Impact of Social Isolation Due to COVID-19 on Health in Older People Essay

Impact of Social Isolation Due to COVID-19 on Health in Older People Essay

The Coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has had severe effects on the entire population. However, geriatric individuals living in long-term care facilities and homes have been impacted significantly because of increased loneliness and inability to interact with their family. What I have learned from the video is that COVI-19 has impacted the mental health of geriatric population in different ways (CBC News: The National, 2020) Key among them is being lonely with exacerbate underlying conditions like dementia. While older adults tend to experience reduce stress levels, effective emotional regulation and wellbeing, the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted these patterns with many experiencing isolation and loneliness due to measures focused on protecting them against the pandemic, which exacerbates mental health conditions.

Nurses are making efforts to help the geriatric population combat loneliness. These include making visits to them and assessing their mental health status, making phone calls to check on them, and providing essential supplies like food stuff to the population. Nurses are also linking and collaborating with mental health specialists and clinical psychologists to help provide mental health services to reduce the negative effects of COVID-19 on these populations (Beauchamp et al., 2022). Nurses are also care providers and volunteer to have contacts with the geriatric population in long-term care facilities to help them deal with isolation and other effects of COVID-19.


Isolation has significant effects on the wellbeing of the geriatric population. These include increased rates of depression, stress and inability to cope with loneliness and one is deprives of making essential family contacts and moments (Vahia et al., 2020). Isolation takes away the social and physical touch and contact for those affected. The implication is that isolation affects the older adults as they fail to have a sense of belonging and feel neglected by their families and loved ones in these facilities.


Beauchamp, M. K., Joshi, D., McMillan, J., Oz, U. E., Griffith, L. E., Basta, N. E., … & Cosco,

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Impact of Social Isolation Due to COVID-19 on Health in Older People Essay

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  1. (2022). Assessment of Functional Mobility After COVID-19 in Adults Aged 50 Years or Older in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. JAMA Network Open, 5(1), e2146168-e2146168. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.46168

CBC News: The National (2020 Dec 2). Seniors grapple with loneliness during the pandemic.

Vahia, I. V., Jeste, D. V., & Reynolds, C. F. (2020). Older adults and the mental health effects of

COVID-19. Jama, 324(22), 2253-2254. DOI: 10.1001/jama.2020.21753.


Watch the following video.
Create a post explaining what you learned in the video. Provide an explination of how covid impacted the geriatric populations mental health and what are some things nurses can do to help combat the lonliness. Explain the effects isolation has on the geriatric populations’ well-being. Use at least one scholarly resource. (200 words minimum)


Discussion Board Rubric

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Original response-thought and contribution Well developed ideas, including introduction of new ideas. Stimulates discussion and demonstrates excellent critical thinking skills.

Contains at least one (1) current (within the last 5 years) peer-reviewed references with matching in-text citation(s).

Ideas are mostly well developed. Somethings stimulates discussion. Good example of critical thinking. Contains one (1) current (within the last 5 years) peer-reviewed reference with matching in- text citation(s). Partially developed ideas but no new ideas are introduced. Does not stimulate discussion. Satisfactory example of critical thinking. Did not complete.
Peer response. Well-developed ideas including introduction of new ideas; stimulates discussion. Excellent example of critical thinking. Contains a minimum of one (1) current (within the last 5 years) peer-reviewed reference with matching in text citation. Ideas are mostly well developed. Sometimes stimulates discussion. Good example of critical thinking.

Contains a minimum of one (1) current (within the last 5 years) peer-reviewed reference with matching in text citation.

Partially developed ideas but no new ideas are introduced. Does not stimulate discussion. Satisfactory example of critical thinking. No in-text citations included. Did not complete.
Grammar, spelling and APA format Spelling, grammar and punctuation are correct. Correct APA format of in-text citations and references. Spelling, grammar and punctuation are adequate. Errors do not interfere with meaning or understanding. Less than 2 APA errors. Spelling, grammar and punctuation interfere with meaning or understanding.

3-4 APA errors.

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