L160 MOM 1 Task 1 Paper

L160 MOM 1 Task 1 Paper

L160 MOM 1 Task 1 Paper

The implementation phase of a proposed project is one of the most important phases. The implication is that various implementation aspects have to be considered and checked. For example, there should be appropriate leadership for the implementation to succeed. Leaders have to apply effective leadership strategies to advance the improvements (Paulmakesh & April, 2021). Indeed, there should also be appropriate implementation training, project management, and reporting. As such, the purpose of this write-up is to explore the proposed project’s pre-implementation field experience. Various aspects will be discussed, including the kick-off meeting agenda, the leadership strategies to be used during the kick-off meeting to encourage the project team members to support the implementation, and a training plan for staff. The other ones include validating the training plan, applying project management strategies in the management of the proposed HIP implementation, and describing various reporting methods that may be used to provide project status updates.

Agenda and Leadership Strategies

The kick-off meeting was important and key in planning the implementation phase of the proposed project (Sousa et al., 2017). During the meeting, various aspects were discussed, including the project background, timeline, action items, role clarification, and responsibilities of the project team. The proposed project focuses on using the technological solution to reduce patient falls among patients with dementia in a hospital setting (Ganz & Latham, 2020). As such, the project aims to follow various project management strategies. The projected timeline for the proposed project is six months.

The action items discussed include planning, literature search and review, project design, implementation, and follow-up. These action items present the major actions performed in the project cycle. The implementation of the project also requires that various main and supporting roles are clarified to eliminate any confusion that could exist in the process (Sligo et al., 2017). Therefore, the roles important roles were clarified in the meeting, as well as the responsibilities of the project team.

One of the key aspects of implementing a health improvement project is ensuring that the team members are all on board and are supporting the project. Therefore, it is important to use effective leadership strategies to encourage the project team members to be supportive of the implementation of the proposed health improvement project (Ginter et al., 2018). One strategy is to set a clear agenda. When the agenda is clear, it leaves the team members with little or no doubt about the implementation’s direction. This will make it highly likely for them to support the implementation. The other strategy is to share the vision with clear and convincing statements (Aij & Rapsaniotis, 2017). This will be key in enabling the team to buy into the vision and support the implementation process. Again I will employ strategies such as the establishment of individuals’ accountability, focusing on key tasks, and focusing on excellence.

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The kick-off Meeting Agenda

The Main Objectives of the meeting

By the end of the meeting:

  1. The team members or the stakeholders are expected to demonstrate a grasp of the health improvement project
  2. The team will validate the project plan and why the organization needs the health improvement
  • Introduction of the project members, key stakeholders, and sponsors and come up with timelines, guidelines and the HIP expectations.
Duration Topic/ Briefing Facilitator
5 min An introduction to the meeting and welcoming of the members. Nurse Leader
10 min Details on the HIP project. A presentation of the formulated objectives, goals and SMART+C goals. Nurse Leader
5 min The scope of the project and the evidence from literature supporting the HIP. The nurse leader
5 min The organizational policy and procedure change and the budget. The Nurse Manager
10 min A discussion on the project deliverables and their due dates. Nurse leader and unit preceptor.
5 min A discussion on the team member/stakeholders responsibilities and roles. Nurse Leader
5 min A discussion on the resources required and new action items.


Nurse Leader
5 min Scheduling of the next meeting, the agenda items and the status. Nurse Leader
5 min Any of the matters arising Nurse Leader


The HIP project Presentation Outline.

Introduction and project initiation.

-Project Purpose and review of scholarly sources.

-Human resource management

-Strategic planning and execution.

-Evidence-based measures for evaluating HIP.

-Project implementation

-HIP evaluation and closure.



Training Plan

Training is an integral part of ensuring that the team participates fully in the success of the project (Harwood, 2017). As such, it is important to include key topics, training methods, the training schedule, and the training outcomes. Various key topics will form the backbone of the training program; among them are why it is important to prevent patient falls and the responsibility of every team member in preventing falls. The training will also cover topics such as why a feasibility study should be undertaken and the needs assessment.

The targeted training methods include mentorships, programmed instruction, lectures, and cases studies (Medeiros et al., 2018). The application of the vast training methods will be key in ensuring that every team member understands the needs of the project and how to effectively participate to ensure that there is a success. It is also projected that training will be done for one week, Monday to Friday, for one hour every day. Due to various commitments of the team members, it will be appropriate to conduct the training in the evenings. It is also important to have training outcomes that can be key in evaluating whether the training was successful or not (Roy et al., 2020). The outcomes will be evaluated at the end of every training session every day; one of the targeted outcomes is increased knowledge scores among the team members.


Validation of Training Plan

Validation of a training plan is key in ensuring that the right training methods are used since using the right training ensures that every team member performs in the best way possible to ensure that the implementation of the proposed project is as smooth as possible. Central to ensuring the occurrence of such is performing a validation exercise using the right methods (Monteleone, R., & Klarmann, 2021). Therefore, various steps will be followed in the validation process. In the first phase, the practical activities will be identified to ensure that the right activities are in place. This will be followed by encouraging the team members to participate in case studies and group works. I will then ensure that there is a partnership between the facility and my institution. The final step will entail procurement of the services of a content expert for the acquisition of the strategic insight.

 Proposed Project Implementation and Control Field Experience

Project Proposal Journal

The management of the proposed HIP implementation process requires the use of effective and appropriate strategies. One of the ways or strategies is the use of a journal (Klein & Müller, 2020). The journal will have a project plan which defines the timeline to be followed for the success of the project. In addition, the journal will also have various aspects such as action items, role clarification, and responsibility of the team members, the training outcomes, training methods, and the key topics. In addition, the time management plan will have to reflect the kind of assessment to use, date, venues, and the exact time for various activities (Meredith et al., 2017). Central to the management is also the determination of the topics to be handled on a daily basis and recording the same in the journal

Project Management Strategy

The project management strategy will be important for the health improvement project as it should be treated as other projects. Therefore, using these strategies will ensure that the right standards are set and are in place for the project (Kerzner, 2020). Therefore, various strategies will be applied. One of them is the identification of barriers and timeously eliminating them. These barriers can derail the implementation process and eventually lead to failure if not addressed well; therefore, they will be identified and remediated with the help of an expert.

A rapid cycle improvement modification will also be undertaken through quality improvement prioritization as part of the process. Monitoring and supporting the staff will also be key to ensuring that everyone performs their duty. A Reward system, effective communication, and encouragement will be used to support them (Portny, 2017). The project schedule is important in ensuring that the project is on track; therefore, monitoring will be done by comparing what has been achieved with what is planned in the schedule.

The project also has a budget that needs to be followed. Therefore budget monitoring will also be performed to ensure that no unnecessary waste takes place. The other strategy that will be used is setting the standard operating procedures that need to be followed to ensure that the project adheres to or comply with the organizational practices and standards and industry standards.

Project Status Reporting Methods

Project status is a key aspect of the implementation process as it reveals to the team how far the team is and what needs to be done to ensure that the project is a success. The implication is that appropriate strategies should be used for reporting the updates to the project team members when holding routine project meetings (Kumar, 2018). One of the methods to be used in report writing. Report writing entails recording various project activities such as accomplishments and misses and detailing what might have caused the misses and what should be done going forward to ensure that there is success. Presenting the project’s status numerical aspects will be accomplished using standard statistical tools and software such as excel, which will be used to quickly generate reports which can be presented during the meetings. It is important to note that these data should be presented in the simplest forms to ensure that everyone comprehends and understands them for better performance and the program’s success.


            Successful implementation of a health improvement project requires that a nurse leader takes proactive steps and applies effective leadership strategies in every step. Therefore, it is important to use the best leadership strategies to ensure that every team member is encouraged to participate fully in the project and perform appropriate functions during the whole process. As such, various aspects of the implementation process have been explored. Among them is the training plan, which will be used to set the participants or the team members on the right paths towards accomplishing their roles and ensuring that they contribute to the collective course of the project. Various project management strategies that can be used during the project management journey, as well as the project status reporting, have all been explored.


Aij, K. H., & Rapsaniotis, S. (2017). Leadership requirements for Lean versus servant leadership in health care: a systematic review of the literature. Journal of Healthcare Leadership9, 1. https://dx.doi.org/10.2147%2FJHL.S120166.

Klein, G., & Müller, R. (2020). Literature Review Expectations of Project Management Journal®. Project Management Journal51(3), 239-241. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F8756972820916340

Ganz, D. A., & Latham, N. K. (2020). Prevention of falls in community-dwelling older adults. New England Journal of Medicine382(8), 734-743. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMcp1903252.

Ginter, P. M., Duncan, W. J., & Swayne, L. E. (2018). The strategic management of health care organizations. John Wiley & Sons.

Harwood, S. (2017). ERP: The implementation cycle. Routledge.

Kerzner, H. (2022). Project management case studies. John Wiley & Sons.

Kumar, R. (2018). Research methodology: A step-by-step guide for beginners. Sage.

Medeiros, R. P., Ramalho, G. L., & Falcão, T. P. (2018). A systematic literature review on teaching and learning introductory programming in higher education. IEEE Transactions on Education62(2), 77-90. https://doi.org/10.1109/TE.2018.2864133.

Meredith, J. R., Shafer, S. M., & Mantel Jr, S. J. (2017). Project management: a strategic managerial approach. John Wiley & Sons.

Monteleone, R., & Klarmann, D. (2021). Qualification and Validation. In Quality Management and Accreditation in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation and Cellular Therapy (pp. 35-42). Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-64492-5_5

Paulmakesh, D. A., & April, Y. M. Y. (2021). Implementation of Project Management for Strategy Realisation. Journal of University Shanghai for Science and Technology23(10), 887-892.https://jusst.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Implementation-Of-Project-Management-For-Strategy-Realisation.pdf.

Portny, S. E. (2017). Project management for dummies. John Wiley & Sons.

Roy, S. G., de Souza, S. P., McGreavy, B., Druschke, C. G., Hart, D. D., & Gardner, K. (2020). Evaluating core competencies and learning outcomes for training the next generation of sustainability researchers. Sustainability Science15(2), 619-631. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11625-019-00707-7

Sligo, J., Gauld, R., Roberts, V., & Villa, L. (2017). A literature review for large-scale health information system project planning, implementation and evaluation. International Journal of Medical Informatics97, 86-97. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2016.09.007

Sousa, C., Tereso, A., & Fernandes, G. (2017, April). Improving project management practices in architecture & design offices. In World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (pp. 51-61). Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-56538-5_6.


7073.8.1 : Implementation Leadership
The graduate utilizes effective leadership strategies to advance evidence-based improvements in healthcare organizations.
7073.8.2 : Implementation Training
The graduate validates the training plan to ensure alignment between the project team’s learning goals and the overall expectations of the health improvement project.
7073.8.3 : Project Management
The graduate applies project management strategies and organizational standards and practices to manage a healthcare improvement project.
7073.8.4 : Project Reporting
The graduate designs formal reports for the purpose of providing project status updates.
Note: You must have completed and passed the performance assessment and clinical practice experience (CPE) for D159: Evidence-Based Measures for Evaluating Healthcare Improvements before beginning this performance assessment.

In this task, you will discuss effective leadership strategies you would use for your future kick-off meeting to garner support for your proposed Healthcare Improvement Project (HIP). You will also create a proposed training plan for staff and stakeholders to ensure that you are ready when the time comes to implement your project. Additionally, you will discuss the importance of applying project management strategies and organizational standards and practices to managing your proposed HIP implementation. Finally, you will describe various reporting methods that you could use to provide project status updates to your project team.

During your clinical practice experience (CPE), you were evaluated on whether the “Kick-off Meeting Agenda” was completed. In this task, the “Kick-off Meeting Agenda” will be evaluated on content and quality of completion. The CPE provides you an opportunity to practice and improve this element before including it in your performance assessment.
Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The originality report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

Tasks may not be submitted as cloud links, such as links to Google Docs, Google Slides, OneDrive, etc., unless specified in the task requirements. All other submissions must be file types that are uploaded and submitted as attachments (e.g., .docx, .pdf, .ppt).

Complete the “Healthcare Improvement Project Proposed Implementation and Control (Field Experience)” section of your “HIP Paper Template – MCA Version” by doing the following:

Proposed Project Pre-Implementation Field Experience
A. Demonstrate the leadership strategies you would use during the proposed implementation by doing the following:
1. Submit the “Kick-off Meeting Agenda” that you created during your CPE, which includes the following components:
• project background
• timeline
• action items
• role clarification
• responsibilities of the project team
2. Discuss the leadership strategies you would use during the kick-off meeting to encourage the project team members to be supportive of the implementation of the proposed HIP.

B. Describe the following elements of the training plan for staff who would participate in the proposed HIP implementation:
• key topics
• training method
• training schedule
• training outcomes (e.g., evaluations, test scores)

C. Describe the process you would use to validate the training plan for your proposed HIP implementation to ensure alignment between the project team’s training goals and the overall expectations of your proposed HIP.

Proposed Project Implementation and Control Field Experience
D. Explain how you would use your project proposal journal to manage your proposed HIP implementation, including two detailed examples to support your explanation.

E. Describe how you would apply project management strategies as well as organizational standards and practices to manage your proposed HIP implementation, including one detailed example of each of the following components:
• identifying and removing barriers
• using rapid cycle improvement modification
• monitoring and supporting the staff
• monitoring the project schedule
• monitoring the project budget
• ensuring compliance with organizational standards and practices

F. Describe various reporting methods that could be used for providing project status updates to project team members during routinely scheduled meetings.

G. Incorporate the following components of APA style and formatting into your HIP paper:
• bias-free language
• objectivity, credibility of sources, and evidence-based approach
• APA-specific rules regarding verb tense, voice, and perspective
• a title page and headers
• APA-specific formatting rules for in-text citations and references, margins, spacing, numbering, and indentation for the title page, main body, and appendices of your HIP paper, including headers, bulleted and numbered lists, tables, and figures

H. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.
File Restrictions
File name may contain only letters, numbers, spaces, and these symbols: ! – _ . * ‘ ( )
File size limit: 200 MB
File types allowed: doc, docx, rtf, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, odt, pdf, txt, qt, mov, mpg, avi, mp3, wav, mp4, wma, flv, asf, mpeg, wmv, m4v, svg, tif, tiff, jpeg, jpg, gif, png, zip, rar, tar, 7z
A copy of the “Kick-off Meeting Agenda” created during the CPE is not submitted. APPROACHING COMPETENCE
A copy of the “Kick-off Meeting Agenda” created during the CPE is submitted, but 1 or more of the given components are missing. Or 1 or more of the given components are not logical for or not relevant to the proposed implementation of the HIP. COMPETENT
A completed “Kick-off Meeting Agenda” created during the CPE is submitted and includes all of the given components. Each component is logical for and relevant to the proposed implementation of the HIP.
A discussion of the leadership strategies that would be used during the kick-off meeting is not provided. APPROACHING COMPETENCE
The discussion of the leadership strategies that would be used during the kick-off meeting does not logically or reasonably ensure that the project team members are supportive of the implementation of the proposed HIP. COMPETENT
The discussion of the leadership strategies that would be used during the kick-off meeting is logical and reasonably ensures that the project team members are supportive of the implementation of the proposed HIP.
A description of a training plan for staff who would participate in the proposed HIP implementation is not provided. APPROACHING COMPETENCE
The description of a training plan for staff who would participate in the proposed HIP implementation is not logical or does not include 1 or more of the given elements. COMPETENT
The description of a training plan for staff who would participate in the proposed HIP implementation is logical and includes all of the given elements.


A description of the process used to validate the training plan for the proposed HIP implementation is not provided. APPROACHING COMPETENCE
The description of the process used to validate the training plan for the proposed HIP implementation is implausible or does not ensure alignment between the project team’s training goals and the overall expectations of the proposed HIP. COMPETENT
The description of the process used to validate the training plan for the proposed HIP implementation is plausible and ensures alignment between the project team’s training goals and the overall expectations of the proposed HIP.
An explanation of how the project proposal journal would be used to manage the proposed HIP implementation is not provided. APPROACHING COMPETENCE
The explanation of how the project proposal journal would be used to manage the proposed HIP implementation is illogical or does not include 2 detailed examples. Or 1 or both of the examples are not relevant or not appropriate for using a project proposal journal to effectively manage the proposed HIP implementation. COMPETENT
The explanation of how the project proposal journal would be used to manage the proposed HIP implementation is logical, and it includes 2 detailed examples. Both examples are relevant and appropriate for using a project proposal journal to effectively manage the proposed HIP implementation.
A description of how to apply project management strategies as well as organizational standards and practices to manage the proposed HIP implementation is not provided. APPROACHING COMPETENCE
The description of how to apply project management strategies as well as organizational standards and practices to manage the proposed HIP implementation is illogical or is not supported with 1 detailed example of each of the given components. Or 1 or more of the examples are not appropriate or are ineffective for managing the proposed HIP implementation. COMPETENT
The description of how to apply project management strategies as well as organizational standards and practices to manage the proposed HIP implementation is logical and is supported with 1 detailed example of each of the given components. All of the examples are appropriate and effective for managing the proposed HIP implementation.
A description of various reporting methods that could be used for providing project status updates to the project team during routinely scheduled meetings is not provided. APPROACHING COMPETENCE
The description of various reporting methods that could be used for providing project status updates to the project team during routinely scheduled meetings is impractical. Or the methods described could not reasonably provide project status updates or would be inappropriate to use during routinely scheduled meetings. COMPETENT
The description of various reporting methods that could be used for providing project status updates to the project team during routinely scheduled meetings is practical. The methods described could reasonably provide project status updates and are appropriate to use during routinely scheduled meetings.
The submission does not incorporate the given APA style and format components as described in the current APA manual. APPROACHING COMPETENCE
The submission does not accurately or consistently incorporate 1 or more of the given APA style and format components as described in the current APA manual. COMPETENT
The submission accurately and consistently incorporates all of the given APA style and format components as described in the current APA manual.
Content is unstructured, is disjointed, or contains pervasive errors in mechanics, usage, or grammar. Vocabulary or tone is unprofessional or distracts from the topic. APPROACHING COMPETENCE
Content is poorly organized, is difficult to follow, or contains errors in mechanics, usage, or grammar that cause confusion. Terminology is misused or ineffective. COMPETENT
Content reflects attention to detail, is organized, and focuses on the main ideas as prescribed in the task or chosen by the candidate. Terminology is pertinent, is used correctly, and effectively conveys the intended meaning. Mechanics, usage, and grammar promote accurate interpretation and understanding.
HIP Paper Template – MCA Version.docx

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