Discuss how an effective leader would facilitate conflict resolution among team members. Provide an example from your professional life.

Discuss how an effective leader would facilitate conflict resolution among team members. Provide an example from your professional life.

HQS 640 DQ 9

Conflict management denotes the ability to identify and efficiently and fairly handle conflicts that arise in organizational settings. Leaders deal with conflicts in many instances and it is essential for them to have effective strategies to tackle such aspects based on the leadership style that they employ Abd-(Elhanan & Honeymoon, 2018). Effective leadership is inclusive and helps their teams overcome tension that disrupts productivity and employee morale. Inclusive leadership is one attribute of effective leaders who emphasize on the importance fair and equitable treatment. Inclusive leadership focuses on ensuring that employees in an organization have a sense of belonging and feel respected.

Inclusive leadership embraces differences and values that exist among employees. Inclusive leadership encourages solving of grievances and assists their teams to seek common ground to reduce tension. Responsible leadership implores leaders to manage conflicts by mediating the parties involved and not taking or favoring anyone in such situations (Thompson & Matkin, 2020). The implication is that effective leadership should ensure that even the conflicting parties can work together in harmony to attain better performance and productivity, especially in clinical settings and care practice.


An effective leader can attain conflict resolution by demonstrating inclusion, and not siding with any of the conflicting parties in team settings. The leader should be mindful of biases, set ground rules, and allow every interested part to share their opinions and perspectives on the issue. The leader must also guide the parties toward getting a common ground and solving the issue before it escalates (Grubaugh & Flynn, 2018). For instance, a conflict arose in our department among the interdisciplinary team members on the best way to approach treatment interventions for a diabetic patient who also suffered from hypertension. While the nursing supervisor insisted on the use of telehealth to monitor vitals, the physician assistant opted for home visits. Eventually, they could not agree but the nurse manager implored them to have an objective perspective and they later on agreed to use an approach that more acceptable to the patient and not their different models. The implication is that conflict resolution requires use of inclusive leadership approaches to enable each party to express their opinions.


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Discuss how an effective leader would facilitate conflict resolution among team members. Provide an example from your professional life.

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Abd-Elrhaman, E. S. A., & Ghoneimy, A. G. H. (2018). The effect of conflict management

program on quality of patient care. American Journal of Nursing Science, 7(5), 192-201. DOI: 10.11648/j.ajns.20180705.16

Grubaugh, M. L., & Flynn, L. (2018). Relationships among nurse manager leadership skills,

conflict management, and unit teamwork. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 48(7/8), 383-388. DOI: 10.1097/NNA.0000000000000633.

Thompson, H., & Matkin, G. (2020). The Evolution of Inclusive Leadership Studies: A literature review. Journal of Leadership Education, 19(3). DOI: 10.12806/V19/I3/R2


Discuss how an effective leader would facilitate conflict resolution among team members. Provide an example from your professional life.

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