EMR/EHR Systems in Healthcare Paper

EMR/EHR Systems in Healthcare Paper

EMR/EHR Systems in Healthcare

Quality improvement is a core aspect of better care provision for patients and different health populations. The use of electronic health records (EHRs) and electronic medical records (EMRs) that improve quality of care services offered by providers in their healthcare settings. EHRs/EMRs provide quick access to patient records to enhance coordinated and efficient care, helps providers to have effective patient diagnoses, reduce medical errors and offer safer care (Bosse et al., 2018) Further, EHRs offer benefits that are focused on improving quality like better patient and provider interaction and communication and care convenience that leads to shared-decision making between the patient and providers.


Electronic medical records provide tools for physicians and other providers to adequately address patient’s complicated needs through good and reliable source of patient health information and good interactions among the different professionals leading to the development of effective inter-professional collaboration and multidisciplinary teams. Electronic medical records improve treatment goals and alerts to remind providers about particular prevention and screening components based on their due dates (Kataria & Ravindran, 2020). The provision of clinical alerts and reminders and improving aggregation and analysis lead to better care for patients and health populations.

Healthcare administration can ensure effective utilization of EMR/HER systems in managing patient data by adhering to set provisions like the HIPAA and HITECH mandates. A core provision is the privacy rule which implores these entities to follow the provisions of protected health information (PHI) to attain confidentiality (Kim et al., 2019). The implication is that under the rule, administrators should ensure that only those allowed to access the PHI can share the data based on patient’s consent. Administration should have internal safeguards concerning such data to ensure that no intrusion occurs to compromise patient’s privacy and confidentiality.


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Bosse, J. D., Leblanc, R. G., Jackman, K., & Bjarnadottir, R. I. (2018). Benefits of implementing

and improving collection of sexual orientation and gender identity data in electronic health records. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 36(6), 267-274.


Kataria, S., & Ravindran, V. (2020). Electronic health records: a critical appraisal of strengths

and limitations. JR Coll Physicians Edinb, 50(3), 262-8. https://doi.org/10.4997/JRCPE.2020.309.

Kim, E., Rubinstein, S. M., Nead, K. T., Wojcieszynski, A. P., Gabriel, P. E., & Warner, J. L.

(2019, October). The evolving use of electronic health records (EHR) for research. In Seminars in radiation oncology (Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 354-361). WB Saunders.



Discuss the importance of EMR/EHR systems in quality improvement process in your healthcare setting. How can healthcare administration ensure effective use of EMR/EHR systems to manage patient’s data?

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