., Gunnarsson, R., & Ho, Y. H. (2019). Implementation of the world Health organization surgical safety checklist correlates with reduced surgical mortality and length of hospital admission in a high-income country. World journal of surgery43(1), 117-124.

Haugen, A. S., Sevdalis, N., & Søfteland, E. (2019). Impact of the world health organization surgical safety checklist on patient safety. Anesthesiology131(2), 420-425.


Please respond to each question individually
9.1. Mentoring is an important aspect of leadership. Describe a mentor that you have or have had in the past. What style of leadership did they use? What characteristics did they display that drew you to them as a mentor? Describe the importance of an effective mentor relationship for both the leader and the mentee.
10.0. Describe the attributes that support sustainable outcomes. Will your project have sustainable outcomes, or will your outcomes be a one-time occurrence?
My project is about surgical safety checklist and yes it will be sustainable as it ensures accuracy for patients and procedure and ultimately ensures patient safety.



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