Current Health Policy Essay

Current Health Policy Essay

Current Health Policy Essay

Population health is multifaceted; it requires people to embrace healthy living, government support, and policies, among other interventions. Health policy involves decisions, plans, regulations, and actions that direct health care delivery to achieve specific outcomes (Thomson et al., 2018). The Tobacco Control Act suitably illustrates an effective current health policy focusing on the population’s health.

The policy has various components that effectively control tobacco use and abuse. Generally, the Act authorizes U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) to regulate the marketing of tobacco products and other critical processes, including the manufacture and distribution (FDA, 2020). Under the Act, FDA restricts tobacco marketing and sales to youth to protect current and future health and high access of tobacco products to minors. Tobacco manufacturing companies must also provide warning labels and disclose the ingredients in tobacco products (FDA, 2020). The provisions make the policy effective since it combines control and education (labeling) to ensure that young people and other populations are protected from tobacco smoking and consumption.


Tobacco Control Act has a rich history, and health-related factors influenced its development. Formulated to create a healthier future for Americans, President Obama signed Tobacco Control Act into law on June 22, 2009 (FDA, 2020). The primary motivation was to reduce risks associated with tobacco consumption and exposure and protect vulnerable populations. Some common risks include diseases and deaths since tobacco smoking causes cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and chronic bronchitis (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2020). It also increases the risk of tuberculosis. Since the population is also risked through secondhand smoke, strict measures to control smoking and tobacco sale are necessary. Warning signs and product labeling are also necessary to create an informed populace.

Healthy living depends on many factors. People must understand healthy living tips and embrace them in everyday life. The population also needs protection from harm, injuries, and diseases. Tobacco Control Act demonstrates the importance of regulations as policy interventions. The Act helps to monitor and control tobacco manufacture, distribution, and marketing to protect the populace from tobacco-related diseases.

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CDC. (2020). Smoking & tobacco use/health effects.,immune%20system%2C%20including%20rheumatoid%20arthritis.

FDA. (2020). Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act – An Overview.

Thomson, K., Hillier-Brown, F., Todd, A., McNamara, C., Huijts, T., & Bambra, C. (2018). The effects of public health policies on health inequalities in high-income countries: An umbrella review. BMC Public Health18(1), 1-21.


Select an effective current health policy that focuses on or affects population health. What components of this policy make it effective? Conduct research on its history and the factors that influenced its development.


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