Discussion Paper

 Discussion Paper

6.1 Discussion

Every company uses social media differently. Some companies use it as a way to connect with customers and share news about the organization, while others use it as a way to research customer feedback and understand what they want. Social media is an important tool for companies because it allows them to connect with customers in a new and interactive way. It also allows companies to gather feedback from customers and learn what they want from the operational processes (Shen et al., 2020). Additionally, social media can help promote brand awareness and boost sales.

Apple has used social media in a number of innovative ways to market its products, engage users with its products, and provide customer service. For example the company often use Twitter extensively to announce new products, promotions, and updates. The giant social media platform has also been used to respond to customer service inquiries and complaints (Shen et al., 2020). Apple’s customer service team is available 24/7 on Twitter to help customers with product-related issues. Besides Twitter, Apple has also used Instagram extensively to market to market different products to various market segments.


The company frequently posts photos of people using Apple products in creative and interesting ways to attract more customers and popularize the brand. Instagram is also within the company to answer customer service inquiries (Nikolinakou & Phua, 2020). For example, when a customer recently asked how they could put their Instagram photos on their MacBook screen, the official @AppleSupport account provided appropriate and more elaborate procedure on how to undertake the entire process.

Apple is a social media-savvy company, and it understands the importance of using social media platforms to connect with customers and create a community around its products. Apple has been very successful in using social media (Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube) to promote its products, connect with customers, and build a loyal following.

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Apple often use different social media marketing strategies including cross-channel campaigns, creating profiles on different channels, and Twitting about new product releases and updates, as well as contests and other marketing initiatives (Laestadius et al., 2019). To ensure active engagement of audience, the company is a frequent poster, it runs contests to ensure customers/audiences are frequently updated about the new products. The company could improve its strategies through jazzing up its profiles with diverse contents.


Laestadius, L. I., Wahl, M. M., Pokhrel, P., & Cho, Y. I. (2019). From Apple to Werewolf: A content analysis of marketing for e-liquids on Instagram. Addictive behaviors91, 119-127. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addbeh.2018.09.008

Nikolinakou, A., & Phua, J. (2020). Do human values matter for promoting brands on social media? How social media users’ values influence valuable brand‐related activities such as sharing, content creation, and reviews. Journal of Consumer Behaviour19(1), 13-23. https://doi.org/10.1002/cb.1790

Shen, C. W., Luong, T. H., Ho, J. T., & Djailani, I. (2020). Social media marketing of IT service companies: Analysis using a concept-linking mining approach. Industrial Marketing Management90, 593-604. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indmarman.2019.11.014



The company I chose to research and discuss is Chewy.  The company provides a full line of pet products direct to customers through their website Chewy.com, “One of the primary benefits of Chewy’s direct to consumer marketing model is convenience — it delivers toys, chews, food, and treats directly to a consumer’s home, in a box” (Bigeye, 2021).  Another strategy that Chewy uses is the emotional aspect of consumers who want to take care of their pets in every way possible.  Chewy currently has social media presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.  All social media, along with the website, have the same theme of taking care of your pets.  Not only do they offer every possible pet product possible, they offer ways to connect with a veterinarian or with pet adoption agencies.  They have created a good consumer interactive social media presence.  Facebook and YouTube both have regular posts teaching pet parents a multitude of things; training, healthcare, what are the pest toys or what plants are harmful to animals.  Each post has a link to Chewy.com so you can immediately see related products.  YouTube also has funny commercials and a community section where consumers can participate in surveys such as, “What’s your most wanted Halloween costume for your pet?”  Chewy does not offer discounts, contests, or giveaways on their social media.  This is an area where they could improve by offering discounts or coupon code to their followers.  I believe this would also increase their followers since most consumers are interested in discounts.  Overall, I think that Chewy has created a very successful and informative social media presence.


Bigeye. (2021, July 30). Pet product marketing tactics to advertise like Chewy.com. Bigeye. Retrieved February 6, 2022, from https://www.bigeyeagency.com/insights/how-to-advertise-like-chewy-pet-product-marketing/




This is insightful, the Chewy Company is doing an excellent job with its social media marketing. It has a well-thought-out strategy that incorporates a mix of branded and user-generated content. This approach helps to create a two-way conversation with customers, which is essential for building trust and loyalty (Weinstein, 2020).In addition, Chewy’s social media posts are highly engaging, thanks to the use of colourful visuals and funny/cute animal videos. This type of content is sure to appeal to pet lovers, which is the target market for the company’s products. Overall, Chewy’s social media marketing is off to a great start.Chewy.com has had a lot of success with Facebook and YouTube marketing (Kumar, 2019). For starters, they have a very active Facebook page with over 1 million fans. They regularly post videos on their YouTube channel, which has received over 11 million views. One of the keys to their success is that they’ve built a strong relationship with their customers (Kindervag, 2018). They frequently respond to questions and comments on both social media platforms, and this personal touch helps them build trust and loyalty among their followers.


Kindervag, J. (2018). No more chewy centers: The zero trust model of information security. Forrester Research, Inc., dated Mar23.http://crystaltechnologies.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/forrester-zero-trust-model-information-security.pdf

Kumar, V. (2019). Customer Engagement and Marketing Practice. In Handbook of Research on Customer Engagement. Edward Elgar Publishing.https://doi.org/10.4337/9781788114899.00006

Weinstein, A. (2020). Creating superior customer value in the now economy. Journal of creating value6(1), 20-33.https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2394964319898962


The company that I chose was Trader Joe’s. Being that this is one of all-time favorite grocery stores to shop at, it is interesting to learning about how they attract their customers to their stores. “Trader Joe’s marketing strategy is nothing flashy. If you look online for a digital presence you’ll find a Pinterest page, an Instagram account, their corporate website, a Facebook page, and a recently launched podcast. The corporate website has an online store, which displays the items found on their Fearless Flyer and describes the story of how the item became a Trader Joe’s product. They can recommend products to you, or even give you a recipe to make with their items, but you won’t be able to purchase anything online. Each media channel is very minimal and designed to deliver the same message: promote their seasonal items, provide their customers recipes for meals that can be made with their products, and get their customers into their stores” (Feiring, 2019). I personally follow their Instagram page and they post often which all depends on the products they are featuring at that moment. On their social media site they offer tips on how to use their products and they also have a Customer Choice Award where customers can vote on the best products of the year. They have been doing it for 13 years now which is very helpful to the company so that they know what customers like best so that they keep selling it. Feiring also talked with Trader Joe’s Category Leader Chris Condit about the company’s digital presence. According to Chris, “Our flyer is our main, sort of real-world marketing tool, and it provides the stories behind the products, and why we think and hope that you’ll like them and want to buy them. All that stuff goes on to the various digital outlets that we use, and all of them are there to get people to come into the stores. We don’t sell anything online. We’re not trying to make it so you pick up your groceries outside our store, and don’t ever come to our store. That’s absolutely not what we’re trying to accomplish.” Trader joes wants their customers to have an experience of being physically in their stores instead of scrolling through a website.



This is insightful, Trader Joe’s is a grocery store chain in the United States. It was founded by Joseph Joe Coulombe in 1967. The company is owned by Aldi Nord, a subsidiary of the Albrecht family. The company has over 460 stores in 42 states. It offers a variety of organic and specialty foods, as well as wine and beer. Some of its most popular items include: Charles Shaw wines (Two-Buck Chuck), vanilla extract, almond milk, and frozen pizzas.Trader Joe’s often use Pinterest, Facebook, Corporate website, and Instagram for social media marketing (Armentrout, 2021).

Pinterest: Trader Joe’s pins creative recipes and food-related tips (Mundel& Yang, 2021). There is a heavy focus on pictures (the majority of pins have an image) and users can save pins for later reference or repin them onto their own boards.

Facebook: Trader Joe’s posts funny memes, links to articles about healthy eating, and photos of store employees engaging with customers (Adams, 2020). The tone is light-hearted and fun, and the brand often responds to comments from customers.

Instagram: Like Facebook, Trader Joe’s posts photos of its products, employees, and store locations. However, the brand also uses Instagram as a means of promoting charitable initiatives.


Adams, H. G. (2020). Trader Joe’s: A Case Analysis of Trader Joe’s Competitive Strategy.https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/honorstheses/283/

Armentrout, S., Zdroik, J., &Dutove, J. (2021). Empty Stands and Empty Pockets: Revenue Generation in a Pandemic. Case Studies in Sport Management10(S1), S3-S5.https://doi.org/10.1123/cssm.2021-0001

Mundel, J., & Yang, J. (2021). Consumer Engagement with Brands’ COVID-19 Messaging on Social Media: The Role of Perceived Brand–Social Issue Fit and Brand Opportunism. Journal of Interactive Advertising21(3), 173-190.https://doi.org/10.1080/15252019.2021.1958274



For this discussion, select your favorite company (Apple is the company I chose) and research how it uses social media. In your post, identify the social media networks the company uses (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.) and discuss the marketing strategies used. Is the company a frequent poster? Does it run contests or giveaways? Identify at least one way the company could improve its strategies.




The company I chose to research and discuss is Chewy.  The company provides a full line of pet products direct to customers through their website Chewy.com, “One of the primary benefits of Chewy’s direct to consumer marketing model is convenience — it delivers toys, chews, food, and treats directly to a consumer’s home, in a box” (Bigeye, 2021).  Another strategy that Chewy uses is the emotional aspect of consumers who want to take care of their pets in every way possible.  Chewy currently has social media presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.  All social media, along with the website, have the same theme of taking care of your pets.  Not only do they offer every possible pet product possible, they offer ways to connect with a veterinarian or with pet adoption agencies.  They have created a good consumer interactive social media presence.  Facebook and YouTube both have regular posts teaching pet parents a multitude of things; training, healthcare, what are the pest toys or what plants are harmful to animals.  Each post has a link to Chewy.com so you can immediately see related products.  YouTube also has funny commercials and a community section where consumers can participate in surveys such as, “What’s your most wanted Halloween costume for your pet?”  Chewy does not offer discounts, contests, or giveaways on their social media.  This is an area where they could improve by offering discounts or coupon code to their followers.  I believe this would also increase their followers since most consumers are interested in discounts.  Overall, I think that Chewy has created a very successful and informative social media presence.


Bigeye. (2021, July 30). Pet product marketing tactics to advertise like Chewy.com. Bigeye. Retrieved February 6, 2022, from https://www.bigeyeagency.com/insights/how-to-advertise-like-chewy-pet-product-marketing/





The company that I chose was Trader Joe’s. Being that this is one of all-time favorite grocery stores to shop at, it is interesting to learning about how they attract their customers to their stores. “Trader Joe’s marketing strategy is nothing flashy. If you look online for a digital presence you’ll find a Pinterest page, an Instagram account, their corporate website, a Facebook page, and a recently launched podcast. The corporate website has an online store, which displays the items found on their Fearless Flyer and describes the story of how the item became a Trader Joe’s product. They can recommend products to you, or even give you a recipe to make with their items, but you won’t be able to purchase anything online. Each media channel is very minimal and designed to deliver the same message: promote their seasonal items, provide their customers recipes for meals that can be made with their products, and get their customers into their stores” (Feiring, 2019). I personally follow their Instagram page and they post often which all depends on the products they are featuring at that moment. On their social media site they offer tips on how to use their products and they also have a Customer Choice Award where customers can vote on the best products of the year. They have been doing it for 13 years now which is very helpful to the company so that they know what customers like best so that they keep selling it. Feiring also talked with Trader Joe’s Category Leader Chris Condit about the company’s digital presence. According to Chris, “Our flyer is our main, sort of real-world marketing tool, and it provides the stories behind the products, and why we think and hope that you’ll like them and want to buy them. All that stuff goes on to the various digital outlets that we use, and all of them are there to get people to come into the stores. We don’t sell anything online. We’re not trying to make it so you pick up your groceries outside our store, and don’t ever come to our store. That’s absolutely not what we’re trying to accomplish.” Trader joes wants their customers to have an experience of being physically in their stores instead of scrolling through a website.



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