HIM Technology Support Plan

HIM Technology Support Plan

Executive Summary

The success of the current health care organization in the US has been linked with the developed health technology. Vila health is not an exception in the recent technological integration, and the go-live strategy describes the level of preparedness to usher in the new system. The new system users would have the main role of protecting the new system and maximizing its use to improve the quality of care. The ethical practices about the accessibility of data allow the user to gain full control of the new system. The risks and opportunities of the new system would as well depend on how best the users navigate through the new system.


Go-Live and Support Analysis

Over the years, there has been a high demand for enhanced care and patient safety in the healthcare sector. While various strategies have been explored to meet such needs, technology has been at the center of every effort. Technological applications have attracted much interest and experienced growth in recent years, calling for organizations to invest in patient data. The decision to upgrade hospital systems aligns with the greatest need to improve patient safety. However, the implementation of any change in a health care institution requires input from all the team members (Bumpas & Copeland, 2021). The go-live strategy defines the period in which the change process would occur in the organization. Undertaking the go-live strategy requires the allocation of duties to the team members as this would define the role of any member during the go-live process. This study will address the go-live strategy at Vila Health by defining system end-users and best practices that would allow the implementation process to succeed.

The go-live plan at Vila health will be a 24-hour event where all the teams at the health center will be working towards revamping the EHR software. The go-live strategy will be coming after months of preparation that range from studying the EHR upgrade to rehearsals on the new systems. This process would ensure that any upgrade does not negatively impact patient care (Bumpas & Copeland, 2021). Vila Health operates in a competitive and demanding health delivery market that requires it to design its competitive advantage. The health care organization is looking for more than “installing an updated App” but to design an upgrade that will act as the organization’s central nervous system.

The first need at Vila Health is a planned communication that would ensure that the stakeholders and the end-users understand the benefits of upgrading the system. In the past, Vila Health faced numerous issues related to planned communication. However, the implementation plan would require the current management to design a communication system incorporating all the workers at the clinic. The success of the go-live strategy depends on the ability of each employee at the clinic to work towards the major goal of installing the upgraded EHR system (Schopf et al., 2019). The need to improve health care services has been promoting Vila Health to think of effective means to champion digital health. The health care system’s success in the future depends on the present ratification of eHealth. Secondly, Vila health would need to complete all security tests to ensure that the upgrade system would not affect the safety of the current client data. Lastly, the clinic would need a restoration option for client data to reduce losing data on the new system.

System End Users

The users of the proposed new system will include nurses, physicians, and other medical staff. The billing office, medical coders, and other clerks in the clinic would as well use the health records on their daily operations. The new EHR system is critical for ensuring that patients’ medical records are safe, accurate, and transparent. Various key information is also needed for the database to attain the utmost security (Bumpas & Copeland, 2021). Accessing client medical data would require authorized personnel as it will increase information security on the health data. Critical patient information includes imaging reports, laboratory results, social security numbers, immunization history, vital signs, past and current medications, past medical and surgical history, current medical issues, and patient demographics (Schopf et al., 2019). With such information, data confidentiality and safety are the centers of focus. Such a focus is instrumental in coming up with or formulating appropriate interventions that can lead to the most desired outcomes. The system’s effective functioning would ensure that all users develop a better medical communication system that improves health care delivery.

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Best Practices

The upgrade in the new EHR system comes with major modifications that would require the ability of the users to understand the systems. The effective function of the system to meet its objectives relies on the ability of the sues to optimize its use in dispensing duties. This calls for the management to align the health care operation to the proposed changes to ensure the effective roll-out of the new system. Management must train users on the integrity, values, and ethical practices that start from the access protocol given to the health care data (Bumpas & Copeland, 2021). The safety of the new system highly depends on the users. For instance, unauthorized people would infiltrate the new system by sending phishing emails that are likely to compromise the database. Therefore, maintaining the ethical principle in accessing and transferring the information on the new system would have a positive significance on the safety of patients.

Adopting technology in Vila health has been low compared to other health care clinics within the state. However, the professionalism at the clinic has been top-notch. This implies that upgrading the new technology system at the company would have a positive impact on patient outcomes. The increase in cybercriminal issues has raised much concern on data protection levels installed in health care institutions. This has been calling for health care organizations to build strong firewalls that limit any loss of confidential patient data (Schopf et al., 2019).The current proposed computational systems will aid in analyzing the large volume of data, storing large volumes of patient data, and heightening information retrieval. The currently proposed upgrade on Vila health data plays various significant roles in capturing data for the electronic health records databases in multiple ways. One of the roles is providing operational applications and clinical tools that are primarily applied in capturing health information to boost patient care and security. These measures will address the downtime affecting Vila health IT systems in the past.

Risks and Opportunities

One of the well-known risks that Villa health would face with the current technological upgrade is increased data breaches. Despite the current health IT bringing a positive impact on health care delivery, it has been exposing the client data on the imminent threat (Rudin et al., 2019). Cybercriminals have been on the rise in the recent past, where they target data to steal from clients or hold an organization under siege for ransom. Cyber criminals target organizations with automated systems to find numerous locations to steal data.

However, despite Villa health’s risk with the new implementation of the upgrade EHR, the system comes with numerous benefits. For instance, the institution will reduce human errors by 97%, implying that the quality of health care services would improve (Rudin et al., 2019). The institution would as well serve many patients that would translate to financial strengthen at the clinic. The new system would open the clinic to other opportunities that would increase the overall value.


The proposed go-live strategy and the ongoing support plan show that Vila health is prepared to unveil a new system. Vila health has many workers who are easy to train on the new system. This implies that the go-live strategy would be successful as the users are focused on meeting the clinic’s needs.


Bumpas, J., & Copeland, D. J. (2021). Standardizing Multidisciplinary Discharge Planning Rounds to Improve Patient Perceptions of Care Transitions. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration51(2), 101-105. https://doi.org/10.1097/NNA.0000000000000977

Rudin, R. S., Shi, Y., Fischer, S. H., Shekelle, P., Amill-Rosario, A., Shaw, B., … & Damberg, C. L. (2019). Level of agreement on health information technology adoption and use in survey data: a mixed-methods analysis of ambulatory clinics in 1 US state. JAMIA open2(2), 231-237. https://doi.org/10.1093/jamiaopen/ooz004

Schopf, T. R., Nedrebø, B., Hufthammer, K. O., Daphu, I. K., & Lærum, H. (2019). How well is the electronic health record supporting the clinical tasks of hospital physicians? A survey of physicians at three Norwegian hospitals. BMC health services research19(1), 1-9 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-019-4763-0

BUY A CUSTOM-PAPER HERE ON;HIM Technology Support Plan

Write a 3-5 page executive summary that outlines a comprehensive plan for go-live and ongoing support for a major upgrade of a hospital’s EHR and other HIM systems.


Note: Each assessment in this course is supported by the work you have completed in previous assessments. Therefore, complete the assessments in the order in which they are presented.

In today’s complex and demanding health care workplaces, effective end-user support systems must be in place to ensure that HIM systems enhance job performance and do not adversely affect the functions of key personnel.

This assessment provides an opportunity for you to apply your knowledge of end-user support best practices in outlining a comprehensive plan for go-live and ongoing support for a major upgrade of EHR and other HIM systems.

Overview and Preparation

Note: Complete the assessments in this course in the order they are presented.

Before you begin writing your executive summary, be sure to complete the following Vila Health simulation. You will use the information from this activity, as well as information from the resources provided for this assessment and gathered from your own research, to complete the assessment.


Using the Executive Summary Template [DOCX], write an executive summary that outlines a comprehensive plan for go-live and ongoing support for a major upgrade of a hospital’s EHR and other HIM systems.

The requirements for your executive summary, outlined below, correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure you address each criterion at minimum. You may also want to read the HIM Technology Support Plan Scoring Guide to better understand how each criterion will be assessed.

Describe the concept of go-live for HIM technology.
Identify the HIM technology workflow support needs at Vila Health.
Recommend organizational change management techniques for supporting the implementation of new health HIM systems or upgrades.
What evidence do you have to support your recommendations?
Develop procedures that address downtime for the HIM systems at Vila Health.
What evidence do you have that informs your procedures?
Explain how the downtime procedures minimize organizational risk and maintain uninterrupted patient safety and clinical operations.
What evidence do you have to support your assertions and conclusions?
Provide your best practice recommendations for designing a comprehensive go-live and ongoing support plan for Vila Health.
What evidence do you have to support your recommendations?
Write clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.
Write with a specific purpose and audience in mind.
Organize and structure your writing coherently.
Adhere to scholarly and disciplinary writing standards and APA formatting requirements.
Adhere to the accepted rules of grammar and mechanics.
Proofread your writing to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance of your assessment.
Additional Requirements

Your assessment should also meet the following requirements:

Template: Use the Executive Summary Template [DOCX]. Include an APA-formatted references page.
Length: Your executive summary should comprise 3–5 pages of content plus a references page.
References: Cite at least two current (within the past five years) peer-reviewed or evidence-based sources to support your executive summary.
Portfolio Prompt: You may choose to save your executive summary to your ePortfolio.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Analyze workflow best practices related to health care technology.
Identify HIM technology workflow support needs in an organization.
Competency 2: Employ organizational change-management techniques in support of health information system implementation, go-live support, and optimization.
Describe the concept of go-live for HIM systems.
Recommend organizational change-management techniques for supporting the implementation of new HIM technology or upgrades.
Competency 4: Develop system and personnel downtime procedures that minimize organizational risk and maintain uninterrupted patient safety and clinical operations.
Develop procedures that address HIM system downtime.
Explain how downtime procedures minimize organizational risk and maintain uninterrupted patient safety and clinical operations.
Recommend a best practice approach to designing a comprehensive, ongoing HIM technology support plan.
Competency 6: Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, in an appropriate form and style, consistent with applicable organizational, professional, and scholarly standards.
Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions.
Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.
HIM Technology Support Plan

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