Evaluation Planning Paper

Evaluation Planning Paper

Practicum Activities Reflection

In the past two weeks, my preceptor has been significant in learning important things connected to my nursing practice. I have been taking my practicum practice in an assisted living facility that is fairly large with many nurses. One of the main activities discussed with my preceptor was the best way of working with other nurses to meet the needs of patients in the facility (De Brún et al., 2019). The discussion we had was full of the lesson on nurse leadership and the various personalities I would deal with in my practicum practice. The expectations made within the last two weeks impacted how I used to view leadership, especially in the healthcare setting.

My practicum practice has been essential in defining my obligations as a nurse in an assisted living community and my colleagues. In my perception, I was certain that nurse leadership gives a nurse the power to manage others. I thought that a competent nurse leader is all about stepping up to the plate and proving that you possess strength, courage, and dedication to your subordinates. I realized it was all about humility and service. However, I define effective nursing leadership as directing a team or an organization towards a shared goal while serving as a role model (Perez, 2021). In healthcare, effective leadership entails motivating, inspiring, and coordinating health providers and other support staff toward improving patients’ experience and clinical outcomes. The effect of a leader in healthcare would depend on their ability to rally workers to meet the desired quality in healthcare.

In the healthcare setting, the management of the healthcare worker has the most significant impact on obtaining the desired healthcare outcomes. Therefore, an organization’s choice of a leader would define its ability to meet its clinical needs (De Brún et al., 2019). Being a leader in an organization involves adopting suitable strategies and skills to help you win the loyalty and trust of your colleagues and senior management. Besides, health care leadership is pivoted on the capacity to recognize priorities, offer tactical direction to numerous players within the health organization, and fashion commitment across the health segment to attend the primacies to enhance health services.


Application of Leadership:

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Honesty is one of the features defining a good leader. The trust developed between leaders and workers aids in developing a positive working environment that drives excellence. A leader’s success depends on delegation, which requires one to know how to manage his team effectively (Moldoveanu & Narayandas, 2019). However, this ability comes from a leader’s trust in the employees. Practicing discipline and developing a situational consciousness are effective measures that allow a leader to develop trust among the subjects. Ways to demonstrate discipline and trust in a working environment include a meeting time limit, keeping appointments, and terminating meetings on time, all of which depend on the trust that a leader has in their employees.

A good leader teaches legitimate power and authority among the subjects. A leader does not need to force power on the subjects but drives employees to automatically feel the need to give the leader the respect they deserve as a leader. These principles have a critical function in a healthcare organization, and it requires a good leader who can balance their emotions and those of the subjects. A good leader earns authority and power within the healthcare setting. This is opposed to the situation where healthcare leaders demand power and authority (De Brún et al., 2019). The power of healthcare leaders relies on the connection they have with the healthcare workers. Leadership qualities should bind the organization in one accord and rally all subjects toward meeting the desired goals. The success of the healthcare institution starts from the relationship that a leader develops with the subjects. The respect and authority developed among the employees would allow the leader to lead the employees to the desired goal.

The humility principle of leadership is significant in understanding employees in the healthcare setting. Humble leaders always have the best way of connecting with their subjects. In my practicum, it was evident that nurses could perform differently in the sense that some could be better than others. These differences should allow a better leader to learn that all the nurses have their areas of weakness and strengths (Moldoveanu & Narayandas, 2019). However, it takes a humble nurse leader to study employees and align them with the tasks they can perform to the best of their abilities. Managing nurses in healthcare institutions entails developing a close relationship with them, as this would be important in understanding the strength and weaknesses of each nurse. I would see our nurse leader showing love and friendship to us. For instance, the leader would always correct nurses without shouting and encouraging us that mistakes are possible, but we are looking forward to reducing errors in this industry. Correcting leaders in love not only motivates the leader to meet reduce their weaknesses but also allows them to help others become better nurses.

Better leaders lead by example. Acting as examples and servants for the subjects is important in encouraging all the nurses to perform. While healthcare professionals would need the theoretical concept in nursing, the practical work is all about following examples from mentors (Belrhiti et al., 2018). Health care leadership is pivoted on the capacity to recognize priorities, offer tactical direction to numerous players within the health organization, and fashion commitment across the health segment to attend the primacies to enhance health services.

I would express these values in my personal life by attending leadership seminars and workshops organized by the healthcare institution. These pieces of training enable people to develop positive leadership strategies that affect the healthcare setting. Besides, learning and practicing these principles in my practicum setting would also be significant in making me a better leader.


I learned two things from the servant leadership video: inspiration and trust, motivating and steering actions in employees. Individual and team performance levels have heightened and ignited innovation through joint partnerships, openness with followers, being honest, and bearing responsibility (van Diggele et al., 2020). In addition, permitting members to contribute to the decision-making in the organization has enhanced individual potential, thus tapping into team members’ inner motivation and values. Moreover, I have motivated others to follow my leadership style of inclusivity, partnership, and respect in realizing goals (Bratton, 2020). Similarly, reinforcing professional relationships by spending quality time on one-on-one interactions to share with employees on their professional inputs, challenges, and concerns are ways that I employ to inspire followers.

Practicum Project Preparation:

The evaluation of my practicum project would take place at regular intervals within the two weeks assigned to complete the practicum. This will be essential in having a picture of my personal development progress through the course. My practicum practice would start with an effective evaluation process on the aims and objectives that I would want to achieve at the end of the practicum (Perez, 2021). I will be collecting all essential information within the facility that would be helping me in undertaking an ongoing evaluation as I continue with my practicum. I will undertake an initial evaluation, ongoing evaluation, and final evaluation. Undertaking these stages would be important in allowing me to take a break in the middle of the practice and check whether I am in the correct direction towards meeting my original objectives. The process will also assist me in viewing the progress of what has happened and adjusting to the next stage.

The three stages that I will adopt in the evaluation of my practicum project will as well play a vital role in readjusting my plans to meet my objectives. The three stages would be providing me with enough data and evidence to support the change of my plans to meet the desired outcome (Xuan et al., 2019). For instance, I will increase the time to spend with the patients to gain more information about the patients and the nurses working during the night shift. This readjustment would align with the need to learn more about dealing with nurses and feeling the work that night nurses face when dealing with the patients. The readjustment for my practicum project would not have a definite time of start, but it would start immediately after starting my practicum project.

Leadership Video Reflection:

Servant leadership is premised on inspiration and esteeming followers’ worth, enabling leaders to utilize several ways and procedures to perform leadership obligations for different teams. The amalgamated leadership attributes allow leaders to be on edge in collaborative teamwork with peers and followers and reinforcement of interdisciplinary partnership during leadership projects (Hu et al., 2022). The videos have given more insights into the role of a servant leader in building an effective team that would aid in driving success. There is a need for order in the organization’s operations. Therefore, a leader must be orderly in conducting the responsibilities vertically and horizontally. A disorganized leader paralyzes the organizational systems and puts followers in disarray.

Servant leaders understand that knowledge is progressive. A leader must continuously grow through learning to undertake the various duties in the organization. Similarly, the employees in an organization should know what they need to do. Hence, learning and perpetual work need to acquire advanced knowledge (Moldoveanu & Narayandas, 2019). A leader should be able to develop what needs to be done by fostering skills through study and practice. Thus, leaders must continuously develop their leadership to achieve the organization’s goals. Leaders function within the set guidelines and policies that bestow them with authority and powers; thus, a rational leader should not abuse power to intimidate followers. Reinforcing professional relationships by spending quality time on one-on-one interactions to share with employees on their professional inputs, challenges, and concerns are ways that servant leaders use to inspire followers.


Belrhiti, Z., Giralt, A. N., & Marchal, B. (2018). Complex leadership in healthcare: a scoping review. International Journal of Health Policy and Management7(12), 1073. https://dx.doi.org/10.15171%2Fijhpm.2018.75

De Brún, A., O’Donovan, R., & McAuliffe, E. (2019). Interventions to develop collectivistic leadership in healthcare settings: a systematic review. BMC Health Services Research19(1), 1-22. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-019-3883-x

Hu, S., Chen, W., Hu, H., Huang, W., Chen, J., & Hu, J. (2022). Coaching to develop leadership for healthcare managers: a mixed-method systematic review protocol. Systematic Reviews11(1), 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2018.04.001

Moldoveanu, M., & Narayandas, D. (2019). The future of leadership development. Harvard Business Review, 97(2), 40-48.

Perez, J. (2021). Leadership in healthcare: transitioning from clinical professional to healthcare leader. Journal of Healthcare Management66(4), 280-302. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-020-02288-x

van Diggele, C., Burgess, A., Roberts, C., & Mellis, C. (2020). Leadership in healthcare education. BMC Medical Education20(2), 1-6. doi: 10.1097/JHM-D-20-00057

Xuan, Q., Moslehpour, M., & Tien, D. (2019). An evaluation of project management tools and techniques in Vietnam. Management Science Letters9(2), 283-300. http://dx.doi.org/10.5267/j.msl.2018.11.011


Topic 12: Evaluation Planning
1. Describe processes to evaluate outcomes.
2. Create an evaluation and adjustment plan for the practicum project.
3. Describe attributes or characteristics that are important in leadership.

Practicum Journal: Example
Assessment Traits

Requires Lopeswrite

Assessment Description
Journaling provides a valuable tool for recording, reflecting on, and reviewing your learning. This approach provides an opportunity for you to “connect the dots” and observe the relationships between and among activities, interactions, and outcomes.
Unlike a personal journal of thoughts and feelings, this leadership journal is a record of your activities, assessments, and learning related to this academic experience.
Journal entries should include a record of the number of hours spent with your nurse leader each week.
Write a journal entry of 750-1,500 words on the subject of serving, including the following:
Practicum Activities Reflection: Provide observations and thoughts on the activities in your practicum setting during Weeks 10 & 11.
Application of Leadership: Identify three to five personal values or characteristics that you believe are critical components of a good leader, such as honesty, compassion, or fairness. How do you express those values in your professional life?
Practicum Project Preparation: Create an evaluation and adjustment plan for the practicum project.
Leadership Video Reflection: Reflect on at least two things you learned from the “Servant Leadership – Issue of Example” video.
Use the “Leadership Journal Template” to complete this assignment.
APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

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