1. Describe implementation theories, models, and frameworks as they relate to the practicum project. 2. Identify leadership strategies that are critical and effective to the implementation process. What theories, models, and/or frameworks would be useful in your project implementation? Describe them. Identify leadership strategies that are critical and effective to the implementation of your project.

1. Describe implementation theories, models, and frameworks as they relate to the practicum project.
2. Identify leadership strategies that are critical and effective to the implementation process.

What theories, models, and/or frameworks would be useful in your project implementation? Describe them.
Identify leadership strategies that are critical and effective to the implementation of your project.

The leadership practicum project entails implementing a team-building activity to enhance communication and relationship building among staff.  The project’s goal is to improve and create a positive, healthy environment, which will increase staff motivation and productivity as well as decrease burnout and staff turnover.  A model usually involves a purposeful simplification of a phenomenon or a specific element of a phenomenon.  On the other hand, a framework generally represents an overview, structure, outline, system, or plan and their connections that justify a phenomenon (Esmail et al., 2020).

Implementation of the practicum project can benefit from action models, which are process models that promote implementation by providing practical guidance in the planning and execution of the project’s strategies.  The Knowledge to Action (KTA) Framework is one of the action models that will be valuable in implementing the practicum project.  KTA is a conceptual framework to assist projects focused on knowledge translation to deliver sustainable, evidence-based interventions (Esmail et al., 2020).  The KTA framework has two components: Knowledge Creation and an Action Cycle, each encompassing multiple phases.


Process models describe and guide the process of translating research into practice.  The Iowa model is one of the process models that will guide the implementation of the practicum project.  The model is an application-oriented guide for the EBP process.  Besides, the Iowa model guides the steps that help identify issues, research solutions, and implement changes (Indriani et al., 2020).  In addition, Situated Change Theory will be useful in executing the project.  The theory suggests that change occurs in an evolving context, in which people adapt or metamorphosis as a result.  Given its strong association with the environment, change is gradual and significant rather than planned and deliberate (Indriani et al., 2020).  The Situated Change Theory can thus be used to guide the project’s implementation, which will bring change in the communication and relationships among staff.

Leadership strategies that are critical and effective to the implementation of the project include defining and communicating the project’s vision to all the stakeholders involved.  Communicating the vision will be crucial in bringing the team together under a common goal and ensuring that we are working together towards achieving the vision (Ali et al., 2021).  Another crucial leadership strategy is empowering the team members through delegation of duties, which will engage them in the project’s implementation (Ali et al., 2021).  In addition, appreciation of team members will be critical in implementing the project because it instills a sense of commitment and engagement among the members resulting in more outstanding results.


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1. Describe implementation theories, models, and frameworks as they relate to the practicum project. 2. Identify leadership strategies that are critical and effective to the implementation process. What theories, models, and/or frameworks would be useful in your project implementation? Describe them. Identify leadership strategies that are critical and effective to the implementation of your project.

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Ali, H., Chuanmin, S., Ahmed, M., Mahmood, A., Khayyam, M., & Tikhomirova, A. (2021). Transformational Leadership and Project Success: Serial Mediation of Team-Building and Teamwork. Frontiers in psychology12, 689311. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.689311

Esmail, R., Hanson, H. M., Holroyd-Leduc, J., Brown, S., Strifler, L., Straus, S. E., … & Clement, F. M. (2020). A scoping review of full-spectrum knowledge translation theories, models, and frameworks. Implementation Science15(1), 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13012-020-0964-5

Indriani, M. N., Thanaya, I. N. A., Astana, N. Y., & Yana, A. A. G. A. (2020). Conceptual framework of knowledge sharing and project team performance relationship in design and build project. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 419, No. 1, p. 012012). IOP Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/419/1/012012


Topic 13: Implementation
1. Describe implementation theories, models, and frameworks as they relate to the practicum project.
2. Identify leadership strategies that are critical and effective to the implementation process.

Topic 13 DQ 1
Assessment Description
What theories, models, and/or frameworks would be useful in your project implementation? Describe them.
Identify leadership strategies that are critical and effective to the implementation of your project.

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