Evaluating Culture from a Nursing Perspective Essay
Evaluating Culture from a Nursing Perspective Essay
As demonstrated in the article, Poland had one of the highest smoking rates in the world as the Polish population accepted tobacco use from a cultural perspective due to its abundance and low cost. Many believed that they were supporting the government to generate revenue and provide services to them. The problem still persists today despite legislation and education concerning its effects on the body and increased risk of death. The implication is that social and political factors influenced a change in the smoking culture among the Poles (Jassem et al., 2014). Regulation of production and health information and promotional messages were key to addressing the issue of tobacco use.
A host of social and political factors allowed cigarette smoking to be a critical part of culture in Poland. These included cultural acceptance as part of efforts to enhance economic prosperity and a form of social entertainment. People smoked to get actualization while also expressing their strong association to the Polish culture (Jassem et al., 2014). Secondly, political factors like need for revenue by government and having a sense of political correctness pushed many Polish citizens to smoke, albeit at higher levels detrimental to their overall health.
Nurses are humans and naturally-biased on health associated matters. Realizing this and developing an objective or open mind is critical in overcoming the bias. Education, especially on cultural competence is critical in overcoming prejudice and any bias as it challenges one to analyze their thoughts, others’ practices and perspectives and accommodate such variances. As a nurse, one must have an idea of people’s diverse background and not being judgmental (Chen et al., 2020). Nurses are trained to deal with diverse people. Stereotyping entails attributing certain features about a group to an individual even before assessing and ascertaining the personal difference with the person.
Dealing with patients at individual level and knowing what is critical for them leads to patient-centered care and culturally-sensitive approach to better care provision. Cultural knowledge alters my interaction and practice with people that are different from me. I appreciate that cultures are different and one cannot approach health education in similar manner across all cultures (Sharifi et al., 2019). Therefore, nurses need cultural competence to partner with patients and promote health with the aim of disease prevention and health restoration.
Chen, H. C., Jensen, F., Chung, J., & Measom, G. (2020). Exploring faculty perceptions of
teaching cultural competence in nursing. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 15(1), 1-6.
Jassem, J., Przewoźniak, K., & Zatoński, W. (2014). Tobacco control in Poland—successes and
challenges. Translational Lung Cancer Research, 3(5), 280. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2218-6751.2014.09.12
Sharifi, N., Adib-Hajbaghery, M., & Najafi, M. (2019). Cultural competence in nursing: A
concept analysis. International journal of nursing studies, 99, 103386.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2019.103386.
Evaluating Culture from the Nursing Perspective
This week, we will examine a case study about smokers in Poland. As noted in the Center for Global Development and Jassem, Przewozniak, & Zatonski (2014), prior to 1989, Poland had the highest rate of smoking in the world, with three-fourths of all men aged 20–60 smoking every day at a rate of 3,500 cigarettes per person per year. It should be noted that 30% of all women smoked every day, as well. This behavior resulted in a life expectancy of about 60 years due to the highest rates of lung cancer in the world and all-time high levels of smoking-related cancers and cardiovascular and respiratory disease.
To prepare for this Discussion, you will be required to read Case 14 by the Center for Global Development and complete readings in Stanhope and Lancaster.
By Day 3
Post your response to the following:
• What happened to change the culture of smoking in Poland?
• Understanding that we all have bias when discussing health issues and precipitating factors, what social and political factors allowed cigarette smoking to become a part of the Polish culture?
• Reflecting on your own practice, how do you overcome cultural bias? Do you find it more difficult to deal with some groups than others? How do people use the cultural information that they learn about others? Do you think this leads to stereotyping? Does cultural knowledge influence or change your practice and interaction with others?
Support your response with references from professional nursing literature.
Notes Initial Post: Be sure to use evidence from the readings and include in-text citations. Utilize essay-level writing practice and skills, including the use of transitional material and organizational frames. Avoid quotes; paraphrase to incorporate evidence into your own writing. A reference list is required. Use the most current evidence (usually ≤ 5 years old).