Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal: Implementation Plan Paper

Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal: Implementation Plan Paper

Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal: Implementation Plan Paper

Implementing an Evidence-Based Practice project requires effective use of the available resources to make it a success. This involved incorporating all the stakeholders who would play an important role in the project’s success. The phases involved in implementing such projects should be viewed as a general measure taken to improve the quality of healthcare and patient outcome (Kendall & Frank, 2018). The development of the need to be addressed by the proposed EBP project should be the first step that would aid in the effective implementation of the EBP approach. The establishment of the need would then lead to the development of a systematic review supporting the proposed EBP project. This case already has an identified need of how to address type II diabetes mellitus among Hispanic adults. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to draft an implementation plan.  The following PICOT Question will be used to guide the project: In Hispanic adults with Type II diabetes mellitus (P), does a culturally tailored diabetes education program (I) compared to a traditional diabetes education program (C) increase self-management of DM (O) in 6 months (T).

The Setting and Access to Potential Subjects

Managing and treating Diabetes Mellitus among Hispanic adults have been a great challenge in the US despite the country using close to $190 million in 2010 to reduce the 8.3% prevalence of the issue among its population (Van Smoorenburg et al., 2019). In addition, 75% of the people who have diabetes possess a high risk of hypertension, which tends to increase the problems related to the control of diabetes in the US. The measures that had been taken in the past to solve the problem led to minimal effect concerning the management and the treatment of the people suffering from this disease. The implementation of this project will be significant in solving the health issues that have been a major problem in healthcare. The project will be implemented by a hospital organization in the US. The data that will be supporting this implementation will be derived from the patients with type II diabetes within the hospital. Besides, the data from already discharged patients would also be used in this process. The health records on these patients would be used entirely, and therefore, patients would not have to sign a consent form (Kendall & Frank, 2018). The nurse analyzing the data would be patient to acquire the medical records of patients that are often reviewed after one month. The patients to undertake the first implementation of this EBP will have to sign an informed consent of the treatment. However, the subjects involved in the research process will have their medical records reviewed in the process.


Project’s Timeline

The timeline defines the success of a proposed project in the sense that completing a project within the set timeline is seen as a success, while falling short of the timeline defines failure. The timeline is significant in planning and executing different steps that would allow the implementation stage to be successful. Generally, providing a proper timeline for the PICOT question is a great challenge because various factors always affect the timeline (Spivak et al., 2021). This project will be complete at the end of six months, as shown in the timeline table in appendix A. The main stages that need to be incorporated in the timeline would include the definition of the question that the approach would like to answer, data collection and analysis, plan for addressing the cited problem, testing and modification of the proposed plan, implementation, and evaluation if the desired outcome was met.

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Budget and Resource List

The proposed budget for the plan is $21,230, but the budget is meant to change depending on the current prices of requirements for the project. Some of the resources would include educational equipment, nurse educators, doctor network, and project managers. The resources are listed in appendix B on all the resources that will be required in the project. The resources are significant in fortifying the technical aspect of quality improvement in healthcare (Kendall & Frank, 2018). Human resources and selected medical equipment are vital in managing the clinical aspect of the project. After three months, the reevaluation of the project would be done to examine its direction and resources that need to be added to meet its objectives.

Research Design

The quantitative research design will be used in this evidence-based project to collect and evaluate the effectiveness of the projected outcome. The valuation of the data would be done after every month to include other patients who had been discharged from the facility (Spivak et al., 2021). The results from the collected data would provide more insight into the official recommendation of the treatment at the facility. The selected design also fits the monthly evaluation plan as it allows the researchers to measure how well the process is working at the facility or not working in a precise and unbiased manner (Spivak et al., 2021). The project requires increased data accuracy because of the critical importance of the treatment on diabetic patients. However, quantitative is able to give reliable and accurate data that would increase the accuracy of the findings. This method of data collection also allows the project managers to make better decisions on the wide implementation of the approach or not.

Description of Methods and Instruments

The data collected from the healthcare records of the selected patients will be observed using interval tests with equal distances between data points. The interval tests will be important in ensuring accountability and reliability of the data obtained from the records (AHRQ, 2013). Besides, the interval test also shows any outliers in the data that can affect the data uniformity. The test will allow the project manager to compare culturally tailored diabetes education programs and traditional diabetes education programs. The medical record audits will also be used in observing the data because it is one of the most effective ways of collecting data. Furthermore, these audits are important in developing a better data set used in the evaluation of the project performance that would as well improve healthcare practice.


The Process for Delivering the Intervention

The sampled patients who would be undergoing the treatment would be trained on the delivery process before the commencement of the study. The self-administration of the intervention would call for effective training of the participants (Spivak et al., 2021). The information about the intervention would be disseminated on an online platform via emails and staff meetings. The educational materials would be posted on the online healthcare education system with the designed tests for the nurses to examine the knowledge and give their perceptions and feeling about the proposed project. Nurse educators would conduct rounds to support participants in answering the questions.

Stakeholders Needed to Implement the Plan

Stakeholders will be actively involved in the implementation process. The project manager, nurse educators, doctors, and department leaders will have an impact on the success of the implementation. The frontline workers and administration would also form part of this team as they will have an objective role of putting the laid strategy into action. A committee will be formed to draft a plan that will collaborate with other professionals through effective communication that would enable the project’s success (Burke et al., 2019). The interdisciplinary team from each department will form part of the committee. The nurses who are the key drivers will support the project by training members on the proposed intervention. The nurses already have the training needed to make the process a success. Therefore, the success of the implementation would entirely depend on their efforts to carry out the initial implementation phase of the project.

Potential Barriers to the Plan

One of the main barriers that would affect the implementation of the proposed EBP project is the varying opinions and perceptions of the professional team. While others might support the approach, other professionals would have a negative feeling about the proposed project. The solution to this challenge would come from improved clarity of the goals and objectives of the plan and the approach to all key stakeholders (Imorde et al., 2020). The second barrier would come from the employee resistance, who might not want to support the change because it would affect their normal operation in healthcare institutions. It would be important to allow all employees to understand the project by providing clear guidelines and a timeline for implementation to mitigate this issue. The collective solution to these barriers would be through effective communication of the project by bringing each stakeholder on board in the decision-making process. Furthermore, dissemination of the information on the project one step at a time allows each stakeholder to have a systematic understanding of the need to allow the project to succeed.

Establish the Feasibility of the Implementation Plan

The feasibility of this implementation plan depends on the effective understanding of the roles and responsibilities of each player in the project. Education provided to the nurses and frontline staff and support from the administration will be important in planning the success of the project (Spivak et al., 2021). Other related factors that would determine the feasibility of the project are the availability of resources, stakeholder support, and effective staff training. It is also imperative to have clarity of the objectives and goals of the proposed project.


Drawing facts from the above discussion, the implementation plan should be seen as a general guide. This project looks to improve self-management strategies for type II diabetic patients. The project manager and the team will need to understand their roles and responsibilities for the implementation process. This process is important in making the project a success. Besides, in this proposal, quantitative design data collection will be used in data collection and evaluation of the patient outcome.


AHRQ. (2013). Module 8. collecting data with chart audits [A]. https://www.ahrq.gov/ncepcr/tools/pf-handbook/mod8.html

Burke, K. M., Shogren, K. A., Raley, S. K., Wehmeyer, M. L., Antosh, A. A., & LaPlante, T. (2019). Implementing Evidence-Based Practices to Promote Self-Determination. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities54(1), 18-29. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26663959

Imorde, L., Möltner, A., Runschke, M., Weberschock, T., Rüttermann, S., & Gerhardt-Szép, S. (2020). Adaptation and validation of the Berlin questionnaire of competence in evidence-based dentistry for dental students: a pilot study. BMC Medical Education20(1), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-020-02053-0

Kendall, P. C., & Frank, H. E. (2018). Implementing evidence‐based treatment protocols: Flexibility within fidelity. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice25(4), 40. https://psycnet.apa.org/doi/10.1111/cpsp.12271

Spivak, B., McEwan, T., Luebbers, S., & Ogloff, J. (2021). Implementing evidence-based practice in policing family violence: The reliability, validity and feasibility of a risk assessment instrument for prioritising police response. Policing and Society31(4), 483-502. https://doi.org/10.1080/10439463.2020.1757668

Van Smoorenburg, A. N., Hertroijs, D. F., Dekkers, T., Elissen, A. M., & Melles, M. (2019). Patients’ perspective on self-management: type 2 diabetes in daily life. BMC Health Services Research19(1), 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-019-4384-7



Appendix A: Timeline

No. Activity Time (Months)
1 Definition of the question or the problem 1 month
2 Collection and analysis of data Once a month
3 Developing a strategy of addressing the questions 1 month
4 Testing and modifying of the plan 3 months
5 Implementing the plan and gathering more data to see if it has had the desired effect 6 months

Appendix B: Budget

No. Item Monthly total Total Projected cost in 6 months
1. Laptop use (available) 0 0
2. Printer/copier $150 $600
3. Current education program handouts   $1700
4. Traditional education program handouts   $1700
5. Healthstream modules 30min x 70 RNs $3,100
6. (Physician network)

software for data analysis

7. Project manager 10 hrs. x 63 hr. $4,780
8. Nurse educator 5 hrs. x 55 hr. $2,690
9. Frontline RN data collection 4 hrs./ 55 hr. $2,340
  TOTAL   21,230


Evidence-based proposal is In Hispanic adults with Type II diabetes mellitus (P), does a culturally tailored diabetes education program (I compared to a traditional diabetes education program (C) increase self-management of DM (O) in 6 months (T)?

In 1,250-1,500 words, discuss the implementation plan for your evidence-based practice project proposal. When required, create the appropriate form, table, image, or graph to fully illustrate that aspect of the intervention plan and include them in an appendix of your paper. You will use the implementation plan, including the associated documents in your appendices, in the Topic 8 assignment, during which you will synthesize the various aspects of your project into a final paper detailing your evidence-based practice project proposal.

Include the following:

Describe the setting and access to potential subjects. If there is a need for a consent or approval form, then one must be created. Include a draft of the form as an appendix at the end of your paper.
Create a timeline. Make sure the timeline is general enough that it can be implemented at any date. Based on the timeline you created, describe the amount of time needed to complete this project. Include a draft of the timeline as an appendix at the end of your paper.
Develop a budget and resource list. Consider the clinical tools or process changes that would need to take place. Based on the budget and resource list you developed: (a) describe the resources (human, fiscal, and other) or changes needed in the implementation of the solution; (b) outline the costs for personnel, consumable supplies, equipment (if not provided by the institute), computer-related costs (librarian consultation, database access, etc.), and other costs (travel, presentation development). Include a draft of the budget and resource list as an appendix at the end of your paper.
Explain whether you would select a qualitative or quantitative design to collect data and evaluate the effectiveness of your evidence-based practice project proposal. Provide rationale to support your selection.
Describe the methods and instruments (questionnaire, scale, or test) to be used for monitoring the implementation of the proposed solution. Include the method or instrument as an appendix at the end of your paper.
Explain the process for delivering the intervention and indicate if any training will be needed.
Discuss the stakeholders that are needed to implement the plan.
Consider all of the aspects of your implementation plan and discuss potential barriers or challenges to the plan. Propose strategies for overcoming these.
Establish the feasibility of the implementation plan.
Refer to the “Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal – Assignment Overview” document for an overview of the evidence-based practice project proposal assignments.

You are required to cite a minimum of five peer-reviewed sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

Complete the “APA Writing Checklist” to ensure that your paper adheres to APA style and formatting criteria and general guidelines for academic writing. Include the completed checklist as an appendix at the end of your paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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