Contemporary Organization Evaluation Paper

Contemporary Organization Evaluation Paper

Contemporary Organization Evaluation

The transforming healthcare sector coupled with increased demand in services and legal frameworks implores organizations to respond to new trends in patient needs for effective delivery and outcomes. These changes emanate from different sources that include response to technological advancements to improve access, new initiatives and programs targeted at diverse populations, trying to stay ahead of their competition, compliance with regulatory systems, and meeting research findings through the application of evidence-based practice (EBP) interventions (Anthony Jnr, 2021). The purpose of this paper is to evaluate how CHE Behavioral Services is responding to change dynamics in the provision of behavioral care services, especially due to increased technological disruptions and response to mental health issues related to the effects of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.


Description of the Organization and Change

CHE Behavioral Health Services is a multi-specialty, clinic-based group of diverse licensed practitioners committed to enhancing access to mental health services and mitigating the stigmatization of individuals and families with a mental health conditions. The organization boasts of more than 850 psychiatrists, psychologists, nurse practitioners licensed clinical social workers, and marriage and therapists who offer a host of mental health services across the care continuum in the country (CHE Behavioral Health Services, 2022). The organization embodies a collaborative approach to dealing with mental health issues among its clients. The strategy allows the organization to attain optimal integration of its psychological and mental health services into a comprehensive care system for the benefit of its patients and their families.

The organization believes in its reputation in providing gold-standards behavioral healthcare in the country. The organization believes that mental health services should be accessible to all and offers support for its patients through innovative outpatient telehealth therapy, in-person therapy, and telehealth psychiatry services (CHE Behavioral Health Services, 2022). The organization also serves those in assisted living facilities and homes through its wide and comprehensive partnership programs across the United States. As such, the organization continues to respond to changes in demand for healthcare services across the care and patient continuum in the country.

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A core change occurring in the organization is the increased integration of telehealth to improve access to mental health services for its patients, especially those in remote locations. CHE launched this innovative platform in response to the overwhelming mental health needs emanating from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Measures to control the pandemic like travel and movement restrictions, mask mandates, and isolation requirements meant that not all could access healthcare services. Through this platform, the organization can now reach patients aged 21 years and older by offering virtual psychotherapy (Anthony Jnr, 2021). The increased use of telehealth and other smart technologies to enhance access to health care services, especially mental health, demonstrates the integral role of technology in improving the quality of care and reducing costs.

Disruptive Nature of Change and Response from CHE Behavioral Health

The adoption of change by organizations creates new opportunities while also leading to potential resistance due to the need to maintain the status quos. Change resistance is a normal issue that requires effective strategies from an organization’s management and leadership. Change is mainly disruptive for many organizations as it alters the way of doing things (Reyes-Portillo et al., 2018). However, in the case of CHE Behavioral Services, the adoption of telehealth in psychotherapy to enhance access has been positive at this time due to the surge in demand for mental health services to combat different issues like the COVID-19 pandemic and dealing with normal behavioral issues that affect the health population (CHE Behavioral Health Services, 2022b). The adoption of the approach means that the organization can offer better mental health services to the target population at any time.

The new model of care delivery implies that CHE Behavioral Health invests more in training its employees, acquiring the infrastructural system to effectively deploy the system, and partners with other stakeholders, especially vendors and other providers to leverage its benefits. The company also engaged its multidisciplinary workforce to get opinions and strategies that would maximize the benefits accruing from the innovation (Reyes-Portillo et al., 2018). Consequently, the organization can tackle competition in the market through the innovative approach to mental health services provision and increase its presence in patients’ homes and communities.

Evaluation of Strategies and  Level of Success

Organizations implementing changes need coherent and robust strategies that will allow them to execute the new way of doing business and attaining anticipated success. To address the disruptive nature of change, the organization deployed evidence-based practices associated with the adoption of change processes (Hills & Hills, 2019). The initial step entailed involving stakeholders after reviewing the benefits of the program, particularly at this time in response to increased demand. The organization formed a project team comprising physicians, nurse managers, nurses, and other stakeholders that widened the participation at each level and department (Salmond & Echevarria, 2017). The project team identified key aspects of the program and its overall benefits to enhancing care delivery.

Secondly, CHE Behavioral Health opted to improve its workforce competence related to better performance and interacting with the new system leading to its adoption. They attained this through effective training of personnel, the introduction of real-time support for the employees, and revamping their existing infrastructure (CHE Behavioral Health Services, 2022b). The organization also incorporated vendors to assess the current models and align them with the organizational requirements. The organization also carried out reviews to assess the effectiveness of the new care provision model.

These strategies succeeded largely as the organization has adopted the system which allows patients to access mental health services remotely. The workforce accepted the change idea and participated in training to enhance competence and ability to deliver optimal care. The organization succeeded in improving physician and patient satisfaction. The strategies allowed it to integrate its services to other populations across the care continuum.

Stakeholders Affected and Organizational Response

The adoption of telehealth to offer psychotherapy services faced certain levels of resistance from different stakeholders. For instance, the changes mean that psychiatrists and other support practitioners may have to work longer with more patients under their care. Resistance is an inevitable part of organizational change. The disruptive technology implied that more providers should be available to develop a common treatment plan (Anthony Jnr, 2021). The affected stakeholders included nurses, physicians, and psychotherapists who work collaboratively to offer optimal services to mental health patients. Resistance from these providers was mainly due to insufficient information on the change and its overall implementation. The organization addressed this through a host of EBP interventions like providing sufficient training, better and engaging participation of all stakeholders, and developing a responsive and efficient infrastructure to improve acceptance. The providers were also allowed to have their input and design the workflow process leading to increased support for the telehealth change adoption and acceptance.

Departmental Implications

The introduction of telehealth in the provision of mental health services to patients remotely has improved inter-departmental collaboration. The change has ensured that the nursing departments coordinate and collaborate with the other departments to enhance a common care plan for patients. Telehealth has improved access to mental health services for patients who may otherwise lack accessibility (Salmond & Echevarria, 2017). The technology has improved patient management across the care continuum, especially response time, as providers can simply engage them virtually (Hills & Hills, 2019). The telehealth adoption has created a seamless inter-departmental collaboration and association which reflects the institution’s overall goal of providing gold-standard mental health services to populations across the nation.

Evaluation of Leaders’ Response to Change

The need to adopt technological approaches to mental health services’ delivery continues to shape the debate on the significance of investing in mental health and expanding accessibility. CHE Behavioral Health Services is a pioneer organization in this specialty and its multidisciplinary workforce demonstrates its readiness to respond to and prepare for changes (Crocker et al., 2021). The organizational leaders prepared well for the change by engaging the employees and ensuring that they participated so that they could buy the idea before rolling it out. The initial resistance was not an isolated situation but demonstrated the need for more engagements to enhance overall understanding and urgency for change (CHE Behavioral Health Services, 2022). The strategies used by the leaders largely succeeded in ensuring that there was broad acceptance across the various departments in the organization to implement telehealth due to the increased demand. Changing the project team and engaging employees worked with great success. As such, the leadership adopted an effective response to ensure that the change was implemented to improve overall access to services for patients.


The healthcare industry is changing fast in response to increased demand for mental health and other services because of legislation and other factors. Therefore, organizational leaders should be ready and prepare for change through increased research findings on current trends and how they can optimally be integrated to enhance care provision. Nurses are change agents and leaders should always leverage their competencies and make them champions to emphasize change and its benefits for the organization (Reyes-Portillo et al., 2018). The leadership should develop strategic guidelines and positions on change integration to improve adoption and reduce possible resistance.


CHE Behavioral Health Services is a national organization adopting changes to improve access to mental health services and resources for a host of populations. The organization’s recent adoption of telehealth to offer mental health services remotely expresses its commitment to offering EBP interventions to maintain its reputation as a gold-standard care organization. The evaluation illustrates the key role that managers and leaders play in engaging employees to accept change and the inherent strategies to improve acceptance.


Anthony Jnr, B. (2021). Integrating telemedicine to support digital health care for the

management of COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Healthcare Management, 14(1), 280-289.

CHE Behavioral Health Services (2022). About CHE.

CHE Behavioral Health Services (2022b). Offering Outpatient Telehealth Therapy.

Crocker, A. M., Kessler, R., van Eeghen, C., Bonnell, L. N., Breshears, R. E., Callas, P., … &

Littenberg, B. (2021). Integrating Behavioral Health and Primary Care (IBH-PC) to improve patient-centered outcomes in adults with multiple chronic medical and behavioral health conditions: study protocol for a pragmatic cluster-randomized control trial. Trials, 22(1), 1-18.

Hills, W. E., & Hills, K. T. (2019). Virtual treatments in an integrated primary care-behavioral

health practice: An overview of synchronous telehealth services to address rural-urban disparities in mental health care. Medical Science Pulse, 13(3).

Reyes-Portillo, J. A., Chin, E. M., Toso-Salman, J., Turner, J. B., Vawdrey, D., & Mufson, L.

(2018). Using electronic health record alerts to increase safety planning with youth-at-risk for suicide: A non-randomized trial. In Child & Youth Care Forum (Vol. 47, No. 3, pp. 391-402). Springer US.

Salmond, S. W., & Echevarria, M. (2017). Healthcare Transformation and Changing Roles for

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In today’s fast-paced and global community, most organizations are faced with constant change. Research contemporary organizations that are currently responding to a significant change within the industry, such as disruptive technology; state, government, or industry regulations; environmental constraints; judicial or legislative rulings; etc.

Choose one organization from your research that has recently responded to major change, or is currently responding to change. Write a paper (1,250-1,500 words) discussing how well the organization is responding to the change dynamics. Include the following:

1. Describe the organization and the change to which it is responding.
2. Discuss the degree to which the change has been disruptive and how the organization has responded to the dynamics created by this change.
3. Evaluate the strategies the organization used in its change plan and determine the level of success the organization experienced with the strategies.
4. Determine the effect the change had on stakeholders, and to what degree stakeholders have resisted. Assess how well stakeholder resistance was addressed.
5. Evaluate the overall implications the change had on interdepartmental collaboration.
6. In your opinion, how well did the leaders of the organization respond and prepare for the change? What worked and what did not work with the strategies they implemented?
7. What modifications would you suggest the leaders of the organization make in order to better address the change dynamics? What additional strategies would you recommend to assist the organization through this change?

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