Data Collection and Analysis Paper

Data Collection and Analysis Paper

Data Collection and Analysis Paper

Data collection and analysis are important parts of the research process. They help in availing the results that can be used to answer the research questions and fulfill the research objectives. Various data collection strategies exist. These strategies can either be divided into quantitative or qualitative designs (Hopp & Rittenmeyer, 2021). In the previous weeks, various parts of an evidence-based proposal have been explored. The PICOT question proposed is: In Hispanic adults with Type II diabetes mellitus (P), does a culturally tailored diabetes education program (I compared to a traditional diabetes education program (C) increase self-management of DM (O) in 6 months (T)? Therefore, the purpose of this discussion is to select a suitable data collection strategy and evaluate the effectiveness of the evidence-based practice project proposal. In addition, a suitable statistical test to use in evaluating the outcomes will be discussed.

The Design

The design selected for collecting data and evaluating effectiveness is quantitative design. The quantitative method has been chosen since it allows statistical analysis and not narration (Cathala & Moorley, 2019). In addition, it allows for easy and faster collection of data. One specific tool that will be used is the questionnaire. Various patient data relevant to the study will be collected; hence questionnaires will play a major role in collecting such data. The project focuses on increasing the knowledge of the patients regarding self-management of diabetes mellitus. Therefore, questionnaires will also be used to assess the knowledge before implementation of the intervention and after the intervention.

Collection and analysis of data using quantitative methods such as questionnaires will make the process easier as it enables ordering of the data and numerical and statistical analysis (Boparai et al., 2018). The questionnaire will be administered to Hispanic adults with diabetes to assess their knowledge and level of self-management. They will again be administered after the intervention to gauge their understanding, allowing an objective assessment of the effectiveness of the project.



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Boparai, J. K., Singh, S., & Kathuria, P. (2018). How to design and validate a questionnaire: a guide. Current clinical pharmacology13(4), 210-215.

Cathala, X., & Moorley, C. (2018). How to appraise quantitative research. Evidence-Based Nursing21(4), 99-101.

Hopp, L., & Rittenmeyer, L. (2021). Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice: A Practical Guide for Nursing. F.A. Davis.

The Statistical Test

Statistical tests are key in determining the efficacy of evidence-based interventions focused on improving patient outcomes. This project focuses on improving self-management efficacy; therefore, the results obtained after the educational initiative will be compared to the observations made before the intervention to determine the efficacy of the project. One of the statistical tests to be applied is the paired sample t-test (Grove & Cipher, 2019). The sample paired t-test will be useful in comparing the baseline data and the post-intervention data to determine whether the comprehensive educational initiative has improved the patient’s knowledge regarding self-care management and if they show any improvement in actions related to enhanced self-care management. The quantitative variables will also be reported as standard deviation and mean; on the other hand, the categorical variables will be reported as percentage and frequency.

Data collection and analysis are important aspects of a research process, meaning that appropriate data collection tools and strategies are needed to ensure that the correct data sets are collected (Hopp & Rittenmeyer, 2021). There are higher chances of getting the desired results if the correct data is collected. Therefore, it is also key to accurately analyze the collected data accurately to ensure that the goals of the project are achieved.

This project focuses on improving self-management efficacy among Hispanic adults living with diabetes. Therefore, quantitative data collection and analysis methods have been chosen to help in accomplishing the goals. Specifically, questionnaires will be used in the data collection method, while paired t-test will be used as a statistical analysis tool(Grove & Cipher, 2019). The statistical data tests chosen will be key in determining the efficacy of the culturally specific or tailored education in improving the diabetes self-care among the Hispanic adults and compare it with the traditional methods


Grove, S. K., & Cipher, D. J. (2019). Statistics for Nursing Research: A Workbook for EvidenceBased Practice. Elsevier

Hopp, L., & Rittenmeyer, L. (2021). Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice: A Practical Guide for Nursing. F.A. Davis.


Discussion Question #1:
Explain whether you would select a qualitative or quantitative design to collect data and evaluate the effectiveness of your evidence-based practice project proposal. Identify which data collection tool you would specifically use and explain why this design is best for your evidence-based practice project proposal.
Discussion Question # 2
Identify which statistical test you would use in conjunction with your selected research design from DQ 1 to evaluate the outcomes for your evidence-based project proposal and explain why you selected this test. What kind of information will this test provide about your outcomes?
****My evidence-based proposal: In Hispanic adults with Type II diabetes mellitus (P), does a culturally tailored diabetes education program (I compared to a traditional diabetes education program (C) increase self-management of DM (O) in 6 months (T)?

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