Capstone Project Paper

Capstone Project Paper

Capstone Project Paper

In recent years, various health concerns and complications have emerged as public health issues and crises. One of such health conditions is childhood obesity which has sharply risen in the recent past, with up to 5 % of children documented as obese as of the year 2015. More recent data indicates that 30 % of children in Europe are obese (Malacarne et al., 2022). Obesity has serious health implications, such as the onset of coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes. The implication is that interventions should be formulated to help solve the problem so that the children can have better health outcomes. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to explore childhood obesity as one of the health conditions impacting children. As such various aspects of the paper will be explored, including the PICOT question, the background, project description, results, and recommendations for nursing.

The PICOT Question

Among children living with obesity, what is the efficacy of an educational program based on nutrition and physical exercise guidance compared to the standard care on weight reduction within 12 weeks?

The Purpose

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The purpose of a project is key in the successful completion of the project as it lists the objectives to be achieved and outlines the focus of the project. Therefore, the purpose of this project is to decrease childhood obesity by educating children and parents on nutrition and physical exercise.


            As earlier highlighted, obesity has continued to be a major public health crisis. Indeed, from the center for disease control, obesity prevalence is 19.3%, and around 14.4 million children and adolescents are affected by the condition. While the prevalence among the 2 to 5 years is 13.4 %, these rates are even higher among the 12 to 19 years olds (21.2%)(CDC, 2021). Childhood obesity has been shown to be more prevalent among particular populations, such as individuals with poor economic backgrounds. There are known causes and risk factors for obesity, such as biological factors, socio-economic factors, and lifestyle factors. Specifically, these factors include hormonal aspects such as changes in the digestive hormones, genetic predisposition like family history, psychological stress, lack of physical activity, and consumption of poor diet (Padez et al., 2019).


The Project Description

Since the project was about childhood obesity, the project was designed with an intervention of offering school programs for children between the ages of five and twelve. This program entailed a 30 minute per day of moderate to vigorous physical activity and education on the importance of healthy eating. Various activities were undertaken one hour after school for three days a week. They included indoor/outdoor cardio activity-ex-kickball. Permission to acquire the weight of the children at baseline was sought, weight was weighed again at six months, and evaluation was performed. End-of-day quizzes were also administered to evaluate what had been learned.


            This project aimed at decreasing childhood obesity, and therefore, various results were anticipated. One of the anticipated results is a decrease in the weight of the children participating in the project. Weight loss is a direct indicator of managed obesity as higher weight and rapid weight gain is what lead to obesity. It is expected that the education program and inclusion of the thirty-minute per day of moderate to vigorous excise will help obese children to effectively lose weight. It is also anticipated that there will be improved child endurance. The impact of the program is also expected and anticipated to increase the number of students who want to participate in the program.

It is important to come up with the appropriate strategies for measuring the anticipated results. Some of the measurement tools used include an obesity risk assessment tool for young children validation with the nutrient and BMI values, which help determine if the participants have acceptable ranges of BMI. Another way of measurement is to weigh in as it will be key in determining the weight of the children at baseline and after the program. This will allow a pre-and post-intervention comparison to determine the extent of weight reduction, if any (Castro et al., 2020). Monthly and yearly evaluation is another measure strategy. This helps in determining the monthly impact of the program on the targeted population. Lowering the rates of childhood obesity using the school program is a targeted strategy in most schools as it also improves parental control over their children even when at work.


Obesity is among the conditions in the 21st century which have become a major public health concern and present serious economic and social challenges. As such, robust strategies should be implemented, such as the use of school programs to help cab the problem. Such school programs should focus on a healthy diet and physical activity promotion. These programs can go a long way into training the children to develop healthy eating and physical activity habits to enable them to contribute positively to the community. As such, this project would be a worthwhile project to improve patient outcomes.

Recommendation of Nursing

            This project is important in terms of health improvements. One of the more things that should be done in this project is to formulate standardized physical exercise programs for various age groups. This will make the project more applicable to the specific age group. It is important to incorporate health and nutritional education during school screenings. Such a step should be started as early as possible. Another recommendation is that further research should be done that compares early teachings to later life behavior changes.


Castro, E. A., Carraça, E. V., Cupeiro, R., López-Plaza, B., Teixeira, P. J., González-Lamuño, D., & Peinado, A. B. (2020). The effects of the type of exercise and physical activity on eating behavior and body composition in overweight and obese subjects. Nutrients12(2), 557.

CDC. (2021). Childhood obesity facts.

Malacarne, D., Handakas, E., Robinson, O., Pineda, E., Saez, M., Chatzi, L., & Fecht, D. (2022). The built environment as determinant of childhood obesity: A systematic literature review. Obesity Reviews23, e13385.

Padez, C. M. P., & Nogueira, H. G. D. S. M. (2019). Describing studies on childhood obesity determinants by Socio-Ecological Model level: A scoping review to identify gaps and provide guidance for future research. International Journal of Obesity43(10), 1883-1890.


The Christ College of Nursing and Health Sciences
BSN Program
Capstone Paper
Capstone Paper Instructions: Write a minimum of 850-word paper that summarizes your work by following the outline below. Utilize a Title Page. Use headings according to APA for II-VIII (2-8) below. Write according to APA and cite within your paper at least 3-5 evidence-based practice articles as references. Your paper will be graded according to the Writing Across the Curriculum Rubric (found in the ‘Rubrics’ link in Bb).
I. Title: Include on Title page per APA
II. PICOT question
III. Purpose (use the one from your poster).
IV. Background
a. Summarize your background information.
b. Include supportive evidence.
V. Project Description
a. What did you propose as your project?
b. Include supportive evidence
VI. Results
a. What results did you anticipate taking place?
b. What tool would you use to measure?
VII. Conclusion(s)
a. What outcome(s) did you anticipate based on supporting evidence?
b. What did you learn?
c. Would this be a worthwhile project to improve patient outcomes?
VIII. Recommendations for Nursing
a. Does any more need to be done for this project?
b. What are suggestions for improvement?
c. What can nursing learn from your project?
How to use Headings according to APA. Center each Heading and bold the Heading. Remember to double space throughout entire Capstone paper including reference page per APA guidelines. Include supportive references throughout the Capstone paper.
Do nurses who exercise at least 3 days a week experience a reduction in stress and anxiety and an increase in productivity when compared with nurses who do not exercise?
The purpose of this capstone paper is to …..elaborate
Project Description
Recommendations for Nursing


Christ College of Nursing and Health Sciences

Writing Across the Curriculum Rubric

Criteria Highly Proficient




Minimally Proficient Not Proficient
Purpose, Engagement, Audience Awareness and Content


Responds directly and thoroughly to prompt and meets needs of audience. Insights are rich, varied, moving or provoking. Engagement with topic/material is deep, reflective and richly detailed. Reader is absorbed, sits up and takes notice, feels illuminated.


Responds to prompt. Insights sufficient to give the reader something of real value. Engagement with topic/material is competent, addresses essential matters in some detail. Demonstrates audience awareness. Responds vaguely or inconsistently to prompt. Pedestrian and unremarkable insights are of limited value to reader. Engagement with topic/material is shallow, addresses obvious matters unreflectively. Only partially meets requirements of assignment, demonstrates limited audience awareness.


Does not respond adequately to prompt. Offers reader little or nothing of value. Lack of engagement with topic/material or engagement is superficial, overly general, with little or no detail. Demonstrates lack of audience awareness.
Focus and Clarity



Sharply focused with no superfluous material. Presents clear, definite, narrow thesis. Paragraphs connected with meaningful transitions. Topic sentences express controlling idea throughout paper. Clear and precise phrasing. Focused.  May contain superfluous material but not enough to obscure main ideas. Thesis relatively clear but falls somewhat short in sharpness and focus. Transitions and topic sentences effective but not as creative, varied and precise as in highly proficient papers. Occasional lapses in clarity of phrases.


Focus not consistently maintained. Main ideas somewhat obscured.  Thesis somewhat indefinite, fuzzy or too broad. Occasional lapses in connections and transitions cause confusion. Frequent distracting lapses in clarity of phrases. Focus not effectively established. Much superfluous material. Thesis unclear or absent. Ideas not clearly expressed or connected. Many phrases unclear or badly used.
Organization and Development



Very well organized. Amply developed. Topic fully and logically treated, ideas forcefully elaborated. Consistently logical flow of ideas within and between paragraphs. If appropriate, objections fairly noted, compelling counter-arguments offered. Fairly well organized. Sufficiently developed to convey and support ideas but not with great force. Logical flow of ideas within and between paragraphs apparent overall but occasionally lacking. If appropriate, objections noted, counter-arguments offered. Discernable organization, but rather mechanically executed. Thinly developed. Ideas only somewhat elaborated. Logical flow of ideas within and between paragraphs difficult to discern. If appropriate, objections are irrelevant, weak or vaguely expressed, with ineffective or inappropriate counter-arguments.


Flawed or no organization. Underdeveloped. No apparent logical flow of ideas within and between paragraphs. Argument fails to acknowledge objections.
Diction and Syntax



Word choice precise and powerful. Sentence structure varied and highly effective to express complex ideas and satisfy audience.


Word choice effective. Sentence structure effective, with less originality and variety than in highly proficient papers. Word choice only partially effective in precision, clarity, inventiveness or power. Ineffective sentence structures occasionally tax reader or impede reader’s understanding.


Frequent unclear word choice. Sentence structure often inadequate, awkward and incorrect.
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling


No serious grammar, punctuation or spelling errors and very few minor ones. Few serious errors in grammar, punctuation or spelling and several minor ones.


Frequent minor errors and more than a few major ones in grammar, punctuation or spelling. Frequent major errors in grammar, punctuation or spelling
Format/Style Requirements Follows exactly or almost exactly requirements specified by instructor for paper format and citation style.


Contains few errors in format and citation style. Numerous errors in format and citation style. Shows lack of awareness of format and citation style requirements.


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