Just Culture and Culture of Safety Essay

Just Culture and Culture of Safety Essay

Just Culture and Culture of Safety Essay

The culture developed within a healthcare setting affects the output of each employee. Many healthcare organizations manage the behavior of their employees by developing a common culture that aligns the organization to the desired success (Gaur et al., 2022). A just culture focuses on the need for an honest and open reporting surrounding improves quality learning within the healthcare setting. While the healthcare organization is responsible for its employees, the employees are held liable for the quality of their choices. Consequently, the purpose of this paper is to examine factors that contribute to a just culture and a culture of safety and how they are implemented within a health care organization

Selected Healthcare Organization

Mayo Clinic is one of the best-performing clinics in the US, with a good track record of over decades. The clinic obtained a Magnus status because of the improved quality of healthcare. The clinic treats complex cases by offering tertiary care and destination medicine. The clinic’s approach to its form of treatment is uniquely coupled with increased research to solve complex healthcare problems. The ability to approach some complex healthcare situations has been important in increasing the value of the clinic (Fortes et al., 2022). The increased patient satisfaction also signifies the effective approach that the clinic gives to all health care issues they handle. Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit organization that focuses on education, integrated healthcare, and research. These three pillars have been defining all the operations at the clinic. Besides, the positive patient outcome that the clinics have registered in the past relies on these three pillars.


Analysis of the Factors that Create a Just Culture and Culture of Safe

The clinic operates on the notion that fair and just culture is the key to achieving patient safety. This approach to organization culture empowers employees to participate in safety efforts in the clinic. Being a leader in the US healthcare sector should continuously foster a culture of excellence. A just culture and culture of safety in healthcare are vital in the organization since it aids in improving the quality of care offered to patients (Campione & Famolaro, 2018). The just culture and culture of safety developed at the clinic foster a good relationship between healthcare stakeholders founded on dignity, empathy, and patient reverence. Training all employees on the just culture and culture of safety at the clinic has been a powerful tool in defining the success history at the clinic.

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Involving the employees is another factor that fosters a just culture and culture of safety at the clinic. The administration at the clinic carries out a rigorous employment process that aids in the better selection of the employees at the institution. The active involvement of these new and existing employees through training has been a significant supporting change at the clinic. The organization treats every employee with respect (Campione & Famolaro, 2018). The employees are also expected to treat everyone in the diverse community, including patients, colleagues, and their families, with dignity. Indeed, the inclusion of the employees in the decision-making process in the clinic has been motivating employees to perform. The leadership approach should create a just culture and culture of safety in which health workers are willing and able to function collaboratively to help patients, ensuring efficient and quality care provision.

Teamwork and mutual support among health providers is a factor that has been fostering a just culture and a culture of safety. Generally, the primary goal of Mayo Clinic is to improve patients’ outcomes through research and tertiary care. This approach has been calling for proper teamwork and support from one another within an institution. The just culture and culture of safety esteems teamwork is crucial in enhancing excellence since it is associated with patient safety and reduces the number of medical errors (Fortes et al., 2022). The other significant feature that can result in a culture of honesty is the communication technique. Furthermore, the teamwork at the clinic has been developing better communication skills with the team. Good interpersonal relationships and teamwork are established through effective communication. Good communication entails speaking out vital ideas and opinions of junior staff to senior staff and the management, plus positive communication between staff members (David, 2019). Effective communication platform reduces conflict within the purgation; hence, more time is dedicated to achieving the organization’s principal goal.

Evaluation of Mission and Vision align with Just Culture and Culture of Safety

This section will focus on the effect that just culture and culture of safety have been bringing to Mayo Clinic. The clinic’s vision is “transforming medicine to connect and cure as the global authority in the care of serious or complex disease.” The mission and vision of the organization are interrelated to the overall objective of the clinic in the US. As the vision describes what the organization aims to achieve in the future, the mission highlights the specific objective to help the organization achieve its vision (Marx, 2019). The first example is that Mayo Clinic’s mission is to integrate superior health delivery systems and avail quality health care. Besides, the organization adopts novel technology to advance service excellence and associate with stakeholders to improve health education within the community they serve. The core values include vital aspects that Mayo Clinic endeavors to foster in the organizational culture. They include excellence, integrity, trust, compassion, and respect, and they directly depict the desire to create a just culture in the organization.

The value of respect inculcated in the organization supports honesty and integrity among its employees. The value of respect and integrity nurtures reverence for patients and work colleagues within Mayo Clinic. The second example of the effect of just culture at the clinic is how it attends to patients with respect and dignity. This approach marks a just culture and culture of safety that the clinic has been developing since its inception. The organization’s employees utilize a collaborative approach to patient care, which means every worker performs a crucial role in ensuring quality patient care. Health providers and support staff are adequately trained to ensure effective implementation of the just culture and culture of safety (Wei et al., 2020). Also, honesty and integrity foster open communication within the organization is very significant because health workers speak about the issues affecting them and provide ideas and views crucial to ensuring improvement within the organization. Developing a just culture of safety through inspiring and promoting health has been significant in effective healthcare management and the development of trust between patients care caregivers.


Just culture and culture of safety is a tool that defines success within the healthcare setting. The Mayo Clinic has been vital in discussing the effect of honest culture in promoting healthcare and improving patient outcomes. The solution to medical errors in healthcare is one of the positive patient outcomes that comes from developing a just culture and culture of safety. Nurturing good relations and teamwork among the health workers and support staff within a healthcare organization. A collaborative approach to patient care can improve patient clinical outcomes.


Campione, J., & Famolaro, T. (2018). Promising practices for improving hospital patient safety culture. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety44(1), 23-32. https://doi.org/10.1080/13561820.2019.1641476

David, D. S. (2019). The association between organizational culture and the ability to benefit from “just culture” training. Journal of Patient Safety15(1), e3-e7. doi: 10.1097/PTS.0000000000000561

Fortes, B. H., Liou, H., & Dalvin, L. A. (2022). Ophthalmic adverse effects of taxanes: The Mayo Clinic experience. European Journal of Ophthalmology32(1), 602-611. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F1120672120969045

Gaur, S., Kumar, R., Gillespie, S. M., & Jump, R. L. (2022). Integrating principles of safety culture and just culture into nursing homes: lessons from the pandemic. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association23(2), 241-246. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jamda.2021.12.017

Marx, D. (2019). Patient safety and the just culture. Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics46(2), 239-245. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ogc.2019.01.003

Wei, H., Corbett, R. W., Ray, J., & Wei, T. L. (2020). A culture of caring: the essence of healthcare interprofessional collaboration. Journal of Interprofessional Care34(3), 324-331. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcjq.2017.09.001


The purpose of this assignment is to examine factors that contribute to a just culture and a culture of safety and how they are implemented within a health care organization. Identify a health care organization that uses a just culture and culture of safety. Research how a just culture and culture of safety are implemented within that organization.

In a 1,000-1,250-word paper, analyze the factors that create a just culture and culture of safety within your selected organization. Include the following in your paper:

A description of the health care organization you selected.
An analysis of the factors that create a just culture and culture of safety within the selected health care organization.
An evaluation of how the mission and vision of your identified organization align with the factors that create a just culture and culture of safety, including two or three examples.
This assignment requires a minimum of two scholarly sources. If the necessary information is not readily available on the organization’s website, you may need to set up an interview with someone at the organization.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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