Integrating Information and Communication Technologies Essay

Integrating Information and Communication Technologies Essay

Integrating Information and Communication Technologies Essay

As primary care providers, nurses encounter patients and populations with varying health needs. Through their skills and practice-derived experience, nurses can identify appropriate interventions and implement them to improve nursing practice and care delivery. Translational research dominates patient care improvement. It involves developing treatment and interventions, testing their efficacy, and disseminating and implementing research to promote positive changes in health care delivery.


When guiding preventive health, translational research can guide nurses in identifying at risk-populations and monitoring their health status. Better outcomes can be achieved by integrating appropriate information and communication technologies. Such technologies promote patient-provider communication, enable self-monitoring, and track people’s health remotely. Information and communication technologies also allow patients to share information with nurses efficiently and securely (Quinn et al., 2019). They include blood pressure cuff, glucometer, and wearables. Data received through such devices can help health care professionals to devise the most appropriate interventions to keep target populations safe from illnesses. For instance, self-monitoring data is fundamental to successful behavior change for people with chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity (Du et al., 2020). Timely interventions prevent such diseases from developing into unmanageable states.

When integrating information and communication technologies, health care professionals should be guided by objectives. If the goal is behavioral intervention, timely data and active communication between a target group and health care providers are critical. Health care professionals also need to address barriers to technology use, primarily fears and illiteracy. Typical fears include privacy, data protection, and safety concerns (Cummins & Schuller, 2020). Illiteracy is a barrier among the elderly and people living in rural areas. Health care providers should assure patients about privacy and data security to increase their confidence in using technologies.

Preventative interventions help to keep populations safe from illnesses. They also help to prevent disease progression into unmanageable states. Information and communication technologies help health care professionals to monitor at-risk populations and intervene accordingly. Health care professionals should first address common barriers to technology integration, such as security fears and digital illiteracy.



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Cummins, N., & Schuller, B. W. (2020). Five crucial challenges in digital health. Frontiers in Digital Health, 38.

Du, Y., Dennis, B., Rhodes, S. L., Sia, M., Ko, J., Jiwani, R., & Wang, J. (2020). Technology-assisted self-monitoring of lifestyle behaviors and health indicators in diabetes: Qualitative Study. JMIR Diabetes5(3), e21183.

Quinn, M., Forman, J., Harrod, M., Winter, S., Fowler, K. E., Krein, S. L., … & Chopra, V. (2019). Electronic health records, communication, and data sharing: Challenges and opportunities for improving the diagnostic process. Diagnosis6(3), 241-248.

Discuss how to integrate appropriate information and communication technologies for the clinical preventative intervention in DQ 1 to improve nursing practice and care delivery for individuals and populations.

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