Actual or Potential Barriers to Utilizing the Performance Measures and Proposing Some Solutions to Overcome the Barrier Essay

Actual or Potential Barriers to Utilizing the Performance Measures and Proposing Some Solutions to Overcome the Barrier Essay

Actual or Potential Barriers to Utilizing the Performance Measures and Proposing Some Solutions to Overcome the Barrier Essay

Performance measures are the regular measurements of outcome used in generating data. The data is used to derive effectiveness of a program in an institution. The complexity and the need of achieving these performance measures rely on the good management skills that would derive resources towards meeting its value (Regmi & Jones, 2020). This discussion will focus on actual or potential barriers to utilizing the performance measures and propose some solutions to overcome the barriers.

The first potential barrier to utilization of performance measures comes from leaders who mistake measurement for management. While many leaders would view performance measures as a measurement exercise, they do not realize that it is all about the feedback (Schmutz et al., 2019). Effective utilization of performance is about the things that aids in improving performance. Secondly, poor measures taken to receive the feedback from the clients would limit the organization from capturing the feeling and perception of the clients. A system that provides quantitative and qualitative data on the perception of employees would be effective in determining gaps within in the performance of a program in an organization.


The solution of these barriers starts from the management of an organization. The management needs to structure a system that allows employees to speak out their feeling about a program. This would imply that powers are given to the employees to capture the opinions of the clients and present them for effective change process within the system (Regmi & Jones, 2020). Besides, management needs to conduct benchmark activities in other institutions to learn effective means of utilizing performance measures. The utilization of performance measures in an organization often faces barriers such as ineffective leadership and a poor feedback data system. The solution of these barriers starts from changing leadership system and ensuring that employees gain enough training on the utilization of performance measures through activities like bench marking.

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Actual or Potential Barriers to Utilizing the Performance Measures and Proposing Some Solutions to Overcome the Barrier Essay

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Regmi, K., & Jones, L. (2020). A systematic review of the factors–enablers and barriers–affecting e-learning in health sciences education. BMC medical education20(1), 1-18.

Schmutz, J. B., Meier, L. L., & Manser, T. (2019). How effective is teamwork really? The relationship between teamwork and performance in healthcare teams: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ open9(9), e028280.doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-028280


Discuss actual or potential barriers to utilizing the performance measures and propose some solutions to overcome the barriers

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