Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Implementation Plan 

Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Implementation Plan 

Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Implementation Plan 

Evidence-based practice projects improve the care outcomes in nursing practice and healthcare. Nurses should adopt the best interventions in the implementation of these projects. The interventions should focus on the efficient utilization of the available resources for optimum outcomes. Nurses and other healthcare providers develop effective project estimates that would guide the implementation process. Therefore, this section of the project explores the implementation approach to the proposed evidence-based practice project.


Setting and Access to Potential Subjects

The setting for the evidence-based practice project will be a hospital. It will be conducted in the pediatric outpatient clinic where children receive their needed care. The potential subjects will comprise children found to be obese during baseline assessment. The parents or guardians will be informed about their children’s health status, risks, and the importance of behavioral change. They will also be informed about the project, its aims, and its benefits to their children. Informed consent will be obtained from them before enrolling their children in the project. The consent form that will be utilized in the project is attached in the appendix section.


The duration of project implementation will be one year. The period is adequate to determine the effect of the intervention on lifestyle and behavioral change among the participants. The timeline will also facilitate the implementation of additional interventions to improve the project outcomes. The timeline for the project is attached in the appendix section.

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Budget and Resources

The implementation of the proposed project will require a change in clinical processes. Nurses and other healthcare providers will have to incorporate patient education about lifestyle and behavioral modification to manage and prevent obesity and overweight. They have to educate the identified populations about the use of the project interventions in promoting healthy weight gain. Healthcare providers will also have to follow-up patients to determine their consistency in the utilization of interventions aiming at healthy weight gain.

The implementation of the project will require adequate resource support from the institution. The resources will include human, material, and financial resources. Human resources will include skilled nurses to educate parents and children about the project interventions to address obesity. Nurses will also follow up with the children to determine their experiences with project interventions. Other human resources that will be needed for the project will include a trainer of trainees and a data analyst. Financial resources will also be required for successful project implementation. The money will be used for purchasing materials, printing educational resources, collecting and analyzing data, dissemination of findings, and remunerating the nurses involved in the implementation. The materials needed for the project include printing materials, educational brochures, and extra phones for performing follow-up care. The estimated budget for the project is attached in the appendix section.


A quantitative design will be used in the project. The design is appropriate for the project, as it will provide an accurate picture of the effect of the project interventions. The design also provides information about project effectiveness in numerical rather than narratives, as seen in a qualitative design. The developed instruments also collect quantitative data, which makes quantitative design appropriate for the project. Undertaking quantitative studies is also cheaper than qualitative studies. The time spent in data collection, ordering, and analysis is minimal compared to qualitative design. The ease of undertaking quantitative studies makes its design the most desirable for the project. The project also seeks to determine the cause-effect relationship between the participants’ exposure to health education and changes in obesity-related outcomes. Achieving this outcome is possible with a quantitative design, as it explores the cause-effect relationship between variables (Perry et al., 2019). Therefore, quantitative design is the most appropriate for this project.

Methods and Instruments

Questionnaires will be used in data collection for the project. They will be administered before and after the project to obtain baseline and endpoint data. The data will be analyzed and compared to determine the effectiveness of the adopted interventions. Questionnaires are appropriate for the project due to their ease of administration and minimal costs that would be incurred. Questionnaires also facilitate the acquisition of accurate data for the project (Ellis, 2019). The questionnaire that will be used in the project is attached to the appendix section.

Process of Delivering the Intervention

Systematic interventions will be utilized in the delivery of the intervention. First, children visiting the pediatric outpatient clinic will be screened for overweight and obesity. Those found to be affected or at risk will be enrolled in the project after consent has been obtained from their parents or guardians. The second intervention will be the acquisition of baseline data from the participants. The data will be analyzed for comparison with that obtained at the end of the project. The other step will entail trained nurses educating the children and their parents about positive lifestyle and behavioral modifications to prevent and manage obesity. The other step will entail participants’ follow-up to determine their experiences with the project interventions and the need for revisions or changes. Data will be collected from the participants at the end of the project for analysis and comparison with baseline data. The last step will entail the dissemination of data to inform institutional practices utilized in the management and prevention of overweight and obesity.


Internal and external stakeholders will be needed to implement the project. Internal stakeholders are individuals within the organization. They include nurses, nurse managers, and pediatric physicians. The stakeholders will screen children for obesity and overweight, select, and enroll them into the project. They will also collect project data and follow-up the participants to determine the effect of the project. External stakeholders will include parents or guardians of the children. Parents and guardians will reinforce the consistent implementation of the project interventions.

Potential Barriers and Strategies

The implementation of the project may experience some barriers. One of them is lack of or inadequate institutional support. Institutional support in the form of human, material, and financial resources is needed for successful project implementation. Lack of or inadequate support may affect the project outcomes. The barrier will be addressed by ensuring that the resource needs of the project are within the stipulated organization’s requirements (Duncombe, 2018). The other barrier is resistance from staff. The organizational staff may resist adopting the change initiative due to their lack of involvement or low level of awareness. The barrier will be addressed by involving them in all the project activities and seeking their input in the implementation process (Shayan et al., 2019). The project is feasible since it aligns with the organizational mission of ensuring the reduction of preventable morbidities and mortalities in the region. It is also not resourced intensive, hence, its possibility of success.


Overall, the project implementation process will be systematic. The subjects will comprise children with obesity and their parents or guardians. Questionnaires and quantitative designs will be used in the project. Strategies to address potential barriers will be implemented to minimize them. The project is feasible in the organization, as it aligns with its mission and objectives.


Duncombe, D. C. (2018). A multi-institutional study of the perceived barriers and facilitators to implementing evidence-based practice. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(5–6), 1216–1226. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.14168

Ellis, P. (2019). Evidence-based Practice in Nursing. Learning Matters.

Perry, A. G., Potter, P. A., & Ostendorf, W. (2019). Nursing Interventions & Clinical Skills E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Shayan, S. J., Kiwanuka, F., & Nakaye, Z. (2019). Barriers Associated With Evidence-Based Practice Among Nurses in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 16(1), 12–20. https://doi.org/10.1111/wvn.12337


Appendix I: Consent Form

Hello, we are conducting a project that aims at addressing obesity among school-going children. The project focuses on the use of interventions that promote lifestyle and behavioral modification to reverse obesity and overweight and prevent its complications. Therefore, we are requesting the voluntary participation of your child. The project is associated with no known harm. Kindly sign below if you consent your child to participate in the project

Appendix II: Timeline

  December 2021 January 2022 February 2022 March 2022-September 2022 October 2022 November 2022
Developing proposal            
Submitting proposal and obtaining approval            
Forming stakeholder team and developing strategies            
Training and implementation, monitoring            
Provision of stakeholder feedback            

Appendix III: Budget

Item Cost ($)
Purchase of materials 10000
Training 8000
Project stationeries 2000
Hiring trainers 3000
Data collection, analysis, and presentation for project evaluation 4000
Extraneous 8000
Total 35000

Appendix III: Tool

Child’s Code:                 Weight:

Hello, we would like to obtain information about your experience with the project that aimed at preventing and managing overweight and obesity in school-going children. Kindly provide information as requested in this form. Thank you!

  1. What is the gender of your child? Male { } Female {      }
  2. How old is your child?

3-6 years {      } 6-10 years { } More than 10 years {           }

  1. Have you experienced any negative effects of obesity/overweight since your child’s imitation into the project? Yes { } No { }

If yes, specify……………………………

  1. What has been your experience with the project?

Strongly satisfied {     } Satisfied {    } Neutral {      } Dissatisfied {           } Very dissatisfied {      }

  1. Do you think the project led to a change in lifestyle and behavioral interventions in your family? Yes { } No { }
  2. What aspects of the project are the most appealing to you?
  3. .
  4. .
  5. .
  6. .
  7. What aspects of the project are least appealing to you?
  8. .
  9. .
  10. .
  11. .
  12. What do you thinking should be done to improve the project effectiveness?
  13. .
  14. .
  15. .
  16. .


Assessment Description
In 1,250-1,500 words, discuss the implementation plan for your evidence-based practice project proposal. When required, create the appropriate form, table, image, or graph to fully illustrate that aspect of the intervention plan and include them in an appendix of your paper. You will use the implementation plan, including the associated documents in your appendices, in the Topic 8 assignment, during which you will synthesize the various aspects of your project into a final paper detailing your evidence-based practice project proposal.

Include the following:

Describe the setting and access to potential subjects. If there is a need for a consent or approval form, then one must be created. Include a draft of the form as an appendix at the end of your paper.
Create a timeline. Make sure the timeline is general enough that it can be implemented at any date. Based on the timeline you created, describe the amount of time needed to complete this project. Include a draft of the timeline as an appendix at the end of your paper.
Develop a budget and resource list. Consider the clinical tools or process changes that would need to take place. Based on the budget and resource list you developed: (a) describe the resources (human, fiscal, and other) or changes needed in the implementation of the solution; (b) outline the costs for personnel, consumable supplies, equipment (if not provided by the institute), computer-related costs (librarian consultation, database access, etc.), and other costs (travel, presentation development). Include a draft of the budget and resource list as an appendix at the end of your paper.
Explain whether you would select a qualitative or quantitative design to collect data and evaluate the effectiveness of your evidence-based practice project proposal. Provide rationale to support your selection.
Describe the methods and instruments (questionnaire, scale, or test) to be used for monitoring the implementation of the proposed solution. Include the method or instrument as an appendix at the end of your paper.
Explain the process for delivering the intervention and indicate if any training will be needed.
Discuss the stakeholders that are needed to implement the plan.
Consider all of the aspects of your implementation plan and discuss potential barriers or challenges to the plan. Propose strategies for overcoming these.
Establish the feasibility of the implementation plan.
Refer to the “Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal – Assignment Overview” document for an overview of the evidence-based practice project proposal assignments.

You are required to cite a minimum of five peer-reviewed sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

Complete the “APA Writing Checklist” to ensure that your paper adheres to APA style and formatting criteria and general guidelines for academic writing. Include the completed checklist as an appendix at the end of your paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal: Implementation Plan – Rubric
Setting and Access to Potential Subjects
8.4 points
9.6 points
Budget and Resource List
9.6 points
Research Design
8.4 points
Methods and Instruments
8.4 points
Process for Delivering Intervention and Needed Training
8.4 points
Stakeholders for Implementation
8.4 points
Barriers or Challenges to Plan and Strategies for Overcoming
8.4 points
Evidence of Feasibility
8.4 points
Required Sources
6 points
Thesis Development and Purpose
8.4 points
Argument Logic and Construction
9.6 points
Mechanics of Writing
6 points
Paper Format
6 points
Documentation of Sources
6 points
Total 120 points

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