Health Promotion Plan Presentation Script Essay
Health Promotion Plan Presentation Script Essay
Introduction and Expectations
Welcome to this educational session on healthy living and positive behavior change. In any community, people’s health depends on the measures adopted to live healthily and fight infections. They also need knowledge about their vulnerabilities and achieving the desired health outcomes as time necessitates. The purpose of this educational session is to inform and empower you towards positive behavior change. Its central theme is that a drug-free society is crucial for a productive populace. As the participants, you are expected to learn from the material provided, participate actively by contributing ideas and asking questions, internalize information, and take action guided by the knowledge gained.
Goal-Setting: Agreed-Upon Health Goals
Before going into details, it is crucial to set goals together to work towards a shared goal. I will describe the goals that I think are vital for this session as you contribute more. The first goal is to improve self-knowledge on substance abuse as LGBTQIA+ individuals. In this case, you should explain at least five risks of substance abuse and three interventions for positive behavior change after the session. The second goal is committing to maintaining health each day. You should identify at least behaviors for self-care to practice daily. The third goal is to commence the journey towards recovery. You should know where to seek specialized treatment within a month and the health and community resources available to help you.
Health Concern and Population’s characteristics
It is crucial to understand the health concern that necessitates this educational session. Generally, this group comprises sexual minorities struggling with substance. Research indicates that substance abuse lowers people’s quality of life and exposes them to mental health problems (Richert et al., 2020). Substance abuse is expensive to maintain. Most drugs are costly; implying most of you cannot afford them. As a result, vulnerability to crime, poverty, and insecurity is high. It is challenging for those active in education to concentrate in class when immersed in substance abuse. Murali and Jayaraman (2018) further found that substance abuse increases the risk of sexually transmitted diseases. Behavior change is crucial to avoid these adverse outcomes.
Substance Abuse Risk Factors
LGBTQIA+ individuals are a unique population with unique needs. Several factors increase their risk of health issues and substance abuse and should be known. According to Harris and Marciniak (2019), sexual minorities are victims of discrimination and social stigma. They are isolated in the family, workplace, school, and communities. Feeling isolated makes most individuals seek solace in substance abuse. Lack of support is another problem increasing the likelihood of drug abuse. Many LGBTQIA+ individuals lack trustworthy people close to them to share everyday problems and reveal their sexuality. Internalized homophobia implies self-identifying with sexuality-related stigmas leading to self-hatred (Ackermann, 2021). Worse, religions and cultures are yet to accommodate sexual minorities fully. Co-occurring disorders include anxiety and depression, increasing the risk of mental health problems and high substance abuse.
Health Needs and Interventions
Since the primary goal of this education session is to improve knowledge and prompt positive behavior change, it is crucial to examine your health needs, interventions, and resources, based on the set goals. The first health need is healthy food. A change in dietary intake and shift towards healthy eating is crucial. Mental stability is critical. The most practical intervention is identifying a hobby or a health routine to promote interaction and reduce negative thoughts. Social support would be best obtained by joining a support group of people dealing with addiction in the community. An active health plan implies seeking medication and avoiding risks such as inadequate sleep, excess alcoholism, and self-hatred.
Evaluating Outcomes
Education sessions consume a lot of time to organize and implement. It is crucial to ensure that they achieve the desired outcomes. Several strategies can be used to evaluate the session’s outcomes. The first focus area is the content areas (information delivered). For this session, focus areas included dangers of substance abuse, risk factors among the LGBTQIA+, health needs, and interventions. Active participation also signifies a successful educational session. The session should also be long enough to cover all the content areas and give participants adequate time to internalize information and ask questions. Since participants are diverse, instruction methods and learning activities should be diverse. Participants should also provide qualitative feedback about the session.
Need for Revisions
Although the educational session is informative and meets the set goals comprehensively, it can be improved to be more problem-centered. The first improvement area is to provide participants with educational materials on health tips, risk factors, and adopting an active lifestyle. In this session, the primary instruction method is a lecture. It should be used alongside role-playing, simulation, and case studies to make it more appealing and comprehensive. Mixing instruction methods will increase learning activities. The other revision area is the content. It should focus more on behavior change activities while helping participants set realistic and achievable goals. One session is also not enough to prompt behavior change and evaluate the progress.
Evaluating Outcomes Based on Healthy People 2030 Objectives
The educational session made a massive effort to meet Healthy People 2030 goals. One of the overarching goals is attaining healthy, thriving lives safe from preventable disease (HHS & ODPHP, 2021). The educational session achieves this goal by empowering the participants to avoid diseases associated with substance abuse. Such conditions include depression, malnutrition, and sexually transmitted diseases. Keeping a population free of preventable disease eliminates health disparities and creates environments that create full potential for health and well-being. Healthy People 2030 goals also seek to promote healthy development and behaviors across all life stages (HHS & ODPHP, 2021). Participants are between 20 and 30 years, a critical stage in life determining productivity in later years.
Revisions Based on Healthy People 2030 Goals
Despite meeting most Healthy People 2030 goals, the educational session did not excel in one vital area. One of the major Healthy People 2030 goals is engaging leadership and the public across sectors to design appropriate policies for improving health and well-being (HHS & ODPHP, 2021). Unfortunately, the educational session only includes LGBTQIA+ individuals struggling with drug abuse. For better outcomes and to meet all Healthy People 2030 goals, stakeholders, leadership, and partners that can help in policymaking should be engaged. The other important participants include past addicts who successfully have overcome substance abuse and living productive lives. It is also important to share information with leaders and influential community members to help in policymaking.
To conclude the session, it is important to summarize the key component areas. LGBTQIA+ individuals are a unique population with unique needs. Their health worsens when they struggle with substance abuse. The session’s primary goal was knowledge building and empowerment to enable participants to make rational decisions and recognize the need for behavior change. Positive behavior change will enable this special group to overcome substance abuse over time and adopt healthy, productive lifestyles. After the evaluation, it is evident that the session needs some revisions. It should mix instructional methods and learning materials to address the participants’ diversity. Stakeholders should be engaged to ensure that the session addresses all Healthy People 2030 goals.
Ackermann, K. (2021). Why substance abuse is higher within the LGBTQ community. American Addiction Centers.
Harris, D., & Marciniak, K. (2019). LGBTQ discrimination in America. Essential Library.
Murali, V., & Jayaraman, S. (2018). Substance use disorders and sexually transmitted infections: A public health perspective. BJPsych Advances, 24(3), 161-166. doi:10.1192/bja.2017.14
Richert, T., Anderberg, M., & Dahlberg, M. (2020). Mental health problems among young people in substance abuse treatment in Sweden. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 15(1), 1-10.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP). (2021). Healthy People 2030 framework.
• Build a slide presentation (PowerPoint preferred) of the hypothetical health promotion plan you developed in the first assessment. Then, implement your health promotion plan by conducting a hypothetical face-to-face educational session addressing the health concern and health goals of your selected group. How would you set goals for the session, evaluate session outcomes, and suggest possible revisions to improve future sessions?. Instructions
Complete the following:
• Prepare a 10-12 slide PowerPoint presentation with a voice-over and detailed speaker notes that reflects your hypothetical presentation. This presentation is the implementation of the plan you created in Assessment 1. The speaker notes should be well organized. Be sure to include a transcript of the voice-over (please refer to the PowerPoint tutorial). The transcript can be submitted on a separate Word document.
• Simulate the hypothetical face-to-face educational session addressing the health concern and health goals of your selected community individual or group.
• Imagine collaborating with the hypothetical participant(s) in setting goals for the session, evaluating session outcomes, and suggesting possible revisions to improve future sessions.
As you begin to prepare this assessment, you are encouraged to complete the Vila Health: Conducting an Effective Educational Session activity. The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment as you consider key issues in conducting an effective educational session for a selected audience. Completing activities is also a way to demonstrate engagement.
You may use Microsoft PowerPoint (preferred) or other suitable presentation software to create your presentation. If you elect to use an application other than PowerPoint, check with your faculty to avoid potential file compatibility issues.
The number of content slides in your presentation is dictated by nature and scope of your health promotion plan. Be sure to include title and references slides per the following:
• Title slide:
o Health promotion plan title.
o Your name.
o Date.
o Course number and title.
• References (at the end of your presentation).
o Be sure to apply correct APA formatting to your references.